"I didn't expect it... Hahaha... Let's see where you can run this time..."

Xiao Yan Luo's face was gloomy, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at Hong Yi.

For a while, the entire city gate fell into silence.


Hong Yi didn't speak yet, only to see the ghost Little Loli standing up first,

Little Loli picked up a grenade on the ground, pulled the lead, and threw it directly with her arms.

Xiao Yan Luo stared at the black metal flying over and stretched out his hand.

Immediately, a mass of black ghostly energy shot out of his hand, and in the blink of an eye, the grenade was wrapped and shot directly at Hong Yi.


Hongyi pulled up the little loli and hurriedly ran the magic power, and jumped out directly.


With a loud bang, Hong Yi looked at Gatling, which had become a pile of tatters, and couldn't help but gloomy.


The poor monk's tens of thousands of soft sister coins!

Just like that?

"What else is there..."

At this moment, I saw Xiao Yan Luo lingering with ghostly energy, and his body slowly floated up.

Xiao Yan Luo, who was standing in the air, smiled coldly and said:

"Today... the master must rip you out of the cramp..."


I saw him shouting loudly, and a ball of black ghost air kept spinning in his palm.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

At the critical moment, only a hearty laughter was heard, followed by a golden long sword falling from the sky in an instant.

Then a white-haired old man slowly walked out from the gray fog in the distance.

Followed by a group of young men and women serving the same.

"Old man Rong, let me introduce myself, I am the head of the Huiyue Sect, the sword master of Huiyue..."

Chapter 254 It turned out to be a person from the supernatural bureau! (1 more)

Chapter 254 It turned out to be a person from the supernatural bureau!


Suddenly a whimper.

Hong Yi turned around and looked.


I saw a group of people walking out behind the old man again.

It turned out to be a person from the Qin Du Lingyi Bureau.


Hongyi took the little loli and greeted the two brothers Xiong Daxiong and walked over quickly.

"Why are you here?"

"How do you..."

Hong Yi looked at Qin Lan, Gu Heng, and the others, and couldn't help touching their bald heads.

I didn't understand the situation for a while!

I came from a small underworld.

Could it be that he is back in Qindu now?

"Didn't you go to that Sichuan Capital? When did you come back?" Qin Lan glanced at Hong Yi and couldn't help but ask.

"Oh...that's a long story!"

Hong Yi waved his hand and slowly explained the passage to the crowd.

"This little underworld says that it can be reincarnated, but it's actually false. It's just tricking all kinds of souls to come to Qindu, and then..."

"Fuck..." Gu Heng couldn't help but swear after hearing it.

"Let's just say why there are frequent supernatural events in this place recently, so that's what happened!"

Qin Lan then pulled Hong Yi aside and whispered:

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