One order, three million yuan?

What concept? ?

Qin You has been working for such a long time, not only has the basic salary + commission from Tiangong, but also the advertising + reward income from G station.

That's it!

His current net worth has just exceeded 10 million.

And according to the commission standard on this forum, if Qin You takes these private orders, maybe within half a year, he can easily be worth over 100 million!

Qin You has too many reasons to be tempted by this.

Money is really very important.

If the supernatural revival continues to deteriorate like this, Qin You has also thought that he may need a lot of money.

Putting all hopes on Tiangong, or on the people"above", the risk factor is too high.

Xiao Hei seemed to know that he had seen enough and was thinking about it.

He shook the chat window again

【Master Duwo, this forum is called the Global Psychic Forum. It has been going on for several years and has achieved very good results.】

【I am a small programmer behind this forum】

【Oh, and also responsible for marketing】

【On the one hand, I will let more ordinary people know that there is such a forum. People who are not so wealthy can find solutions here. Of course, they can also place orders, but the money is too little, so usually no one will take the orders... It is not ruled out that there are people who do good deeds. After solving a big order, they will help others by the way.】

【On the other hand, I will find a powerful person like you and let you know that there is such a forum.】

【Whether you have a regular job or not, you can take a look... If you have time, just solve a case and you can earn a lot of money. 】

Qin You now knows what private orders Pei Hongyu and the others said when he first entered the Heavenly Palace...

【Master Duwo, if you have no intention for the time being, it doesn't matter. You can browse other parts of the forum first to learn about supernatural messages from all over the world.……】

Qin You typed so fast that his nimble fingers became a shadow.

【What are the registration requirements? How do I pay? How do I determine if a case has been resolved?】

【What are the corresponding standards for the danger levels SABCDE they marked on the commissioned cases?】

【Will travel expenses, accommodation expenses and food expenses be reimbursed?】


The little girl Luo Heihei on the other end of the computer was stunned!

"This monk is more greedy than me!!"

"I thought you were a cold-hearted monk!!!"


Qin You had no habit of waiting, so he asked a lot of questions.

Finally, he asked: [Where are you? Are you offline?]

Xiao Hei: [ just didn't expect that you would make such a decisive decision, hahahahaha……】

Then she began to answer Qin You's questions one by one.

After Qin You had a general understanding, he registered as a member under her guidance, and then took an order directly with the idea of giving it a try.

Xiao Hei: [Portrait of a girl in the rain? I've heard of that case too. It seems quite strange. It shouldn't be a case that can be solved by brute force.]

Qin You: [It's okay. I just took it casually. Let's take a look at the situation first... By the way, if I die at the hands of a ghost,……】

Xiao Hei said quickly: [There is really no insurance for this... We are not in an employment relationship... There is no possibility of any accidental injury insurance. ]

It seems that Qin You also forced him to collapse.

Qin You: [Okay, exorcism is really a high-risk job.】


Coincidentally, the case of this portrait happened in Jianghai City.

The situation was explained very clearly on the forum.

The portrait of the girl in the rain is actually a banned painting that is well-known all over the world.

It was created by a painter named Wu Kelan.

Decades ago, this female painter spent a month to complete a somewhat abstract portrait called"Girl in the Rain".

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this painting. It is just a woman with a slender face, wearing a black felt hat, and her eyes are half open and half closed.

It is very clean, and the picture is just a simple black and white.

But the weird thing is... after this painting was sold, it was returned by the buyer several times.

The first seller was a single female boss.

She bought the portrait and hung it in her bedroom.

Just two weeks later, she called the painter crying and said,"Take it away quickly, I can't sleep looking at it. It gives me the feeling that there is another person in the room besides myself. I heard footsteps and knocks.……"

If the female buyer was timid, then the second buyer was a man... same situation.

This guy said that he dreamed of the woman in the painting. She would appear in his dreams every night and would keep pestering him.

So... he returned it.

After that, it passed through several buyers, and most of them had strange phenomena.

However, since then, the price of this painting has actually increased. It was placed deep in a private museum in the country of Qi until a year ago, when it was bought by a local tycoon in the country of Xia for collection.


Since it was in Jianghai City anyway, Qin You was too lazy to report to Pei Hongyu.

After accepting the task, he obtained the client's relevant information through the forum's backend.

Then he went directly to the client's real estate company.

"Hello, my name is Qin You, you can also call me Monk, I am here to help you solve the problem of the girl in the rain."

The owner of the real estate company is a pale and swollen middle-aged man named Zhu Da.

Zhu Da saw Qin You in the coffee shop next to the company and was very excited.

"I know you! You are the one who is very popular on the Internet...a master who specializes in killing ghosts! Oh, now I have some confidence!"

Qin You nodded:"Just take me to see the painting."

Zhu Da waved his hands repeatedly, his face full of horror:"No, no, I dare not go! The painting is in my office, and I have even locked the office now! No one is allowed in! I dare not go in by myself!"

Qin You said helplessly:"Then let me go and take a look first, I will go in alone."

Zhu Da hesitated for a long time, and then as if he had made up his mind,"Okay! Wait until lunch break, okay, when my employees go to eat, the sky is also the brightest, you go and see, I'll wait for you outside!"


After drinking coffee for a while, Qin You didn't like this bitter drink.

Although he was a monk, he still liked the fat house happy water more.

When the sun was high in the sky, Qin You and the frightened real estate owner walked towards his office building.

The company was not the largest in the industry. They rented the 9th, 10th and 11th floors of this office building. Zhu Da's office was on the 11th floor.

At the door of the office, he took out several keys. He trembled and opened several anti-theft locks that were added later.

When the door opened, he immediately stepped aside and hid behind the wall,"Master, go in and take a look. I'm here... If there is any situation, let me know at any time!"

Qin You walked in.

At the first glance, he saw this legendary forbidden painting.

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