
Jiang lipai's double swords immediately protect Xiang Junyi's mother and daughter. This man, who looks like the rural farmer in the public impression, never loses his chain at the critical moment.

Even now he can't be sure whether he is the opponent of lidak after transformation, he rushes forward without hesitation.

Poof! Poof!

Blood splash!

Jiang Libai's two special machetes are extremely sharp. They directly cut through lidak's blood. They hit his claw like hands in the air and stopped him in the air.

"Hey, hey."

A bloody face suddenly appeared in Jiang Libai's eyes. With a sneer, lidak's hands suddenly made the double knives on his arms slide into the delicate texture of his flesh and let the blade cut off the large flesh and blood extending from the back of his hand to the top of his forearm.


Jiang Libo immediately responded that normal people would not let him chop smoothly like this. Even the Waigang warrior did not dare, but now he is facing an inhuman monster.

The farmer like man immediately retracted the knife, twisted his arm, and tried to retract the two knives.

But lidak immediately gave a loud shout. His two bloody arms, showing large white bones, suddenly grabbed the sharp double knives with his backhand. He let the blade make his bones squeak and didn't let go of them. He tried to seize the weapons in Jiang Libo's hands.

Jiang Libo naturally won't let go of his weapon. He immediately kicked lidak's wrist with his right foot as if it had twisted his bones for a short distance. The fierce force broke out. Shengsheng dislocated lidak's left hand and successfully pulled back a machete. Then he immediately turned his right hand like a windmill to cut lidak's right wrist.

All these actions took place between lightning and flint. It was not like a human being to react quickly. It almost reached the limit of Jiang Li Bai's martial arts and physical reaction.


Just at the moment when Jiang Libo thought that the right-hand sword would successfully force lidak to let go, lidak's right hand suddenly became twice as strong, torn, and a piece of white bone grew out of the gap. The blade cut on it and made a hard sound like metal strike. A strong shock came back, which almost made his right-hand sword go directly.

At this time, lidak's left hand came back again, and became thick again. The prominent white bone broke the flesh and blood, pushed his palm hard and patted on Jiang Libo's right hand knife, which made a harsh sound of fingers moving the blackboard.

"Get out of here!"

Li Dake was stopped by Jiang Libai for a while. He was so angry that he caught two machetes in his arms and immediately threw jiang Libai's body into the air.


The wings of the two blood red bats soared up, and a blood red sharp bone spurs suddenly grew on the lower edge of the wings, which stabbed Jiang lipai from both sides like the tip of a gun.

"Back up!"

Although Jiang Libo practiced vigorous and physical training, he was not the brainless tough man in the ordinary people's impression. In such a situation, he did not hesitate to let go of his machete, put his feet on lidak's arms in front of him, and his body suddenly flew upside down.

But at this moment, lidak's face suddenly showed a strange smile.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Two small arms of blood colored bone spurs suddenly from his back in the transmission of blood colored wings, straight to the air in the air can no longer use body method to dodge Jiang Li Bai.

In front of all the attacks are to cover up, and the real killing move is here!

"Miss, take the little miss away!"

Uncle Xu has been watching the situation in the field. Seeing that Jiang Libo is in danger, he immediately rushes forward to direct Xiang Junyi to avoid the fierce battle that is about to start at the door of the study.

Lidak's two insidious spines were extremely fast, but Uncle Xu burst out with all his strength, stretched out in an instant, and finally arrived in time before the spines hurt Jiang Libo. He spread out his palms and gave a lift to the sides of the two spines, which successfully changed the direction of their deadly attacks.

Although the bone spurs deviated from the track, they were castrated until almost all of them were shot into the wall of the study.

Until then, Jiang Li Bai fell heavily at the door of the study, slightly embarrassed.

When lidak saw that he had lost the chance to kill, he threw his double swords behind him with his backhand. He glanced at several people at the door of the study and said with a grim smile, "human warrior, any resistance is useless. I use the immortal demon body refined by blood poison to cooperate with my noble blood recovery ability. Only a few martial people have no chance to really hurt me!"

As he said this, lidak reached out and took back the pieces of flesh and blood that had fallen on the ground. He immediately filled the small arm that he had just been cut off. The pieces of flesh and blood immediately attached to it after wriggling a few times. Against the white bones that broke the flesh and blood, it was even more weird and terrifying.

At this time, lidak is basically out of human shape. His back wings are like bats and full of sharp spines. His arms are exaggerated after changing, just like the exaggerated arms of King Kong. His arms hang a little over his legs, not to mention the flesh and blood tears of his arms. It's just like two claw arms with white bones as the main body.

Uncle Xu looked cold and didn't pay attention to lidak's taunt. He turned and left the study. At the same time, he neatly turned out a small hidden box on the side of the door and slammed on a small brake inside.

Boom! Boom!

As soon as Xu Shugang opened the gate, he saw a row of arm thick iron fences suddenly fall from the sky. In an instant, a whole circle around the door and inside of the study turned the study into a solid iron prison.

Chen Hao was shocked.

"Damn, this is the real rich family. How much does it cost to make such a mechanism in a villa?"

He was not surprised by the secret and exquisite mechanism, but felt that such a large study cage must cost a lot of money, and decided that it was not a small landlord like him who could afford to play.

"This is a protective cage made of alloy. On the outer wall, a large number of exorcism charms were carved inside the building. Originally, they were used to hide for our mother and daughter in case of danger, but now they are used to surround this monster."

Xiang Junyi then went to Jiang Qian's side, crossed Jiang Qian and said to Chen Hao.

Now she finally calmed down for a while, and regained the attitude of a strong woman who looked forward to everything and seemed to be indifferent to everything.

"So, he can't get out..."

Xiang Junyi said confidently.

As a result, at this time, Jiang Libo and Xu Shu suddenly sent their own warnings, and suddenly interrupted Xiang Junyi's words.


"Break up!"

Jiang Li Bai and Xu Shu suddenly retreated to Chen Hao, and then everyone saw the bloody smell at the door of the study. Lidak suddenly bumped into the heavy iron fence at the door of the study. As a result, the iron fence was suddenly hit a huge depression, and the metal clasps on the roof of the shed all made a sound of toothache.

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