"Da da da da da..."

"Da da da da da..."

"Da da da da da..."

The golden-yellow spiritual power instantly enveloped the silver Gatling in front of him.

The heavy Gatling cannon in Hong Yi's hand, driven by the golden spiritual power, turned frantically. If the arms dealer who sold the weapons to Hong Yi was present, he would definitely be surprised.

The speed is too fast!

The fired bullets poured out one by one, and the smell of gunpowder filled the air.

Gu Heng's hands holding the bullet kept shaking.

He looked at the barrel of the Gatling gun beside him with a look of horror.

The special silver-white gun barrel is starting to turn red at this time. Is this the temperature is too high?

Since the shooting, Hong Yi couldn't see clearly, his whole body started to tremble along with his hands, and bursts of gray gunpowder smoke obscured his eyes.


There was a sound of the empty shell of the firearm, and Hong Yi couldn't help but pulled the trigger a few more times.

He turned his head and looked beside Gu Heng.


It's too fast, one minute at all?

The poor monk has bought thousands of rounds of ammunition, and all of a sudden it's gone?

But what about the power?

Hong Yi hurriedly left Gatling, stood up and glanced in front of his eyes, and was immediately stunned!

I saw that as long as I could see the place in front of me, a zombie soldier was gone.

The ground was densely covered with a thick layer of black flesh.

What the hell!

This power... is invincible!


If you encounter more than a thousand ghosts in the future, just take out this Gatling and sweep it away...


However, the only downside is that this Great Qing Dynasty is really poor and pitiful!Nothing explodes!

Taking a deep breath, Hong Yi slowly walked down the steps.

Carefully avoid the pieces of rotten minced meat.

Looking at the demented emperor in the dragon robe, Hong Yi walked over.

"Ah..." He reached out and patted his shoulder, shook his head and said:

"I'm so sorry, the poor monk didn't expect to be so powerful..."

"It's not easy to raise these soldiers, isn't it?"

Dragon Robe Emperor: "..."

Listen...this monk is really understanding!

If it weren't for you, would my soldiers be like this?

This is all the belongings in my grave...

Woohoo...Is Daqing going to die?

Hong Yi stretched out his hand to pull up the Emperor Longpao, and waved at the equipment in the live broadcast room.

"Amitabha, water friends... In today's society, the emperor is a rare species. The poor monk plans to bring this emperor back. How about an exclusive interview with the emperor tomorrow night?"

Suddenly, the live broadcast room was full of jubilation.

[Hahahaha... The emperor's exclusive interview, yes, it's very popular! 】

【Are you really okay with this?He is an emperor after all! 】

[It would be even better if you could come to some secret history of the emperor, such as three thousand beauties in the harem...]

[Upstairs, you are so dirty, I like it! 】

【What do you group of old drivers think?What this old man wants to know is very simple, can I ask the emperor tomorrow night to talk about what it feels like to be on a snake! 】

【Fuck!The same question... I also want to know how it feels to be Xu Xian! 】


Watching a group of old drivers start racing, Hongyi decisively closed the live broadcast in his mind.

On the snake?

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