Boom, boom!

After Chen Hao sensed that the sports car had passed, he immediately found a panic on the street.

Then not long after that, he saw with his own eyes several fast-moving sports cars quickly passing He Wen's car and rushing through the intersection in front of him. As a result, there was a rush at the intersection, and several cars almost collided.

Moreover, when a sports car was at the crossroad in front of Kaidao, it accelerated wildly, almost completely clinging to the side of a large truck driving with a large amount of steel.

This is not fatal!

Chen Hao's eyes widened fiercely

Ha ha——

A sharp brake sound accompanied by the truck suddenly out of control, busy to avoid the sports car of the truck actually a brake failure, the front of the car has turned, suddenly smashed the guardrail in the center of the street, directly rushed to Chen Hao and he Wen on this side of the road.

"Ma, here comes the cart!"


The truck slammed onto the crosswalk and scared the pedestrians to flee. However, the crowd and vehicles at the entrance of the street were too congested. In addition, when the green light was on there, many people were rubbed and fell down.

"Damn it

Chen Hao saw the crowded cars on the opposite road were knocked down by trucks one after another at noon. It was like a bowling pin that was knocked open by a bowling ball.

The only thing to be thankful for is that fortunately, no cars or pedestrians were directly crushed by trucks, otherwise no one could survive.

"No! There's no time to analyze that now! "

Chen Hao has watched the truck rush towards him, and his body suddenly stirs up.

The truck brake failure, sooner or later will rush to them here!

"Sister Wen, drive away from here!"

Chen Hao urged He Wen.

"I see!"

Because of the sudden incident, he Wen's voice was a little unsteady.

Fortunately, her response was relatively timely.

He wen suddenly stepped on the accelerator, the car turned hard, and directly aimed at them. There were not many pedestrians.

This kind of time has been too much.

If you want to survive, you have to avoid the collision of big trucks.

Chen Hao thinks that he Wen's choice is right. After all, there are traffic jams on the road, especially in the direction of large trucks. If the response is not timely enough, they will be rubbed at least. No one can guarantee their personal safety at that time.

So it's enough to get on the pedestrian road to save your life.

Just at this moment!

Boom, boom!

Chen Hao's ears moved gently, and the engine roar of an unpleasant sports car came from the street behind him again.

He immediately turned his head and found a bright silver sports car on the road behind him. What's more, just like the previous sports cars, he rushed to He Wen's car without caring.

"Damn, it's not fatal! Didn't you see the accident ahead? "

Chen Hao was also startled by this crazy sports car, and immediately burst into foul language.

If he wen can't drive to the sidewalk in time, she will be hit by the truck immediately. But if you choose this way, if you slow down a little bit, you will definitely bump into the silver sports car after a few seconds.

"Wen Jie, brake!"

Facing the only two choice, Chen Hao quickly flashed a lot of analysis flash in his mind. Finally, he gritted his teeth and pulled He Wen's steering wheel.

He Wen was startled.

But maybe she instinctively trusted Chen Hao, or just stepped on the brake in time.


Chen Hao didn't have to turn his head to sit on the co pilot. He felt the silver sports car whistling past the beetle in a cold sweat. The two would collide just a little bit.

"It's killing me!"

Chen Hao's eyes were fixed, and his eyes immediately turned to the silver sports car in front of him.

Not far in front of He Wen's car, the truck had already rushed over.


Inevitably, the silver sports car passed the two cars again, and then bumped into the middle of the freight box of the truck, and the small half of the car body rushed into the bottom of the truck.


There was a loud bang in the middle of the open box of the lorry.

As soon as Chen Hao's eyes were fixed, he immediately saw that the truck had been successfully "jammed" by the silver sports car, and the two were entangled.

However, this is not enough to make people out of safety, because a large number of steel pipes pulled on the lorry revolted at this moment, breaking the metal cables on them with the help of silver sports cars.

In the blink of an eye, you can see countless steel pipes rolling down from the carriage like long guns of horsemen.

The first bad luck was that the cars closest to the trucks were all smashed by a large number of broken steel pipes. Many steel pipes simply penetrated the shell of the vehicle. I didn't know the lives of the drivers and passengers inside.

But even worse was the silver sports car.

Its whole body is buried by steel pipe, like a grave made of steel pipe, as if representing the crazy death seeking before the silver sports car.


Chen haominrui feels that the danger has not left.

Although the silver sports car accidentally stopped the truck, it was like opening the Pandora's box, which turned a large number of two or three fingers of thick and thin steel pipes on the train into countless lethal weapons. If not, it would penetrate the windshield in front of the car and cause fatal damage to the car and the people on the car.

And many of them are far away to He Wen and his car!

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