Nearby is a high-end villa area with a beautiful environment.

However, just after the supernatural incident occurred in the ancient palace, all the villa areas have been emptied by the government.

At this time, in the entire area, it can be said that there is no one except ghosts!

A group of people from the Supernatural Bureau walked slowly towards the gate of the palace along the periphery of the ghostly mist.

Hongyi brought 3 people here this time, Gu Heng, Qin Lan, and a new member named Mu Yu, who is said to be from the Huaxia Xiaoyao Preparatory Camp and is very powerful.

However, along the way, this new comrade was very shy and said very little.

After a while, Hong Yi and others came to the gate of the palace.

Looking at the huge vermilion door in front of him, thick ghostly aura kept wafting out of the door.

Hong Yi frowned.

Running the Spiritual Power of the Marrow Washing Sutra, the whole body began to emit a faint golden light, and the ghost energy around it melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Amitabha... The poor monk will start the live broadcast first!" He turned his head and said to the crowd.

Take out the fake drone from the backpack and activate it.

The system immediately connected to the live broadcast room.

The system cut off the last live broadcast on Nangu, and did not want to reveal the details of the corpse soldiers such as the King of Chu.

And since the last time, Hongyi has never started a live broadcast again.

All the water friends were filled with righteous indignation, but Hong Yi went to the United States and did not know the news.

After such a long live broadcast, the ordinary people in China are basically less afraid of supernatural events, especially the water friends who often hang out in the Hongyi live broadcast room, and they have a strange attitude towards ghosts.

"Amitabha! Water friends, long time no see?"

Hongyi greeted the live broadcast room.


【Who will slap me in the face!Tell me it's not true! 】

【This is true * missing persons return! 】

【Are you going to start the live broadcast again?Where the hell is wrong this time? 】

[Seeing the live broadcast of Master Hongyi now, my heart has no waves...]

【Fuck!Am I just watching TV?TV is connected to the live room? 】

[According to the old man's speculation, this time the ghost's strength should be very strong! 】

[Senior brother, why is the master not coming back? I have copied the Lotus Sutra 100 times. When can I go out and play ghosts! 】

[Upstairs, envy... has successfully become the identity of Master Hong's junior brother! 】

[Envy +1, if it wasn't for my grandson who is 2 years old, I would also like to be Master Hong's younger brother! 】


Sure enough, the barrage cannot be seen.

Hong Yi glanced at his mouth and continued:

"As for this live broadcast, it shouldn't be interrupted midway."

"The content of this live broadcast is: Supernatural live broadcast - exploring the ancient palace of Daqing!"

"I believe that the water friends of Qindu in the live broadcast room have also learned about it recently. Recently, there is a ghost who claims to be the Daqing Dynasty, and went to Qindu to occupy the palace, and he even said a word out of shame!"

"Keep your head but not your hair, keep your hair but not your head!"

"Today, the poor monk will lead everyone in to see how this arrogant ghost cuts the poor monk's hair!"

After speaking, Hong Yi came to the front of the scarlet palace.




Keep slamming the door.

"Open the door... Takeaway!"

"Check the water meter!"

"The community sends warmth!"

After shouting for various reasons, the door in front of him still did not respond.

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi said to the people behind him: "Go back, it seems that the poor monk can only use his lock-picking skills!"

"The Great Sun Tathagata..."

"Where's the takeaway?" Just as the golden light in Hong Yi's palm gathered, a hoarse voice came from inside the scarlet door.


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