Nothing explodes!

After getting rid of the ghost, a group of people sat on the ground in the street.

"Zhazi, tell everyone what's going on in the island country now?" Hong Yi reached out and patted the head of Zhazi next to him, and said with a smile:

"Where should we go? Where is your spiritual group's current location?"

"Well... Hongyi-kun, you've become handsome again!"

Everyone looked at the girl who looked at the monk with a demented face, and was speechless for a while!


This monk is really evil!

It's only been a long time, why... do you feel that this monk has indeed become a little more handsome?

"Amitabha... Hezi..." Hong Yi smiled awkwardly at everyone, stretched out his hand and gently pulled the stunned zygote.

"Ah..." Zyzi who reacted immediately blushed and lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Hurry up and tell everyone what the situation is now!" Hong Yi said angrily.

"Oh..." Zhazi immediately straightened his voice and said slowly:

"Since a few days ago, started the first supernatural outbreak, and then all the cities seemed to have agreed, and within a day, a whole 10 cities had a supernatural outbreak at the same time."

"Moreover, all the supernatural developments are very strange, and everyone has no time to react..."

"So far... even His Majesty the Emperor has disappeared!"

"The witches have also lost contact..."

Saying that, Zyko lowered his head in frustration.

"Alas..." Hong Yi reached out and rubbed the top of her head, taking a long breath.

"Qin Lan, look where we are now?" He turned to Qin Lan and asked.

Qin Lan took a look at the map and said, "We are now located in a small town near the sea in an island country, which should be quite a long way from Tokyo, and... There are so many of us, there is no means of transportation!"

Hong Yi stared at the map for a long time.

"Amitabha, we are not in a hurry to go to Tokyo... Since there are ghosts here, let's clear out a city first. Then, Lao Jianxian and others can guard this place, and the members of the spiritual group supported by various countries are coming soon. ?"

After everyone's discussion.

All agree with Hongyi's approach.

This is also a way out of nowhere.

With these few people, there is no way to clean up the ghosts in large cities.

We can only wait for all the support to arrive, and then clean up step by step.

Several people got up and sorted out, and began to walk slowly along the street.

According to Zhazi, the most ghostly atmosphere in this small town should be in the east of the city.

Originally, she also wanted to rush to the east of the city to have a look, but she didn't expect that she met the ghost of Yin Mora just now on the way, so she had to start running back.

The street was still deadly silent.

If it weren't for the dimly lit street lights, it wouldn't be bad to say that this is the end of the world.

The glass door of the shop next to it was covered with dried blood handprints.

There were various corpses in the store, all with wide eyes and pale faces.




A strange voice came from the side.

Just after a few people turned into a street, they were suddenly stunned by the scene in front of them.


Unfamiliar with Hongyi, he folded his hands together, narrowed his eyes slightly, and kept reciting the rebirth mantra in his mouth.

"It's... dammit!"

Lao Jianxian couldn't help grasping the long sword in his hand and snorted softly.

Everyone looked solemnly at the not very long street in front of them.

I saw that the densely packed heads were neatly placed on both sides of the street, and everyone had different expressions.

The top of everyone's head is bare red flesh.

Hong Yi came to the head of a young man in front of him, and gently moved the head with his long sword.


I couldn't help taking a deep breath.

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