Hong Yi put the big needle slowly against the fat palace maid who was pouting...

Push hard!


"This fat donor, take it easy, with the needle in your hand, take it easy..."

"Come on, take a deep breath... take a deep breath..."

Hong Yi watched the needle go in and didn't move a little bit, he couldn't help beckoning at Mu Yu, who was stunned beside him, and shouted:

"You help the poor monk with a needle!"

"The poor monk took the hammer out..."

"What a poor monk, try to smash two hammers!"

Chapter 219 Blind your dog's eyes, see clearly this is new...

Chapter 219 Blind your dog's eyes, see clearly that this is the newly appointed Director Gu!

[Fuck... Master Hong with this big needle is actually carrying it with him? 】

[This Nima has pierced her ass! 】

[Horrible... terrifying! 】

[I can't stand it, the pain in the buttocks is piercing! 】

[Fat palace maid: What about taking a deep breath?Just hit it with a hammer? 】

[Master is not a master!Brothers are about to take notes, what should I do if the needle can't go in?Hit it with a hammer! 】


Hong Yi looked at the floating barrage, couldn't help but rushed to the live broadcast room and said with a smile:

"The poor monk is a difficult movement, you must not learn it!"

"Otherwise, if the ghost snatch it away, I'll give you a shot... tsk tsk!"

Looking down at the fat palace maid who was squatting in the corner as if being...

"Is it better?"

"Well, the poor monk has a question for you!"

The fat palace maid nodded blankly.

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi took out the map of the ancient palace and stretched out his hand:

"Give the poor monk a finger, where can you find this emperor of the Daqing Dynasty?"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty..." After hearing this, the fat palace maid pursed her lips tightly and turned her head to the side, looking as if she would not obey.

Hong Yi shook his head.

Guess that's it!

What the hell, what kind of **** soup has the emperor poured into these gangsters, all of them are so loyal?

After reaching out to send the fat palace maid on the road, Hong Yi turned his head and said to everyone:

"How to do?"

"Still no clue? Shall we go on?"


This is too difficult, where did this dog emperor sleep at night!

After the group came out of the cold palace, they followed the road at the door and then pocketed inside the palace.

Going around for a long time.

I also went in every palace I passed by, and there was not even a ghost.

Seeing that it was already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

This did not even see the shadow of the dog emperor.

"Amitabha, why don't we split up?" Hong Yi couldn't help but said:

"Everyone's mobile phones are on for positioning, how about contacting at any time?"

Gu Heng held the eunuch's hat and couldn't help nodding his head: "Okay, this way, the old man and Hongyi are together, you are together... Okay, let's go!"

"I think I should be with Hong Yi too..." Qin Lan said quietly, and hurriedly ran behind Hong Yi.

"Me too……"

"I think so! I'm not strong enough, I have to go with this big guy!"

Hong Yi looked at the few people running behind him, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief!

"Let's go! Shall we go for a walk together?"

"Has anyone been here before? I don't even know the road. When will we find out?"

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