"Bah...bah, cough...cough..."

The ghost catcher hurriedly reached out and pulled out the candle in his mouth, and couldn't help but crawled on the ground and coughed desperately.

"Have you finished coughing?"

Hongyi stretched his legs and kicked him, and said angrily:

"After coughing, the poor monk asks you a question..."

"Ah ah ah ah... I will kill you!"

I saw the ghost catcher's long tongue sticking out, roaring angrily, his pale hands pinched straight towards Hong Yi's neck.

Immediately after...

Hong Yi frowned, pulled his hat with one hand, reached out to pick up the candle on the ground, turned back and shouted at the two brothers at the door.

"Is there a lighter?"

"Come here and light up!"

Xiong Er shivered, took out the lighter from his pocket, and ran to Hong Yi's side quickly.

Hong Yi looked at the green candle in his hand, smiled and nodded.

"Don't..." The ghost catcher looked at the monk with a smirk, and couldn't help shaking his whole body.

"It's okay...open your mouth!"

Hong Yi smiled at him, and directly put the candle into the ghost's mouth again.

"Don't be too tight... or the poor monk will order..."

The ghost's eyes kept turning white, and his hands were tightly squeezed together.


Seeing that it was almost time, Hong Yi stretched out his hand and slapped the candle directly into his mouth, jokingly said:



The Xiong brothers, who were standing beside them, couldn't help swallowing.

This is too cruel!

No wonder people are big bosses!

This shitty technology...just never seen it before.

At this meeting, the two brothers finally understood that the monk in front of him was no doubt the leader of the spiritual live broadcast world, Hong Yi!

Just this method of abusing ghosts... I can't find a second one on the entire Internet!

After a few minutes.

The ghost was like an overly frightened girl, clasping her hands tightly to her chest, looking at the monk standing in front of her with a horrified expression.

This monk is simply not human!

What made Lao Tzu swallow a candle alive!

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi circled around the ghost for two times, then turned his head to look at Xiong Da and Xiong Er next to him.

Suddenly, a bold idea came to mind!


Hong Yi reached out and took off the ghost catcher hat and said with a smile.

After listening to the ghost, the face changed greatly, and the voice trembled and said:

"This... this is not good! I..."

"Well?" Hong Yi saw that his face was embarrassed, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

The ghost catcher pursed his lips tightly, and began to unbutton the buttons in front of him with trembling fingers.


A few seconds later, the topless ghost catcher stood blankly on the spot.


What's so special about this monk even taking off his pants!

So many people!


He reached out and slowly pulled down the white shroud.

The ghost picker had an expression of wanting to cry but no tears, seeing that the monk in front of him hadn't even shouted to stop.

Silently reach out and hook the only boxer pants left inside, don't go too far!

Take a deep breath.

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