"Clap clap clap..."

"Clap clap clap..."

"Clap clap clap..."

"Are you awake?" Hong Yi said angrily.

Feeling the burning pain coming from behind, Youyou couldn't help laughing.

it is true!

This cute girl is not dead!

"Hahaha...you hit it twice...you hit it twice!"

Hong Yi saw that Youyou actually took his hand, patted it twice again, and couldn't help rubbing his bald head.


It's over!

This girl is an idiot!

"Yah, ah, ah..." At this moment, there was a frantic voice behind him, and Hong Yi turned his head to look.

I saw that the fat palace maid who was carried and thrown out by her just now ran in again with a grim expression.

"It's over to see if the old body pierces you or not!"

A big black awl kept waving in his hand.

Gu Heng and the others hurriedly hid in the house.

At first glance, this palace maid must also be a neurotic!

The fat palace maid stared at Hong Yi in front of Youyou, her eyes gloomy, her brows furrowed tightly, she slowly raised the big awl in her hand, and said with a savage smile:

"Dare to break into the cold palace privately... The old man will stab you to death on behalf of the emperor!"

"Ah... stab you to death!"


The fat palace maid with a ferocious expression took two steps forward and froze in place.

In front of the monk took out a strange tool from his bag, the fat palace maid looked at the awl in her hand and couldn't help swallowing.


I saw that she slowly started to retreat step by step, and the face that was still ferocious just now was full of horror at this time.

"Don't... I'm leaving now... I'm leaving now..."

"Ah ah ah... don't stab me!"

What a dog!

What is this monk holding in his hand?

Is it such an old awl?

If I pierce this old man, at most, there will be some blood. If you pierce it, you will pierce it directly!

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi held the big needle tube from the 736 hospital last time, smiled slightly, raised his eyebrows at the fat palace maid in front of him, and walked over slowly step by step.

"Isn't it going to kill a poor monk?"

"The poor monk also likes to stab people. Would you like to be fair? You stab the poor monk, and the poor monk stabs you?"

Biz with poor monks?

Poor monk, this tool can scare you to death!

Looking at the monk with a warm expression in front of her, the fat palace maid's face kept trembling, and she stepped back step by step.

"Don't come here...don't come here!"

"Help me...are there any guards!"

"Come on!"

The fat palace maid who was pushed to the wall couldn't help shouting loudly.

Hong Yi took a brisk walk and came to the fat palace maid.

She reached out and gently took the awl from her hand, looked down at it, and said with a smile:

"Amitabha, it's quite sharp!"

"Come... lie down."

Reached out and turned the fat palace maid over and pressed it against the wall.

"Put out a little..."

"Don't call! If the poor monk shakes his hand if you call... this will be troublesome!"

"Here it is!"

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