"After you left, the first emperor's mausoleum in the capital of Qin began to be haunted. All kinds of Qin figurines disappeared inexplicably. Even in the middle of the night, someone saw that a group of Qin figurines walked into the first emperor's mausoleum by themselves."

"The Mausoleum of the First Emperor is one of our treasures in China. Our Spirituality Bureau discovered it immediately and reported it."

"It's not..."

Saying that, Qin Lan secretly pointed to a group of men and women in robes beside him, and then said:

"No, the above arranged for these people to come."


Hong Yi came to Qin Lan's ear and asked in a low voice:

"Who is this? A Taoist priest? The poor monk doesn't look like it! Why is he wearing an ancient robe?"


Qin Lan pulled him a few steps away from behind and whispered:

"You haven't been here for the past two days. Many big things have happened in Huaxia. Some ancient sects have begun to be born. This Huiyue Sect is one of them. It is said that the old man claims to be a living 'Sword Immortal', and his strength is not trivial!"

"Moreover, I heard that this old man is still one of the top leaders of the Spirituality Bureau, but he has never been born!"

Hong Yi couldn't help turning his head to look at the white-haired old man standing proudly in front of the team.


In a white robe and white hair, he has the aura of a sword fairy!

'what?Who is this little girl?So cute...' Suddenly Qin Lan saw the little loli next to Hong Yi, couldn't help but reached out and squeezed her cheek, and said with a smile:

"Where did you get such a little girl!"

The ghostly little loli, whose face was pinched, frowned tightly.

He reached out and touched Qin Lan's back.

"Yeah... this kid..."

Qin Lan felt that her back was being grabbed, and suddenly exclaimed.

"Hee hee, uncle... It's very uptight... It must be very comfortable to fight!" Little Loli took Hong Yi's hand and raised her head with a smirk:

'Would you like to try it...'

Hongyi: "..."

He pulled open the backpack and threw the little loli directly into it.

This kid is really...

Hong Yi touched his bald head and smiled awkwardly:

"This... a ghost brought back by the poor monk from the United States, let's not talk about this, are you here today?"

"I came in from the First Emperor's Mausoleum today. Countless ghosts were destroyed along the way. We didn't know that the space under the Emperor's Mausoleum was so big, and we couldn't see a ghost after walking for a long time. I heard the explosion just now and drove away. Come here, I didn't expect it to be you!"

Qin Lan said slowly.

After Hong Yi listened, he nodded.

at this time.

"The sword is coming..."

Just listening to the white-haired old man in front of him shouting with rage, suddenly, the golden long sword just soared into the sky, emitting golden light non-stop.


Xiao Yan Luo snorted coldly and drew out the long knife in his hand. For a while, the gray-white yin energy on the copper-colored long knife kept gathering.


With a roar, Xiao Yan Luo instantly raised his long sword.

Immediately, a gray-white giant knife shadow fell directly.

"Tips for carving insects..."

The old sword fairy sneered, and then waved.

I saw the golden long sword kept waving in the air, and the golden sword shadows kept shooting out.

In the blink of an eye, the gray-white blade shadow was shattered.

"Sword up..."

The old sword immortal waved his hand again, and countless golden swords were scattered in the sky in an instant.Densely floating in the air, a long sword with golden light illuminated the entire city gate.

"I'm not going to catch it right away..."

Lao Jianxian took a few steps forward slowly and yelled loudly:

"Otherwise, the old man's long sword doesn't have eyes..."

"Hahaha... I'm not ashamed to say it!" Xiao Yanluo laughed out loud, staring at the old sword immortal, and said in a disdainful tone:

"This is a ghost in Qincheng. Do you think... what place is this that allows you to be like this?"

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