The office is very clean, and the desk is even cleaner. Zhu Da probably hasn't come in to work for more than ten days.

The windows are closed, the curtains are not drawn, the sunlight shines in, and everything is very fresh.

Except for the painting. It is similar to the portrait found on Baidu.

The overall feeling of the portrait is a bit gloomy. The woman's eyes are half open and half closed. Her face is extremely sharp and slender, and the black brim of the hat is also very sharp.

There are also some differences from the painting seen on Baidu.

The background of this painting is blurred. If you must imagine it, there should be a misty water behind it?

At the boundary between the water and the sky, there are three small backs on the left, as if they are standing by the water in unison, looking into the distance.

It's just... it looks like their backs are indescribably stiff.

"Two men and a woman."

Qin You asked,"These are the people you said were dragged into the portrait, right?"

Zhu Da answered nervously outside,"Yes, the one in a suit is my employee, and the short one is my friend who is an investor, and the woman is... my secretary." Qin You looked at the painting. He could not see anything wrong with his naked eyes, but he could vaguely smell some evil spirits.

He used his spiritual sense to explore.

Something strange happened.

His spiritual sense sank directly into the sea.

It was as if... there was an infinite space in the portrait.

It was empty and he could not feel anything.

"Tell me more about the specific situation. You didn't explain it clearly in the forum."

Zhu Da said:"Hey! It's all my fault for being greedy! I made some money, but the current environment is not good and there are no good investment channels, so I want to trade in famous paintings and antiques.……"

"But I don’t understand those things either. As for this painting, people say that if you buy it, you will make a profit, because this painting has some... horrible rumors and stories. We don’t understand other things, but we understand this one thing."

"Artworks, how well you paint, whether the public welfare is excellent, that is not important, what is important is the story! There is a story, this story is either long-standing, related to celebrities, or a little mysterious, such as a portrait of a cursed jewel, etc., in fact, can be sold at a high price!"

"And it’s getting more valuable every year!"

"There happened to be such an auction, so I spent 200 million to buy this painting!"

"Anyway, the stories about this painting in the past were nothing more than people couldn't sleep when they put it at home, and no one died. I thought it was a marketing trick... Even if I am a little superstitious, I just don't put it at home, right? So, I put it in the office."

Zhu Da slapped his head in annoyance:"But I never expected it! This painting is so weird! After I bought it, I always seemed to hear a woman's voice vaguely, but I couldn't hear what she said clearly, which made me a little mentally weak.……"

"Then I asked some people to take a look. I was afraid that I was overthinking it. Some of them were my employees, and some knowledgeable friends."

"Most people have no problem watching it."

"Until about a month ago, one of my employees suddenly disappeared"

"He didn't answer the phone, didn't reply to text messages, and his family said he didn't go home at all... When our company checked the surveillance, we saw that he was working overtime here the day before to make a budget sheet. It was probably around 10:30, and he brought the finished budget sheet to my office.……"

Qin You understood:"He never came out again, right?"

Zhu Da sighed:"Yes!"

Qin You was puzzled:"After this happened, why did you let other people touch this painting?"

Zhu Da said anxiously:"I didn't know what was going on at the time! The police came to investigate, but they had no clue! I was also uneasy, and I didn't come to work at all in those days."

Qin You:"Go on."

He had already started, tapping the portrait.

The texture was like ordinary drawing paper, but it couldn't be broken.

Zhu Da became more and more uncomfortable as he spoke:"Later, I wondered if this painting was really a bit weird. In any case, this painting made it impossible for me to stay in the office to work, and then there was the incident of employees disappearing in my office."

"I thought, I must sell it! I must sell it! Only then will I feel at ease!"

"As it happens, I have a friend who is also an investor in famous paintings. He is interested, so I asked him to come and see."

"It was the first time I came to the office after many days, and I accompanied him to look at this painting."

"My friend was very satisfied with the painting and said a lot of professional terms that I didn't understand. Anyway, he said that the painting was good, but this style of painting technique could make people feel uneasy subconsciously."

"I didn't even dare to tell anyone about my employee's disappearance! I think this is more than just a worry! It's almost life-threatening!"

