Immediately, Hongyi felt an air current like a giant wave blowing towards him.

The spiritual power of the body washes the marrow in an instant.



The huge wave of ghostly energy wrapped Hongyi and directly hit the wall column next to him.

Hong Yi, who slid down after hitting the pillar, then patted the dust on his body and smiled at Xiao Yan Luo.

"Amitabha... Donor, is it a bit too much?"

"The poor monk kindly praised you, don't know what your surname is?"

"Are you at your level?"

Saying that, Hong Yi directly slapped it with a palm, the golden-topped Buddha lantern slowly emerged from behind, and the colorful glazed swords slowly gathered and formed.


The colorful glazed knife slashed down instantly.


Hong Yi looked at Xiao Yan Luo who held the glazed knife in his hand with one hand, and couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth.

Is the difference really that big?

The poor monk does not believe in evil!

"The Great Sun Tathagata's Palm - Wanhua Golden Dragon Capture!"

With another roar, the golden Buddha dragon came out through his body, his body flashed like gold, and he rushed towards Xiao Yan Luo in an instant.

"'s interesting!"

Xiao Yan Luo smiled playfully, the ghost energy in his hand kept gathering, and he shot it out with one palm.

Two different colored spiritual powers collided constantly over the hall.

For a time, the entire hall began to shake slightly.

All kinds of ghost qi, Buddha qi kept overflowing!

Hongyi's chest kept rising and falling, his eyes fixed on Xiao Yan Luo.

This is definitely one of the toughest monsters I've encountered so far!

Unexpectedly, there is no way to do the two types of supernatural powers of the Great Sun Tathagata's Divine Palm.This is so hard!

It seems that the poor monk can only outsmart it!

Hongyi has always been used to it, and it is a bit unaccustomed to need to outsmart it suddenly!

"Clap clap clap..."

Hong Yi smiled heartily and clapped his palms.

"Amazing... I didn't expect Xiao Yanluo to be so strong, no wonder he can control the entire small underworld!"


Xiao Yanluo snorted coldly, got up slowly, stepped on his feet, and instantly came to Hongyi, sneeringly said:

"Today, I will throw you all into the animal realm and add food to my Daqin soldiers!"

"Amitabha!" Hong Yi put his hands together, lowered his head and took a deep breath, raised his head instantly, and said sincerely:

"Today, the poor monk's skills are not as good as others, how about the poor monk willing to join Xiao Yan Luo's command?"

"The poor monk is sincere, and he is really convinced by the strength of Xiao Yanluo!"

Saying that, Hong Yi pulled the backpack away.

He took out a few grenades from the bag and stuffed them into Xiao Yan Luo's hands with a reluctant expression.

"This is a magic weapon made by the poor monk's master for the poor monk. It has a miraculous effect on the enemy. Today, the poor monk..."

"Alas... The poor monk will be Xiaolangjun's person in life, and will be Xiaolangjun's ghost in death!"


Xiao Lang Jun snorted coldly, and slapped Hong Yi directly with one palm.

Hong Yi took a deep breath, got up from the ground again, and walked to Xiao Yan Luo again with a helpless expression.

What, it doesn't work?

Too hard to be a poor monk!

Execute the next plan!

"Okay... Since Xiao Yan Luo doesn't look down on the poor monk, the poor monk can only use the strongest trick!" Hong Yi looked solemn and slowly took two steps back.

"If Xiao Yan Luo can still catch this move, then the poor monk... throws directly into the beast path on the spot!"

"Yan Luojun, look at the trick!"

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