Chapter 320 Light a sky lantern! (2 more)

"What happened to this monk?"

Xiao Ran gently took Qin Lan's arm, leaned into her ear and asked in a low voice:

"Looks so fierce!"


At this moment, the little loli floating beside Qin Lan's shoulder snorted coldly.

"Uncle is angry!"

"When I was in America, my uncle treated that fat white man very cruelly!"


Qin Lan nodded slowly.

Based on what she knew about Hong Yi, I'm afraid she was really angry this time.

Although this monk is usually not in a good mood, once he gets angry...

However, this group of mummy-like ghosts actually came to China to spread the wild, and they didn't even let such a small baby go. Damn it!


The cave is like a secret passage, not straight, when everyone turns an arc.

Suddenly, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of him.

This is a small tomb.

There are three heavy sarcophagi neatly arranged.

As if someone had cut the trachea open, the sound of gasping reverberated throughout the tomb.


Hongyi used his psychic vision and kept scanning over the three sarcophagi.

There is something in the coffin!

And... the concentration of ghost gas is not low.

"It's good to have something, and the poor monk is afraid that there is nothing in the coffin!"

Slowly came to the first sarcophagus.

Reach out and push the coffin lid open.

"K... ka... ka!"

Friction sounded.

The heavy coffin lid was slowly pushed open by Hongyi.

A strong corpse stench wafted out from inside.


Then a pair of blackened skeleton hand bones stretched out from the coffin and pinched straight towards Hong Yi's neck, as if he wanted to drag him directly into the coffin.


A high-five knife cuts off the bones of the hand directly.

"Master Wang Dao..."

Hong Yi waved at Wang Laodao next to him.


"What's the matter?"

Wang Daochang also saw that the monk's face was not good-looking, and quickly ran over.

"Are there any symbols? Here are a few!"

After hearing this, Wang Daochang immediately reacted and took out a stack of talisman papers from his arms.

"Yes, yes, as many as you want! Old Daoist has learned how to draw talismans recently, that's enough!"

"Hongyi, what kind of talisman paper do you want?"

"Just take a few, preferably those that can turn bones. The poor monk will do a good deed today and turn these mummies into them."

"Okay, let's look for it!"

Soon, Wang Daochang took out a few talismans and handed them to him.

Hong Yi didn't even look at it, and threw it directly into the coffin.


There was a rustling sound, and a smell like burnt plastic permeated the entire tomb.

Hong Yi quickly pushed the coffin lid up, turned around and came to the next sarcophagus.

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