Suddenly the atmosphere fell into silence.

Hong Yi glanced at a few people speechlessly, turned his head and walked forward.

Just after a few people turned a corridor.

Several people froze in place.


Is this to the back kitchen?

Only in a hall in front of me, the lights were bright at this time, and a row of small eunuchs squatted at the door, each holding various...


Where is this rotting corpse dug out from?

Pieces of rotten and smelly meat, several little eunuchs were still rinsing in the bucket next to them.

"Concubine Mei said just now that she will eat human flesh hot pot in a while... You all, wash them clean... Did you hear?" A fat eunuch with a big belly put his hands on his waist, looking arrogant. He looked like he kept shouting at the busy group of little eunuchs.

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pulled the unkempt old man beside him, and said viciously:

"Look at you bastard, chop wood faster, and use it in a hurry..."

"If it's so slow, chop it up, chop it up, stew it, it'll be hot!"

The old man glanced at him sideways, silently picked up a piece of firewood in front of him, stretched out his hand and split it with the palm of his hand.

"Why do I think that person is a little familiar?" Gu Heng leaned over to Hong Yi's side and whispered with a weird expression:

"Really familiar, look at that dress, is it a Taoist robe?"

Hong Yi rubbed his eyes, it was really dark, and the candles lit by these eunuchs didn't look very light.

However, after looking carefully for a while, it is indeed somewhat familiar.

"Come on, let's rehearse, Gu Heng is the chief eunuch inspecting, the poor monk is the little wife...cough...muyu is our captive, understand?" Hong Yi turned his head and said to the people behind him:

"Once you see the opportunity, you and Qin two don't go out, just hide here!"

"Is it all right?"

Seeing everyone nodded solemnly.

Hong Yi waved his hand and whispered, "Let's go!"

Immediately, Gu Heng adjusted his eunuch uniform, took the steps of a gentleman, and took the lead to turn out of the corner.

Hong Yi hurriedly stretched out his hand and dragged Mu Yu out from behind the wall.

"Stop... Where did you come from? This is the important place of the imperial kitchen, and the idle people can't wait to get close!" The fat eunuch saw Gu Heng and three people walking from the wall, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop the three, and said angrily:

"Are there any rules? Ah!"

Gu Heng pulled his old face and was about to say hello with a smile.


I saw Hong Yi jumped out directly behind him, jumped up and circled his palms and slapped the fat eunuch.


The fat eunuch let out a loud drink.


Hong Yi turned his hands together and kept pumping.

"Poor...Bah, I think you are bold!"

"This is our director Gu, the eunuch director appointed only today, blind your dog eyes, take a good look..."

Hong Yi rubbed his palms and pointed at Gu Heng with the expression of a villain.

At this time, the fat eunuch in front of him was slapped by Hong Yi, and he only felt that his eyes were staring, and the world was spinning.

who am I?

where am I?

who beat me?

What did this little eunuch just say, this is the head of the eunuch?Chief Gu?

When was the eunuch chief appointed today?

"Did you see clearly? Don't open your eyes next time, poor...Bah, I'll beat you to death!"

The fat eunuch who had reacted hurriedly bowed his head and nodded, and kept ingratiating himself:

"This... The villain came to the Qin capital with the sage, and has been busy in this imperial kitchen. I really don't know about the appointment of this ancient director."

Saying that, he stretched out his hand and slapped himself twice.

He took out two silver ingots from his bag and said cautiously:

"This is a little bit of the villain's intention, and I also ask Director Gu to accept it..."

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