Amitabha, just think about the picture...

"You..." After the Emperor Longpao heard Hong Yi's mocking words, his whole body trembled with anger.

If it weren't for you!


"This master, can you discuss it, I am also the honor of the ninety-five..."


Hongyi's direct backhand is a slap in the face!

Holding the collar of the dragon robe with one hand, he lifted the emperor in front of him, and said expressionlessly:

"Don't keep following the poor monk... It's already the 21st century, okay?"

Having said that, he took out his mobile phone from his bag and shook it in front of the Emperor Longpao.

"Do you know? It's already a high-tech era, and you Daqing are dead!"

"Tomorrow night, you'd better cooperate with the poor monk, otherwise..."

"Xitian guides the way, let's understand, the physics is over... it hurts!"

After listening to this, the Emperor Longpao was silent!

After a long while.

"I am willing to tell you the treasures of the Daqing Dynasty... Can you let me go?"

Hongyi: "..."


There are still treasures in the Daqing Dynasty?

The corner of Hongyi's mouth showed a disdainful smile: "Perhaps you don't know the strength of the poor monk... The poor monk just got some oil from the Middle East... What kind of fun can you have in the Qing Dynasty?"

"Hundreds of thousands of silver notes!"

"Fuck! Did the tower read it? So much?" Hong Yi was shocked when he heard it!

Tower reading?

What the hell?

The dragon robe emperor was stunned.

"Bang!" Hong Yi glanced at his appearance and kicked him over!

What's the use of the poor monk!

Chapter 226 Something happened to the live broadcast company! (1 more)

Chapter 226 Something happened to the live broadcast company!

In a quiet factory on the outskirts.

Under a dim light.

The Emperor Longpao stared blankly at the little monk who was constantly busy in front of him.

Isn't it a good interview?

Just tie yourself to a pole?

Did you have an interview like this?


Hong Yi smiled and glanced at the emperor in the dragon robe whose upper body was tied to the pillar, then turned his head and said to the live broadcast room:

"Friends of the water, the poor monk is about to start..."

As he said that, he picked up a small microphone from the table, handed it to the Emperor Dog, and grinned:

"Your Majesty, can you tell everyone what it's like to be an emperor?"

There was a deadly silence.

"His Majesty?"

Still silent.

Hong Yi turned around silently, picked up the big awl snatched from the fat palace maid, and slowly pressed it against the emperor's chest.

"Is it so tough?"


Sure enough, the Emperor Longpao took a deep breath and said slowly:

"I... No, I've never been an emperor!"

Hongyi: "..."

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