"Six people?"

"Understood... Come to the old man's door, it's time for us to go..."

"Calling 666!" Zhezi glanced at the old men who were all taking out their weapons, and couldn't help but reminded in a low voice:

"Hongyi-jun's old rule is, just call '666'!"

Lao Jianxian: "..."

Old guys: "..."

At this time, the atmosphere in the street was very dignified.

The air seemed to be quiet.

Hong Yi quietly stared at the faces of the three women in front of him, the corners of his mouth curled up.

This island country is really full of messed up ghosts now!

Spider ghost?

Or triplets conjoined spider ghosts!

Hehe, flow batch!What a pity not to go to the exhibition!

Spider ghosts: They were conjoined triplets before they were alive. They were regarded as monsters who drowned and resented. After death, they were made into spider ghosts with ghost power.

Fear Level: Spirit Level

Fear: 1800000

Features: cruel and tyrannical, specializing in eating human skin, brain, and flesh, and collecting and weaving the hair of the dead.

(Note: All three heads must die at the same time, otherwise they can grow again! Remember!)

"Giggle...Sister, give it to me first...I'll give it to you when I peel off the skin..."

Among them, the skinned woman gave a savage smile, opened her big mouth, and suddenly a dark green tongue full of serrated teeth stuck out straight.

Hong Yi looked at the tongue that was licking towards him again, and the colorful spiritual energy gushed out instantly, grabbed the tongue directly, and flashed the long sword in his hand.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

He casually threw aside the long, wriggling tongue.

One leaps up.


Suddenly, the three women's faces flew up together.


Like a deflated balloon, the huge spider body shriveled up in an instant.

The gray-white resentment kept overflowing from the spider's body.

Hongyi's palm slowly gathered a small colorful lotus platform, and slowly floated towards the spider's body.

I saw that the lotus platform kept emitting colorful rays of light, and suddenly, one after another gray-white resentment kept sucking into the lotus.

After a moment.

The whole lotus slowly dissipated.


Hong Yi glanced around, and saw that all the heads on both sides had disappeared. After the resentment was transformed by the colorful lotus, all dissipated in the air.

The air in the entire street was originally gray, but it seemed to be much cleaner at this time.


The moment Hongyi turned his head, he saw Lao Jianxian running over with a smile on his face, with his hands in the word "six", and he kept waving at Hongyi.

Chapter 266 Crazy Bones! (5 more)

Chapter 266 Crazy Bones!

After everyone eliminated the ghost spider, they slowly walked forward again.

About half an hour later.

Hong Yi looked at the small building that looked like a village in front of him, and couldn't help but turn his head and asked:

"Hezi, why is this kind of hut still built in the island country?"


This is a bit different from Huaxia!

I have never seen a village connected to the city of Huaxia.

"Uh..." He Zi glanced at it and said with a smile:

"This small town is connected to the seaside. Of course, there are fishing villages. These are the places where fishermen who set out to fish live. You can tell by smelling it!"

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