"Damn it

At this time, Chen Hao's heart just wanted to kill those guys who started the car accident.

He and he wen are trapped in the car, almost in front and left and right are in a large number of dangerous steel pipe falling range, there is no room to turn.

"Don't panic!"

At the critical moment, Chen Hao immediately thought of the Dragon inheritance he had obtained.

This is the only chance he can think of. If he can use it well, he can not only protect himself, but also he wen!


Chen Hao thought of this, suddenly vomited a foul air, quickly opened the door, neatly turned over the front cover of the beetle engine.

He wants to protect the woman he likes like a man!

"Dragon inheritance!"

"It's up to you!"

Chen Hao watched dozens of deadly steel pipes dart in the direction of him and the car, and his heart was also a shiver.

But after all, he gritted his teeth and didn't run away.


At the critical moment, Chen Haomei's Dragon Ball turns rapidly.

Chen Hao can clearly feel that when his life is threatened, all the energy contained in the Dragon Ball bursts out.

Just in the blink of an eye, the energy rushed all over his body.


Chen Hao found that his body suddenly burst out with a great force, as if he had been activated to some potential. This force suddenly poured into his bones and muscles,

Not enough!

This is not enough!

Chen Hao is inexplicably clear that he has only gained more powerful physical strength, but his defense is not much better than ordinary people. If he is hit by a steel pipe, his bones will break and his tendons will break, and he may even be put on for a while.

At this critical moment, the dragon ball, which has exhausted its spiritual power, vibrates gently again.

Chen Hao was excited to find that a large number of human martial arts collected by Shenlong flashed in his mind, which was like a big wheel in a lucky draw.


A set of Kung Fu that Longzhu chose for him suddenly exploded other choices, just like inserting it into the hard disk of the computer, quickly opened this set of Kung Fu and transmitted it to his mind... And body!

Powerful information involved, Chen Hao's brain is a burst of explosion.

However, he was immediately surprised to find that he completely mastered a set of palm techniques in a short time.

Xuanqing Taiji palm!

This set of fist techniques comes from a set of palm techniques that the Dragon saw when he was wandering in the world. It can really achieve the legendary four or two strokes.

Not only that, this set of palm technique was improved after it was included by the dragon. It directly changed the internal strength of ordinary martial arts to spiritual power drive. If you reach the level of perfection, you can split the Yin and Yang in the world, and the combat power is absolutely shocking.


To think too much, Chen Hao looked up again.

After he successfully received Xuanqing Taiji palm, he found that the spiritual power in his body was surging automatically, which instantly opened up all the meridians needed for this set of palm techniques.

In this way, he completely mastered the boxing.

This kind of feeling is very strange, just like a game player who has logged into other people's advanced accounts. Although he is not completely familiar with his own power, he has mastered an absolutely powerful advanced skill and is in a state of explosive at any time.

"Xuanqing Taiji palm is one of the most advanced martial arts in the Dragon inheritance. It should be enough to cope with the present situation!"

Chen Hao then looked at the dozens of steel pipes flying to him and the car, and his face gradually showed a sense of absolute confidence.

It's just that Chen Hao doesn't know his confidence at this time, but he Wen in the car is scared.

He wen found just now that she was just a dazed Kung Fu, she found that Chen Hao ran down from the car.

She felt intuitively that the other party was trying to escape from the dangerous car.

He Wen has no opinion on this.

After all, she felt that she had no reason to complain about Chen Hao.

But deep in her heart, he Wen was a little disappointed.

Because she is a woman, no matter how strong she is in real life, the critical moment is to hope that a man can carry everything for her, or be able to live and die together.

"Hey, this is just a luxury..."

He wen wry smile for a while, quietly sit steady body, feel that he can only put all hope on the front windshield of the car.

Just when her idea just turned here, she found that the figure in front of the car flashed. Originally, Chen Hao, who she thought had escaped, actually turned around and jumped onto the hood of the car and stood abruptly in front of the windshield.

What is he going to do!

He wen found that in addition to her normal surprise, she had a faint expectation.


He Wen is thinking that if Chen Hao did it to protect himself!

Then he is really... Is a fool, a lovely confused and brave fool!

He wen clenches her fist nervously and wants to shout for Chen Hao to leave there, but the steel pipe has fallen down and she has no time to speak.

So, he Wen's mouth helplessly and happily raised a bitter smile.

"Maybe this is the last scene in my life. Thank you, Chen Hao, for being so brave to accompany me at this moment."

He wen read softly in her heart, and then she saw that the light around the car was darkened by the falling steel pipes.

Have to say.

He Wen's thoughts are completed in the electric light and flint, while Chen Hao outside the car reacts more quickly.

It only took him a few seconds to get the help of Longzhu and learn Xuanqing taijizhang.

And in the real world beyond the reaction of thoughts, everything continues to roll and continue in time


Chen Hao saw a steel tube surpassing other steel tubes at full speed, pointing straight at his chest, and the speed was appalling.

But his body still stood upright, because Xuanqing taijizhang was ready to explode at any time.

As a result, when the steel tube in front of Chen Hao rushed into the area two meters in front of his body, Chen Hao's palm flew as light as a wadding against the wind, instantly moved against the strong wind brought by the steel tube, and made a defensive counterattack at a faster speed than the steel tube.


There was a light sound on the steel tube, and Chen Hao's palm suddenly burst out with an invisible spiritual shock. While penetrating the steel tube, he completely broke the steel tube from the place in his palm.

All of a sudden, two sections of broken steel pipes flew upside down.

Dang, Dangdang!

The broken steel pipe also carries a lot of taijizhang shock. It will shock several colliding steel pipes out again until all the spiritual power is consumed. It is like a dominoes falling down spontaneously, constantly knocking other steel pipes to the ground.

So Chen Hao just hit back like this and shot down more than half of the more than 30 steel pipes that flew to him.

At this time, if you look down from the sky, you can see that all the shot down steel pipes fan out on the ground, and Chen Hao and the beetle are stable in the center without any damage.

I just did it!

Chen Hao clenched his fist hard and looked excited!

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