There was a sound of rubbing against the stone wall in the groove.

"Amitabha, what?"

Hongyi used his spiritual power, and saw a colorful light lit up.

Under the light, it was discovered that there was a swaddle made of black linen in the groove.

In the swaddling clothes, there was a baby lying with his back to everyone.

"'s a child!"

Xiao Ran next to her exclaimed and reached out to pull the swaddle away.

Hong Yi quickly stretched out his hand and dragged her with a solemn expression.

"This horror is not a..."

"Wow ah... woah ah!"

At this moment, the cry of a baby came from the swaddle in front of him, and in the silent and dark cave, the sound suddenly sounded, making everyone tremble.

Hong Yi looked back at everyone, and silently stretched out his hand to the swaddling clothes.

Lift the black sackcloth covering the baby's face.



There was a gasp of cold air from behind.


In front of him was a shriveled, dark, and even hairy baby corpse.


The cry just now?


At this time, the baby seemed to feel that the swaddling was being opened, and slowly turned his head around.

An extremely terrifying baby face, the eyeballs have disappeared, the black and empty eye sockets, and the small black blood vessels on the face, like an ancient totem, covered the entire face of the baby.

A pair of shriveled little hands stretched out, driving the baby to spread out.

The baby was covered with strips of white cloth.

"This is... mummification of a child?"

Qin Lan said with an ugly face:

"Look at this kid's wrist, this..."


Everyone stared at the baby's wrist, only to see a red silk rope wrapped around it, hanging a gourd made of wood.

"Is this our Huaxia baby?"

"Yes, this gourd is only worn by us here on children's wrists!"

"Then this child is only recently..."

Hong Yi reached out and slowly opened the red silk rope and put it in his pocket.

He could see that the baby was recently mummified and placed here.


What a month old baby!

It was actually made into a mummy by these ghosts!

"Namo Amitabha……"

Hong Yi reached out and gently clenched the baby's little hand, closed his eyes tightly, and the spiritual power in his body slowly flowed into the baby's body.



A baby's cry could be heard in his ears.

Everyone felt the baby's black swaddle in front of him gradually revealing a colorful light, and then...

I can vaguely see a white baby slowly drifting out of the swaddle, with a pair of big watery eyes staring at everyone curiously!


slowly dissipated in the air.

The black swaddle slowly burned, and a strong smell of potion permeated the entire cave.

"Amitabha, follow the poor monk and move forward."

After Hong Yi burned the swaddling clothes to ashes, he took a deep breath, said something to everyone with an ugly face, turned around and walked forward along the cave.

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