"At that moment, he suddenly pointed to a part of the painting and asked,"What is this?" Why is there a person's back in the distance in the painting?"

"I was shocked when I saw it, you know! The back figure was quite blurry, but I was sure at first glance that it was my missing employee!"

Qin You had already taken out the Kunwu knife with a black blade.

This knife was extremely hard and sharp.

He cut directly on the canvas with force, making a very normal friction sound.

But the canvas was still intact.

Qin You had a slight headache.

According to what Zhu Da said, he thought about it and guessed the conditions for this painting to hurt people.

"Boss Zhu, did you leave at that time?"

Zhu Da was shocked and trembled all over:"How did you know?"

"I guessed it." Qin You said:"Just tell me if it is true or not?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Zhu Da suddenly felt a great hope:"Master, you are amazing! Didn't I just leave at that time! I... I was too scared! I didn't dare to tell this to my friend, I was afraid that he would not dare to buy it after knowing it!"

Qin You:"Then you are really shameless... go on."

Zhu Da covered his face and said:"Then, I pretended to go to the toilet. Ah, I did go to the toilet. I just went to calm down and wanted to sort out my thoughts. What is going on? This painting... can it be sold!"

"When I thought it through and returned to the office, he……"

"My friend... he's gone too."

Qin You looked at the short and fat figure in the distance in the picture,"He's also gone in."

Zhu Da:"Yes... I... regret it so much!"

Qin You:"The third one, was he also taken in when he was alone with the portrait?"

Zhu Da was in great pain:"Yes, on the same day, my secretary saw me coming to the company and came to the office to report to me... I had already left by then, I just wanted to find a place where there was no one and calm down."

"When I came back, I saw her back in the painting, and I completely broke down!"

"I tried throwing this painting away!"

"But it came back to my office the next day on its own!"

"I tried to burn it with fire! But it didn't work! It didn't even produce any smoke!"

"I really had no choice but to lock down the office, and then post on that forum... Oh, I knew about this forum a long time ago, and someone sent me an email, but I never took it seriously"

""Master, what should I do now?"

Zhu Da asked helplessly.

Qin You thought for a while and said,"You said that if it can be solved within a week, you will give me a 30% increase in compensation, right?"

Zhu Da nodded quickly:"Yes, yes, yes! That's right!"

Qin You walked out of the office and looked him in the eye:"No, I want a 100% increase on this order. It is three million now, and I want six million."

Zhu Da was stunned:"Why? This... this is too expensive, right?!"

Qin You said:"You graded this ghost as C-level, you made a mistake, this ghost's ability is at least A-level, and maybe the more souls devoured in this painting, the stronger she will be.……"

Qin You stared at his timid eyes and threatened him half-truthfully:"Who knows, soon... this painting will run to your bedroom by itself and drag you in too."

Zhu Da was shocked, and the sharp, pale and abstract face of the woman in the painting came to his mind. He immediately made a decision:"Solve it for me within a week! Six million! No problem! I'll transfer one million to you as a deposit now!"

Qin You nodded:"Great kindness!"


He really wanted to blackmail Zhu Da.

This capitalist was really too black-hearted.

For his own selfish desires, he indirectly killed three people.

Is he dead?

He should be dead.

Moreover, what Qin You said was not all false.

According to the classification method of the supernatural forum, only the dangerousness of the incident is classified. C-level belongs to the regular level. Usually, a fierce ghost who has never killed anyone or has only killed a few people will be classified into this level.

But the ability of ghosts cannot be seen in this way.

This painting has been born for a long time.

Until now! It has begun to follow a certain law, or rule, to kill people for unknown reasons.

This may just be the beginning.

According to Zhu Da's description, this painting is likely to have some rule-based terrifying abilities, not just the sharp teeth and claws of some low-level ghosts.

Even Qin You... cannot be absolutely sure of facing this kind of ghost.

That night, he stayed in the office alone. He took out the magic eye of time and held it tightly in his hand.

This thing is now one of his biggest reliances.

Then, just wait.

According to the series of events described by Zhu Da, this painting should initiate action and pull the person in directly as long as it is alone with a person.


Qin You did not wait for long.

The hour hand pointed to 8 o'clock.

The woman in the portrait gradually opened her eyes.

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