
Straight up again.

Hong Yi looked at the shroud and trousers in his hand, and kept gesturing on himself.

Also, quite suitable!


You can send this ghost picker on the road!

However, the moment he raised his head, Hong Yi suddenly became angry!

The ghost in front of me turned out to be **!

What is this doing?


Hong Yi frowned, the golden light shot out of his hand, and he slapped the ghost in front of him to death with one palm.

Acting like a hooligan!

Damn it!

Slowly putting on the ghost's clothes, Hong Yi smiled at the two bear brothers next to him.

"Do you look like a poor monk?"

The two brothers Xiong Daxiong looked at the splendid monk smiling in front of them, and were immediately stunned!

What are you going to do?

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi walked slowly to the two of them, glanced at the live broadcast equipment in Xiong's second-hand, and said with a smile:

"Look at how many fans you have?"

Xiong Erleng glanced at the popularity of the live broadcast room, and said a little embarrassedly:

"Uh... this will be 18 people online..."

Hongyi reached for the live broadcast equipment, glanced at the room number, and nodded.

"System, release a news, tonight's live broadcast room number 86754, the name of the live broadcast room: 'Double Bears Detective Lingji', it is said that the poor monk will broadcast live in this live broadcast room tonight, fans who watch can come over..."

"Ao, let's add one more sentence, tonight will be live broadcast to explore the spirit - the small underworld!"

After the system sends out the dynamic.

Hong Yi circled around the two brothers a few times and kept shaking his head.


The clothes are not shrouds, and there is no blood on the body...

I don't know if I can get past it.

That's right!

Hong Yi intends to let the two brothers pass by pretending to be ghosts, and seeing the appearance of the soul receiver just now, I'm afraid it's not easy to get into this place directly.

After all, the system task is to explore!

If you break in hard, terror is a little troublesome!

It's not that I'm afraid that I won't be able to fight, I'm mainly worried that if the ghost runs away!

Xiong Er looked at the monk who kept circling around him, and he kept muttering in his heart.

"Master... it's getting late, our brothers... why don't we leave?"

Xiong Da took a step forward and said cautiously.

Hong Yi waved his hand and asked with a smile:

"Do you want fire?"

The brothers looked at each other after hearing this, not understanding what the monk meant.

"The poor monk can make you two angry, but the poor monk has a request..."

"What?" After hearing this, Xiong Er exclaimed and said quickly:

"Really? Master, you can ask, our brothers... As long as you can fire, you can eat shit upside down!"

"Yes..." Xiong Da was not to be outdone, and his chest was also slapped.

"As long as you can catch fire and earn a million a month, let alone eating shit upside down, you can poop upside down!"

Hongyi: "..."


Fighting so hard for fire?

Is being an internet celebrity really so popular?

"Okay..." Hong Yi nodded with satisfaction, and then said:

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