Hong Yi sniffed his nose.

Sure enough, a fishy smell came.


I'm afraid this fishing village is not easy!

I saw a row of cabins above, black ghosts shrouded, and various ghost faces kept emerging.

Hongyi took a deep breath and told everyone:

"Amitabha, let's go in and see..."

Saying that, he pushed open the front courtyard door and walked in.

The moment he pushed open the courtyard door, Hong Yi couldn't help covering his nose.


Qin Lan just glanced at it, then couldn't help covering his mouth and rushed out, lying on the side of the road and began to vomit.

It is really……

The yard was full of dead fish corpses, and it was still unknown how long they had been kept.

A strong fishy stench kept coming.

"Amitabha..." Hong Yi covered his nose and slowly came to the middle of the courtyard.

The whole courtyard is not big, and there is a well in the center.

At this time, black ghosts were constantly overflowing from the wellhead.


At this time, a black fish jumped out of the well and fell on the dead fish body next to it, and began to struggle.

I saw a black ghost that instantly enveloped the black fish, and then...

The entire fish began to rot at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it turned into the same appearance as all the dead fish next to it, and bursts of fresh stench began to come.

"This well...this well..." Qin Lan held back his vomit, pointed to the well in the garden, and said solemnly:

"Is there a ghost in this well?"

"The old man also thinks it's not easy, just wait a moment!" Lao Jianxian nodded, echoed, bent down and picked up a stone from the ground.

I saw that he quickly ran to the well and threw the stone directly into it.


What came was not the sound of falling into the water, but a blunt sound of hitting someone.

Everyone looked at each other.


Hong Yi slowly raised his index finger, put it on his lips, and winked at everyone, signaling everyone to stay silent and slowly come to the well.

Take a look at the probe!

He couldn't help frowning tightly.

The entire well was pitch-dark, and if you looked over your head, you could see a ray of light emanating from the water in the well.

"Old Sword Immortal, bring another stone here!" Hong Yi whispered to the old Sword Immortal beside him:

"Pick a bigger one!"

Lao Jianxian nodded understandingly, turned and ran to the door.

After a while...

Hong Yi looked at him holding a huge stone, and couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching.


The poor monk is ready to throw it away!

It's not like you're going to seal the well!

You are so big!

"Enough... This is the biggest one, the old man took down the stone platform at the door." Old Jianxian put down the big stone out of breath, raised his head, and smiled at Hong Yi excitedly:

"How about it?"

"Alas..." Hong Yi glanced at the stone under his feet and nodded!

What can a poor monk do?

It's too hard. Is there any wood?

The colorful spiritual power flashed by in his hand, and the knife in Hongyi's palm cut directly on the stone, and the huge stone was divided into two.

And this time...


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