The huge soles kept pressing towards Hongyi step by step.

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi slowly released the flushed zygote, took a step forward, and drew out the long sword behind him.

"Hongyi-kun... wood..."

Suddenly, He Zi stood on tiptoe and leaned over to Hong Yi's side, and kissed him directly.


Hong Yi couldn't help touching his cheek, and Chong Zhe gave a thumbs up.


Full marks for this wave of dog food show!

On the opposite side, Yin Moruogui kept stepping on his feet, his blood-red eyes were bloodshot, his red chest kept rising and falling, and traces of blue flames began to spew out of his nostrils, apparently on the verge of eruption.

The two young people in front of them are simply damned!


"call out……"

The Yinmora Ghost uttered a cry again and opened his mouth wide.

A blue flame erupted instantly.

Chapter 264 Lord Hongyi is handsome again! (3 more)

Chapter 264 Lord Hongyi is handsome again!

Hong Yi jumped up with his long sword in hand.

Colorful lights flashed by.

"call out……"

Immediately, the Yin Moruo ghost in front of him let out a neigh.


Instantly fell to the ground.

Hong Yi stepped on the old man's forehead and looked down.

"Amitabha, can't you see others show affection?"

"You don't even look at your criticism? Are you still angry?"

"Baga..." Yin Moruo roared angrily, struggling to get up again.


Hong Yi directly inserted his sword into his body, then pulled it out and wiped the blood on his feathers.

"Poor monk..."

Saying that, seeing Qin Lan and others coming over, he stretched out his hand and greeted Qin Lan to come over.

At the Yin Moruo ghost, he smiled and said:

"The poor monk didn't like the resentful ghosts like you the most in his life. He was incompetent before his death. Even if he died, he would become a ghost like a bear..."

"Before we finally hit the road, poor monk..."

He stretched out his hand and hugged Qin Lan directly into his arms, grinning provocatively.


Yin Moruogui's entire body began to tremble non-stop, and his eyes were congested and swollen to the extreme.



Two explosions sounded, Hong Yi couldn't help but take a step back.

This is so stingy!

Eyeballs burst out forcibly, poor monk and Buddha!

With a single sword, the Yin Mora ghost was eliminated.

The system prompt that has not sounded for a long time sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully collecting Yin Mora ghosts, charm +1!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully transcending Yin Mora Ghost, the transcendence value has doubled."

Amitabha, the system doesn't prompt Hongyi to forget that there is still this collection task in the island country!

But this charm... I haven't figured out what it does!

Looking at the ghost of Yin Mora slowly dissipating, Hong Yi couldn't help but take a sip.

What the heck, poor bastard!

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