"How to compare?"

Through the rear-view mirror in front of him, Hong Yi saw Little Loli's eyes rolling, and said maliciously:

"We close our eyes and count for three seconds, then take out the candy and compare it to see who has the most leftovers?"

Xiao Zhengtai tilted his head for a while and said, "Okay!"

The two closed their eyes together.

Hong Yi could only hear a crackling sound coming from Little Loli's mouth.

"Okay, you can open your eyes, and whoever has the most will give it to the one with the least!"

Xiao Zhengtai took the lollipop out of his mouth and said with a smile, "Hey, I licked it hard just now, that's all that's left, it's fast!"

Little Loli smiled, took out a bachelor stick from her mouth, and shook it in front of Xiao Zhengtai.

"I'm done eating!"

Saying that, he reached out and took Xiao Zhengtai's candy and stuffed it into his mouth with a look of enjoyment.


Hong Yi couldn't help but glanced at his mouth.


Smart and black-bellied little girl!


Downtown Los Angeles.

There were a lot of people on the street, people of all kinds of different skin colors gathered in piles.

Hongyi slowly parked the car on the side of the road.

Get out of the car.

The two little ghost figures slowly became transparent and floated out of the car window.

"It's near here!"

Hong Yi glanced down at the location on the phone map and nodded.

However, with only the name of a bar, you still need to ask passersby.

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi stretched out his hand and pulled the blonde girl standing beside him on the street.

Haven't waited to speak.

"Oh... God!"

"People from the East? Want to play? A 20-meter knife will do!"

Saying that, the blonde threw a wink at Hongyi, stretched out her hand and pulled the collar in front of her, and suddenly two...

Hong Yi hurriedly turned his head away, avoiding this white dazzling piece.

It is really……

"Wow... Follower, you see how big she is, do you think I will grow this big in the future?" Little Lolita floated beside Hong Yi's shoulders, staring in front of the blonde with big eyes with interest, and rushed to the small in surprise. Mrs. Zheng said:

"Isn't it uncomfortable to walk like this?"

Xiao Zhengtai frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "It shouldn't be! I remember that my aunt next door is also very big! It's okay to shake it hard every night!"

Hong Yi turned his head and glared fiercely at the two little ghosts.

Immediately, the two little ghosts closed their mouths tightly and stopped talking.

"Amitabha!" He then bowed slightly to the blonde in front of him, stretched out his hand to hold the phone screen in front of her, Hong Yi said with a smile:

"The poor monk is asking for directions... I wonder if the donor knows this place?"

Hearing that the monk in front of him was actually asking for directions, the blonde stretched out her hand to pull up her clothes without a word, and said angrily:

"I don't know...I don't know...Why don't you come to this street to play?"

"Time is tight, okay, don't delay my business!"


Suddenly seeing the monk in front of him pulling out a 100 rice knife from his bag, the blonde hurriedly took over the phone and looked at it carefully.

"The boss of the East, I know this place?"

"But I can't find a 100-meter knife!"

After the blonde finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and stuffed it in front of her... After a while, she took out a few crumpled money, and said embarrassedly.

Hong Yi took the phone and waved at her: "I'll give it to you, as long as I can bring the poor monk to this place!"

"Oh! God, God bless you!" When the blonde heard this, she hurriedly took the 100-meter knife in Hong Yi's hand and stuffed it into the two large... in front of her.

"This way... Boss!" The blonde smiled at Hong Yi, twisting the steps that Hong Yi thought was disrespectful to six relatives, and walked slowly like before.

"The generous boss of the East, are you really not playing?"

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