Jiang Qian was shocked when she saw lidak summoning a plate of blood red bats.

After all, she had been outside the study following Chen Hao's instructions. She had never seen lidak who was attached to the house and did evil. It was almost a sneak attack with other premeditations.

Therefore, after seeing lidak in spirit form and the magic means of the opponent, the girl knows what kind of opponent her opponent is.

But Jiang Qian fully knows that she is already in a difficult position at this moment.

The only thing she can do at this time is to believe that Chen Hao, the dragon spirit body that she integrates into the body, is really the soul killer.

"Don't be afraid, Jiang Qian, Chen Hao is just looking at you!"

Jiang Qian secretly clenches her teeth, carefully invokes the aura in her body, and fills in the book of reincarnation of good and evil again. The strength of remote control on her hand is also increased in an instant.


Jiang Qian suddenly found that there was a coolness in her eyebrows. Her divine sense seemed to turn into a small-scale perspective of God, which absorbed the reactions of all the people inside and outside the study. It was like a very calm brain separated from her. She instantly controlled the current situation.

"Cool! This is the fighting state of the dragon spirit

Although Jiang Qian's inheritance of the dragon spirit body is not as vast as Chen Hao's, her innate ability is completely suitable for the descendants of the dragon spirit body, and the calm state naturally obtained in this battle moment is one of them.

This calmness will not affect Jiang Qian's own mind, but it is almost the same as Chen Hao's absolute calmness when fighting. It is equivalent to having an extra brain that belongs to her own fighting moment, and can deal with everything rationally according to her own strength.

To put it simply, it's like bringing a high-tech intelligent brain analyzer, which can help the dragon spirit body make the best choice automatically!

All of a sudden.

Jiang Qian's eyes are shining. When she looks at lidak's counterattack, she subconsciously reveals such an analysis and judgment.


The great story of the samsara of good and evil comes down from the sky. Jiang qian does not hesitate to photograph it on more than ten blood colored bats that suddenly appear in the study. It is like a dining knife heating to cut butter, which can wipe all the blood colored bats out of the air smoothly.

you 're right!

The book of reincarnation of good and evil smashes everything in front of the bat when it touches it!

On the other hand, lidak is waiting for Jiang Qian to be in a hurry after he has just put the bleeding bat spell, so that he can pierce the camouflage of his strength in the black fantasy book and prove his conjecture based on years of experience.

This girl must be gritting her teeth, her magic is absolutely more use of illusion camouflage, real spiritual impact can not resist his blood bat magic!

The result is in reality.

Poop, poop.

Jiang Qian's book of reincarnation of good and evil is the nemesis of those blood bats. When the book hits these blood bats with illusions and spiritual impact, it makes lidak's ears sound like a burst of evil spirit collapsing, and then several huge anti shock forces penetrate his evil spirit body, causing him to suffer an inevitable spell backfire.

Lidak's face turned black.

Because he found that not only was the blood bat magic broken in an instant, but because of his own arrogance, he had to face the huge black cover fantasy book again after the magic failed.


Lidak is like a head iron baby, watching the book of reincarnation of good and evil hit his forehead, face, body, and then was heavily patted on the ground, embarrassed to the extreme.

"What a powerful spiritual reserve, what a unique spiritual impact!"

Lidak gritted his teeth and quickly got up. If it wasn't for the evil spirit that he had accumulated in his body, maybe the spirit that had been smashed would be broken.

But even so, the clothes on his body were smashed, and the spirit shock dispelled a lot of hard to get evil spirit.

This makes lidak have to look at Jiang Qian angrily.

Because he really didn't expect that a girl who looked like a teenager could have the strength to suppress his evil spirit. Especially the spiritual impact contained in the other party's big book was very strange. Just touching it, he could feel that it was like three people had a spiritual impact on him at the same time.

On the other hand, Jiang Qian saw that the book of samsara of good and evil hit lidak again, and she was full of confidence again.

Because at the hint of Chen Hao, she realized the particularity of the book of reincarnation of good and evil. As long as the spirit absorbed by the book will leave a lot of useful memory fragments, and she can completely use the spiritual power to urge these memories in the book into different spiritual impact.

Therefore, as long as the things with soul are contacted by books, they will suffer from the spiritual impact brought by the book of good and evil reincarnation.

This is what lidak felt before, like the impact of three people's different attributes on him.

of course.

After this book falls into Jiang Qian's hands, it only absorbs the spirits of three Tianmen warriors. If it continues to develop in the future, it will certainly absorb more spirits and turn it into a set of self-developed powerful means of spiritual attack.

The powerful spirit impact of magic is the most direct and easy to use means for all kinds of spirit bodies.

Lidak finally recovered his rage and said to Jiang Qian: "Hey, girl, you beat me so hard. I must kill your family today. I..."

"I'll kill you old man!"

Jiang Qian suddenly interrupts lidak, because the more she looks at lidak's old face, she feels uncomfortable. She immediately raises the huge book of good and evil reincarnation again, and doesn't give each other a chance to speak at all.

Bang! Bang bang!

The book of reincarnation of good and evil appeared from the roof of the study again, and then smashed down at lidak for several times.

"I... shit!"

Lidak's mouth just had time to say this, and his body was knocked down on the ground again, which made him almost die.

Because the book of reincarnation of good and evil covers too much area and falls so fast that lidak doesn't even have a chance to escape. Almost the moment he stands up, he is knocked to the ground. Later, he doesn't even have a chance to get up.

What makes lidak even more incredible is that Jiang Qian's mental impact on each attack has not been reduced, which shows that the girl's body contains a powerful spiritual power that is far more abundant than he expected.

Gradually, although lidak's face turned pale, his eyes to Jiang Qian began to turn red, just like looking at a rare treasure.

And on his face, gradually emerged a layer of strange blood red tattoo like fine lines.

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