"It's not that earth-shattering, the poor monk just needs two to accompany the poor monk for a walk..."

"It's very simple... By the way, the poor monk has already issued an announcement!"

"Now you can see how many people are in the live broadcast room..."

Chapter 235 Is this a Jiaolong? (2 more)

Chapter 235 Is this a Jiaolong?


Xiong Er glanced at the live broadcast room, and was immediately startled by the group of barrages.

【Where is Master Hong? 】

[The army of monks has arrived, where are the people? 】

[Even quietly ran to someone else's live broadcast room to broadcast live?And you said that these three people, in the middle of the night, in the wilderness, do they have some hidden secrets?funny! 】

[That's right, I wonder if the three of them have any CP transactions? 】

[Did no one find the name of this live broadcast room very strange? 】


Xiong Er looked at the number of people who kept skyrocketing, and couldn't help his Adam's apple twitching.

How many people came in here?

Just a little while longer, this is 100 million people?

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi came to the two brothers' live broadcast equipment, reached out and greeted the live broadcast room.

"Friends of the water, the poor monk is in a hurry tonight, just watch it..."

After finishing speaking, he took out a small knife from his bag and said to the two brothers who were still watching the live broadcast room dumbfounded:

"Come on, let some blood..."

Xiong Er was watching the barrage in the live broadcast room, and after hearing Hong Yi's words, he directly waved his hand and said:

"You let it go..."

"Hehe, what this brother said is really interesting, brother, take a look..."

"Yo, someone brushed a plane...Fuck, it's 500 for one..."

Hong Yi pursed his mouth, silently picked up the knife in his hand, and slashed on Xiong Er's arm.

Reached out a little blood and wiped it on his face!

"Master, what did you touch me?"

Feeling a warm liquid on his face, Xiong Er couldn't help but reach out and touch it and take a look in front of him.

"Fuck... why is there blood?"

"Master, you..."

Looking at Hong Yi's eyes, he saw blood pouring out from one of his arms, and he was dumbfounded!

"Amitabha, come... Xiong Da also wipes it off, pretending to be a little like..."

After dressing the two brothers.

Satisfied, Hong Yi picked up the lantern on the ground and walked slowly towards the bridge by the river.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

In the dark, the sound of the water is very fast.

The whole bridge is made of wooden planks, and the head can't be seen at a glance.

Hongyi jumped onto the bridge first.

"Squeak... Squeak!"

Immediately, the wooden board under his feet began to shake.

"Come up..."

He stretched out his hand for the two brothers to come up.

The three of them held the rope and slowly moved forward.


When they were in the middle of the bridge, there was a sudden screeching sound of teeth grinding.

"Brother, are you grinding your teeth again?"

Xiong Er couldn't help pulling Xiong's big clothes and whispered:

"Stop grinding, it's pretty scary in the middle of the night!"

"Fuck... I didn't grind it!" Xiong Da had a blank expression.

"Ah...that is?"

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