After seeing this person's head, a small hole as thick as a finger was pierced.

The whole mind is empty.

It turned out that someone had emptied all the brains inside.

"What the hell is this, it's so cruel and can eat people's brains?" Lao Jianxian also twisted a head and said after examining it carefully.

"Yes, this is also..."

"Have you seen it, this scalp was forcibly torn off!"

"Pay attention to the expressions of these people. All the eyes are turned up. This is obviously because the brain was sucked dry by people when they were alive."

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi swept over everyone's heads with a gloomy face, and clenched the long sword in his hand.

No wonder there wasn't a single corpse on the street except for the corpse in the shop just now!


Damn it!

There are at least hundreds of empty human heads in front of him, indicating that this ghost has persecuted at least hundreds of people.

Hong Yi couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

The long sword in hand slowly walked forward.

No matter what kind of ghost you are, if the poor monk catches you today, he will definitely give you a taste of what pain is!


Not long after several people walked into the street.

"Chuck... cluck..."

Laughter came from the sky.


A sharp, blue-tinted bone spur was inserted straight in front of Hong Yi.

Chapter 265 Spider Ghost! (4 more)

Chapter 265 Spider Ghost!

"Tick tock..."

Hong Yi felt the liquid dripping from the top of his head, and couldn't help but reach out and touch it.


He frowned immediately and took his hand down.

Looking at the viscous white liquid in his hand, he exhaled deeply.

calm down!

The poor monk is a stable monk!

Immediately afterwards, he felt a strand of blood-stained hair fall in front of him.


There was a burst of cold air from behind.

Hong Yi couldn't help but look back, only to see that everyone raised their heads and looked at the top of their heads in horror.

Qin Lan grew this mouth and kept making gestures to himself.

"Hongyi-kun... come here quickly..."

Zhazi pursed her lips tightly, and her whole body began to tremble.


Hong Yi smiled at everyone, stretched out his hand and pulled the hair in front of him hard.

"What's the matter for the poor monk!"


After pulling his hair down, Hong Yi looked at the long hair in his hand and was speechless for a while.

This Nima is a wig!




The concrete in front of him kept blasting deep pits, all kinds of stone chips flew around, and 8 dark green spikes were nailed to the ground.

Immediately after...

"Hey... it smells so good!"

Hong Yi felt an eerie laughter from above his head.

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