What did the dog emperor say?

Never been king?

"Amitabha" stretched out his hand and slowly pushed the awl an inch, and Hongyi said with a gloomy expression:

"Do you think the poor monk is a fool? Do you want to deceive the poor monk with such a simple question? Huh?"

The dragon robe emperor glanced at the awl that was immersed in his body in horror, and said cautiously:

"This... I haven't ascended the throne yet, this Great Qing Dynasty is dead!"

"I can only live the emperor's addiction in the tomb..."

"What I'm saying is true!"

What a poor monk... After a long time, he turned out to be an emperor who did not ascend the throne.

Besides, what the hell, you, a person who has never been an emperor, came to Qin Du to be so arrogant?

"The second question, this question was voted by the water friends, you can answer this after thinking about it..." Hong Yi gave Emperor Dog an angry look, and then asked the second question.

"After voting, the questions that the water friends are most interested in are..."


What kind of water friends are these?

Is it really good to ask such a **** question?

"Everyone wants to ask you, how did you make peace with a snake?"

Dragon Robe Emperor: "..."

In the end, Hongyi did not answer this question.

Because of a problem in the live broadcast room.

Just when the Emperor Longpao was about to speak, the live broadcast in Hongyi's mind began to freeze, not the kind of jammed crowded, but...

There are more people on the screen of the special live room!

[Fuck... How do I feel that Master Hong on the screen has long hair while watching the live broadcast?And laugh so terribly? 】

[Same as above, now I'm full of laughter in my earphones, so scary! 】

【What's going on here?Master Hong? 】

【Has it been attacked by hackers?Why does it feel so scary? 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 】


Hongyi quickly took out his mobile phone and opened his live broadcast room, and sure enough...

A Specter dressed in red was lying on the live broadcast screen, with his mouth cracking and grinning wickedly.

Could it be that the company at station B has a problem?

While Hongyi was staring at the screen of his mobile phone, the phone rang.

After connecting.

The eager voice of Li Ping, the president of Station B, rang out;

"Is it Hongda? Something went wrong. The science and technology park in Qindu was occupied by a red ghost, and there were strange laughter in all the live broadcast rooms, and several anchors have committed suicide strangely..."

"Amitabha, this Specter is now in the Qindu Science and Technology Park?" Hong Yi asked in a deep voice.

"Yeah...yes...a lot of people will start killing people uncontrollably...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah's people... There's a lot of grimace floating in the sky, Master, hurry up!"

The call was interrupted at this point.

What's up with this lately?

Is it because the poor monk hasn't come back to the Qin capital for too long?How dare one by one go to Qindu to cause trouble?

"This emperor, time is running out, this interview is over, the poor monk needs to go back quickly..." Hong Yi walked quickly to the emperor Longpao and said eagerly:

"The poor monk will be quicker to start, you can bear it... it will be fine soon!"

The Emperor Longpao looked at the little monk in front of him with a dazed expression.

What kind of old man is still brewing how to answer your question?

Are you going to send me on the road?

Is there a bit of humanity?

The spiritual energy in Hong Yi's hands kept gathering, and the golden rays of light shot out one after another. He looked up at the terrified emperor in the dragon robe, and Hong Yi gave him an apologetic smile.

"The Great Sun Tathagata Palm..."

"Yi Yang refers to..."

"One more palm..."

After a while, the Emperor Longpao set off with an unwilling face.

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