"Hoo, Hoo..."

Lidak's evil spirit body was smashed to the ground again and again by the big black book as big as Jiang Qian's room, and his mouth began to gasp like a beast. You can see that his body gradually turned red. If you look carefully, you can see that it was a thin line of blood that seemed to grow out of thin air.

This thin thread quickly gathered towards his heart position, and finally seemed to really become a living heart.


Lidak's heart suddenly jumped, his body kneeling on the ground suddenly raised his right hand, and the bloody light immediately turned into a half human diameter red mask, which threw jiang Qian's black book down more than ten times in succession into the air.

"Hey, hey, hey... Do you really think that I can suppress my evil spirit body with spiritual impact? I only show less than half of the strength of the spirit body! This time I must drink all your mother's and daughter's blood, and then make you into air dried specimens! "

Lidak's blood red face immediately showed a ferocious smile.

Squeak, squeak!

Lidak's blood evil spirit turned into more blood bats than last time, but the same spell had different effects.

This time, the number of bats has become hundreds, and each bat with blood color illusion is twice as big as before!

All of this sudden strength comes from the vampire blood in lidak's body. During his decades of living in Western Sichuan, lidak has integrated it with the witchcraft of Western Sichuan, and has become the "blood witchcraft" he now masters.

This spell stresses making itself into a special nest of blood sucking insects, similar to a person who can live forever by sucking blood, so his spirit can be attached to any insect in his body.

And this is the biggest secret of his practice of this spell.

It's like Xiang Junyi's villa is heavily guarded, so there is no chance for ordinary people to sneak in. However, lidak can fly into the villa with his own small poisonous insects, and release evil spirit through them at close range, taking the opportunity to attach himself to Junyi.

So the blood line suddenly appeared on his body now is actually the flesh and blood of the insect that carried him. The combination of the two immediately enhanced his control of evil Qi by at least twice.

Not only that, but also he secretly summoned the body hidden in the woods to decompose and turn into countless poisonous insects to come quickly. By then, all of them will merge, which will make him more than ten times stronger and become the most powerful mage on the scene.

But lidak doesn't think anyone in the field will hold out until then.

"Hum, you insects are probably going to die with my 10% power * blood spirits, so you have not enough honor to see my real strong body, which is a pity!"

After successfully supporting the book of samsara of good and evil, lidak can't help looking at Jiang Qian.

He admitted that he had lost his sight today, but he believed that with his real strength, he could wash the villa!

Jiang Qian heard Li Dake's big words, and a bright silver light flashed across her eyebrows, which made her suddenly surprised.

Because the girl found that her body without warning of a wave of spiritual power, her strength actually at this moment suddenly improved a lot.

So she subconsciously turned her head to see Chen Hao, the result found that the other side gently nodded to her, sound over.

"This is the spiritual reward you just got when you killed those evil bats. Just keep hitting him. The harder you hit, the more benefits we'll get!"

In fact, just now, Chen Hao once again felt that his body was familiar with a few more spiritual powers that appeared one after another, so he immediately found out the origin of the spiritual body in his study, which absolutely possessed the evil attribute. As long as he fought with Jiang Qian, he would get benefits.

In this way, he has no reason to let each other go.

After all, Chen Hao's accounts are clear.

Now if he directly killed that evil spirit body, he would only get a spiritual reward of punishing evil and promoting good.

But if it's in Jiang Qian's hands, the reward he just got is far more than any before!

So Chen Hao decided to support Jiang Qian, let her use the book of good and evil reincarnation to torture each other, so that two people can get more benefits.

Jiang Qian gets Chen Hao's voice support, and her heart immediately stabilizes. She turns her head and looks at lidak, who is shouting at her. Her colleague glances at the book of good and evil reincarnation in the air.

The girl immediately showed a good show of disdain in front of Chen Hao, and glanced at lidak disdainfully.

"You are crazy. I don't even use half of my spiritual power!"

Jiang Qian uses more spiritual power in her body like a raging wind. She does not care whether the book of good and evil reincarnation will affect the whole building.


The book of reincarnation of good and evil is infused with enough spiritual power, and suddenly becomes three or four times the size of the previous huge. The whole virtual shadow completely penetrates the whole three and four floor villa ceiling, and the height of the villa is almost doubled by standing high in the air.

Then, the greater book of the reincarnation of good and evil fell quickly.

Lidak's reaction speed is extremely fast, but Jiang Qian's speed is faster, so after lidak's reaction, he found that a bigger black book hit him again, and now he has a powerful power which contains the characteristics of a vampire.

"Damn it

Lidak didn't remember how many times he used rude language today. At this moment, he could only watch the big book with black cover exude an indescribable power. It was like a mountain. It just suppressed all the blood colored bats he controlled in the blink of an eye, and was crushed on the ground with him.

The bloody phantom bat was immediately crushed by all the other bats!

Not only that, lidak immediately found that the big black book on his head was not lifted up by the girl and hit people continuously, but was so pressed on him that he couldn't move.

What's more terrifying is that lidak found that his blood poison spirit was crushed out of balance. He even felt that he might be crushed to death!

"Hell! Where on earth did this come from? This, such a powerful kid

Lidak found that the situation was not good, and immediately scolded in his heart.

He now regretted hiding his body in the woods behind him.

After all, he thought it was a plan of killing after he successfully sneaked in, but he didn't expect that now he was blocked in this room by someone, which made him even have the possibility of being killed in endless situations. The whole process was just like a nightmare.

But lidak knew that he had no other choice.

Now he can only resist the black illusory book on his head with evil spirit, and stick to it until his own poisonous insects come, so that he has a chance to break through this mess.

So he continued to use the blood demons of the vampires in his body, and with the evil spirit, he continued to transform into a large number of blood bats, constantly pounding the big black books on his body, trying to counteract the terrible pressure of the spiritual impact above.

"Dead, these people are dead, as long as my body comes, it's your time to die!"

Lidak stopped talking and pretended to be dead.

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