There really is a ghost takeaway!

"The takeout is outside the door, what kind of takeout did you order?" Hong Yi walked to the palace gate and said softly:

"Report the last number of the mobile phone, and the poor monk will see if it's right!"

Suddenly, there was silence in the palace gate.

After a long while, there was a faint voice.

"What's the phone number? Is it the duty number? Mine is 7488!"

"Yes, Baba is so mad, that's right... Baba is about to die of anger! Open the door!" Hong Yi slammed the door a few times and shouted loudly.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were noisy again.

【Familiar feeling, familiar formula! 】

[Master, it's still so coquettish! 】

[The old man thinks that this ghost will be pissed to death... There is no need to do anything at all!Before opening the door, I recognized a Baba! 】

"Squeak... quack..."

There was a loud door opening.

A small gap opened in the scarlet palace door, and a black and blue hand stretched out.


Hong Yi took out a lollipop from his bag, stuffed it into his outstretched hand, and said with a smile:

" go back and eat well, can you open the door and let us in?"

"We're here to shave our heads!"

Sure enough, the ghost at the door slowly opened the door after hearing that it was coming to shave his head.

An elderly zombie soldier in cloth armor appeared in front of Hongyi and the others.

"Amitabha... The poor monk and others came to flee after realizing the call of the Daqing Dynasty... First meeting, good luck meeting! Good meeting!" Hong Yi took the hands of the old zombie soldier, and looked like he had seen his relatives, no Shaking stopped.

"You..." The zombie soldier was dizzy and dizzy after being shaken by Hong Yi, and the bones on his body were almost scattered!

"After I regained my senses, I took a careful look at the few people who came to flee in front of me.

Zombie soldiers are a little confused.

This person has no hair at all!

What kind of haircut are you going to shave!

Moreover, there is a woman coming... What is the woman going to shave?

"You are a monk, why are you shaving your head? The court doesn't want monks..." The zombie soldier pointed at Hongyi and said sternly:

"There's another woman... The day to choose a palace maid has not yet come. Moreover, this palace maid is too old to enter the palace at the age of 18... This is too old!"

"Don't...don't be impulsive! The poor monk is here!" Seeing that Qin Lan was about to get angry, Hong Yi hurriedly stopped her, glanced at Mu Yu, a new player next to him, and whispered:

"Don't talk, listen to the poor monk for a while, and make sure we can all get in. If you get in, it will take too much trouble!"

"Yes yes yes... This uncle said yes!" Hong Yi bowed at the zombie soldier, pointed at Mu Yu and said with a smile:

"Actually, the poor monks are all relatives of this little brother. This is not because they saw the information about the Daqing Dynasty on TV, so they came here specially."

"Poor monk, this little brother!"

"I've always longed for life in the palace, and I can't persuade me to live or die!"

"This time I came here specially to be able to enter the palace to serve the emperor!"

"Uncle still give me a chance. Besides, in today's society, there are not many people who can still yearn to be eunuchs in the palace, after all, aren't they!"

"How is it? Uncle?"

Mu Yu has been staring at the zombie soldier in front of him since Hong Yi whispered, beware of preparing to act once the talk collapses.

And after listening to Hong Yi's words, the whole person just froze in place, stunned!

What the hell!

Is it me that Hongdae said?

What am I longing to do in animal husbandry?Enter the palace as a eunuch?

Why am I going to the palace to be a eunuch?

Chapter 217 This old man is not bad, he will follow Zajia in the future...

Chapter 217 This old man is not bad, he will follow Zajia in the future!

"Don't run around, this palace is no better than the outside..."

The zombie soldier who was leading the way in front turned his head and said to the Hongyi people behind him:

"If something goes wrong, don't..."

"Amitabha! Uncle, don't worry, we are just worried that once we have to cut it for the poor monk, we are afraid that he will not be able to bear it! Let's take a look at it..." Hong Yi quickly lowered his head and said with a smile.

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