Poof, poof!

After touching lidak's body, the strange flying insects completely broke up after wriggling a few times, and turned into black shell and fresh flesh like minced meat. These flesh and blood immediately came into contact with a large number of blood red magic lines on lidak's spirit body, quickly filling a person's basic body composition.


Lidak suddenly raised his head from the ground and stared at the book of good and evil above. Jiang Qian's face was ferocious. After having a body, he looked like a skinned human monster. Behind him, a bat wing, which also had no skin and exposed a lot of flesh and blood meridians, slowly spread out.

On his chest, a dark red mark appeared on the first intact skin, on which a dry hand was painted, and three dark gold bat wings were twined on it!

"Viscount vampire!"

Li Hong, who is standing beside Chen Hao, turns her eyes and suddenly opens her eyes. She says subconsciously.


Is there such a monster in the world?

Chen Hao can't help but show his curiosity when he hears the words, because in the memory of the dragon he now has, there is no memory of this strange creature at this stage, and he doesn't know whether he has left any relevant memory, or whether the dragon has never been in contact with vampires in his time.

However, for the time being, with the energy that he sensed from lidak's body now recovering, people unexpectedly feel that the so-called vampire is still very weak. Although there is a substitute for the previous spirit form, the actual strength may not be as strong as the spiritual power he just got from Jiang Qian.

It kind of confused him.

"Are you sure he's a vampire?"

Chen Hao takes a look at Jiang Li Bai, reaches out his hand and guards Jiang Qian behind him. He immediately asks Li Hong.

"I'm sure!"

Li Hong didn't hide from Chen Hao. For the first time, she said anxiously, "I've seen vampires abroad. Their grades can be shown through a special tattoo on their bodies. They are called twelve blood wings. There are no two pairs. They are divided into six levels: Saint, Duke, marquis, uncle, son and man,

This man has three wing tattoos. He is already a viscount. It is said that he has the strength to kill a small city on the same day! "

"He's so powerful. Why can't I see that?"

Jiang Qian exits the door of the study, just hearing Li Hong's words, she can't help but take her eyes away from Li Dake. Looking at Li Hong who leans on Chen Hao's side, she is dissatisfied and says.

Although the girl had just been attacked by lidak, she didn't worry at all.

Because she can feel the stable state of mind from Chen Hao, she is more unhappy with Li Hong, who has been taken care of by Chen Hao, than Li Dake, who is a vampire.

"If it's a vampire and a Viscount vampire, maybe it's a bit of trouble. The study's array has been destroyed from outside, and now it can't trap him, so we need to retreat now."

Jiang Li Bai suddenly interposed a question from one side, moved his two wrists holding the machete for a while, and looked at lidak seriously. He continued to recover from his health on the ground. It seemed that he was ready to fight at any time.

However, although Jiang Li Bai said so, his eyes have been on Chen Hao, obviously waiting for Chen Hao's response.

Chen Hao saw Jiang Li Bai's mind and said, "if you can't deal with it, you can give this vampire to me. In fact, it doesn't feel very powerful."

Chen Hao to tell the truth, the result of Li Hong in the side immediately gently pulled his sleeve.

"Don't be careless. As far as I know, vampires have strong vitality. It's hard for ordinary hot weapons and cold weapons to kill this creature directly."

"In particular, advanced vampires can use the flesh and blood of other creatures to recover at any time. Many warriors have suffered a great loss by relying on this recovery ability."

Seeing this scene, Jiang Qian immediately went to the other side of Chen Hao and glanced at Li Hong discontentedly: "hum, at this time, if you still say that you want to grow other people's ambition and destroy your own prestige, I don't think that vampire is a big clown. You don't have to worry about Chen Hao."

Li Hong also glances at Jiang Qian, but the female killer has no response to Jiang Qian at all. She just hugs Chen Hao's arm a little tighter, and immediately makes her eyes wide open.

Chen Hao was suddenly sandwiched between two women and decided not to look at anyone.

This time is a time of tit for tat, did not see the room there is a monster with wings, OK!

Bang Dong!

As if in order to cooperate with Chen Hao, lidak stood up from the ground in blood, two empty eyes without eyes suddenly looked at the people at the door, slowly turned out two blood red eyes from inside, and the color of the pupils emerged a golden gray color.

"Hey, you're dead... Everyone here is dead..."

Lidak's throat is not complete, and his speech is obviously a little leaky. However, seeing that his skeleton is complete and the rest of his body is a piece of flesh and blood, everyone thinks that it is a miracle that he can speak.

"So this guy is really a vampire. He looks as ugly as Jiang Qian said."

Chen Hao saw Li Dake's flesh, and at that moment he couldn't help but make complaints about it.

Because although lidak's present transformation really has two bat wings, only the skin with a bat tattoo on his chest is intact, and the rest of his body is like a frog skinned in a laboratory, although it looks a little bloody, But it's far from everyone's impression of the vampire who is linked to the words "handsome" and "gentleman" in movies and TV works.

"Hey... Worms... All... * die!"

How badly mutilated Li Dake and Chen Hao are, only ten meters away, and they can not hear Chen Hao's Tucao, and make complaints about their right hand, and point to Chen Hao in a distant direction.


Lidak's original bare flesh palm suddenly deformed into a bird claw like palm. Each finger nail has a pure white bone hook. If anyone can look around, they will find that each bone nail has a hollow exposed tube, just like the teeth of a vampire in legend.

This is lidak's integration of his own vampire gene and witchcraft. Although his body doesn't seem to reach the perfect shape of a vampire, the witchcraft in his body can bring more powerful power to his body, and his recovery ability alone is far more than that of the same level vampires, and its practicability is far more than that of pure blood vampires.

It's like his variant phalanx claw, which can scratch creatures for blood supply in combat without sucking blood. It's more suitable for close combat, and even allows him to have unlimited energy to fight and absorb in a suitable combat environment.


When lidak was ready, his wings flapped behind him, and some of his rigid and missing body flew out like a shell. He immediately rolled up a strong smell of blood and rushed to the door of the study.

In his eyes, all the people present have become his prey and will be torn up by him!

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