Fear Level: King

Fear: 2600000

Features: During her lifetime, it was Princess Daqin's favorite face. She served around the palace all day long. After turning into a ghost, it absorbed the Yin Qi of the thousand-year-old tomb, and her strength skyrocketed to the level of a monarch. It should not be underestimated!

(Note: Don't say that he has done a face-to-face job, this is a man's pain, remember!)

King-level ghost!

So far, this should be a ghost with the highest fear level displayed by the system.

As for the Ghost Devouring Emperor, I am afraid it should be at this level.

Kind of awesome!

I don't know if the poor monk is an opponent.

Hong Yi silently glanced at the super value on the panel, and then remembered that before obtaining the Yi Jin Jing, the Sui Su Jing could no longer be upgraded, and the skills had also been upgraded to the full level!

How to do this?

Are you going to pretend?

"Why not choose the path of reincarnation?"

Xiao Yan Luo put down the sword in his hand, looked up at the bald little monk standing in His Highness, and couldn't help asking again.

Hong Yi raised his head and glanced at him, only to see that his eyes were cold, and a strong coercion covered the entire hall.

"Amitabha, there are two friends behind the poor monk... Wait for them to be together!"

No way, Hong Yi can only make up random words.

"Yo...Brother, you look at this Hell King's Palace, it's really impressive... Heh, is the Hell King sitting on it? So young? He doesn't even have a beard?" At this time, Er Xiong walked in carelessly, not Stop in amazement.

"Well, it's really majestic! These wells should have been reincarnated. As for the one sitting on it..." Xiong Da looked up, shook his head and said:

"I remember that there was a painting of the King of Hell at the master's place at that time. It didn't look like this!"

Xiong Er nodded in agreement.

"Brother, I also think that this one is too white. I remembered it. Do you remember that there is a cowherd in Xiaohong, is it a bit like this guy?"

"Hey... don't say it, it's really a bit similar. I heard that the cowboy has recently been listed as a rich woman, and he can't get on the class! The luxury car picks up all day long, it's really popular!" Xiong Da's eyes lit up, no Pausing his head, he said:

"Long little white faces are good. Look at our brothers... We only earn more money by dealing with dead people all day long. The effect of eating Liuwei Dihuang Pills will make us work hard for a year!"



The two brothers glanced at Xiao Yan Luo, who was sitting in the upper position, and sighed at the same time.

"Yeah... Boss, what's wrong with you? Why are you frowning so tightly? Look at the blue veins on the forehead, and your stomach hurts?" Xiong Er came to Hong Yi, glanced at it, and couldn't help it. exclaimed.

Hong Yi reached out and rubbed his forehead, letting out a deep breath.

Poor monk this...

What the hell, are you brothers spies sent by someone else?

Have you secretly watched the poor monk system?

Why can't you say anything, what do you say?

What to do now?

"Haha..." Hong Yi raised his head and smiled awkwardly at Xiao Yan Luo in the main hall, teasing:

"The words of these two brothers can't be taken seriously. They are praising His Highness and his whiteness..."

"Yes, it is to praise His Highness for his long whiteness, so girls like it!"

How to edit it down!

Hong Yi stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head. Seeing that the fingers of the little Yan Luo in front of him began to shake slightly, he hurriedly said again:

"The poor monk also thinks that His Royal Highness Xiao Yanluo is really a good-looking talent, and he is dignified. Otherwise, how could the princess die and bring you to the tomb, right?"

Saying that, he reached out and hit Xiong Er.

"Look at what nonsense you are talking about, the dignified little Yama, how many years have you served the princess, how can you compare with the Cowherd?"

"The Cowherd family still collects money anyway, how could this little Yama wait for the princess to collect money?"

After speaking, he smiled slightly at Xiao Yan Luo in the hall, folded his hands together, and bowed in a salute.

"That... How does Your Highness Xiao Yanluo think the poor monk praised?"

Chapter 248 Don't go too far! (3 more)

Chapter 248 Don't go too far!


Xiao Yan Luo had a gloomy face and waved his hand.

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