
Lidak's body, like a tank, broke out again after a short pause. Only the second time, he successfully broke the thick iron fence and collapsed most of the wall at the entrance of the study. Immediately, a large number of pieces of cloth and yellow Rune paper were seen flying in the air. The naked eye could see that several incantations with various auras of spiritual power in the wall were dim one after another.

Obviously, the defense of the study was destroyed by violence.

"How could that be?"

Xiang Junyi looks at the door of the study which is broken in shock.

This is her last resort at home for the special situation. Unexpectedly, after Uncle Xu seized the opportunity to open it, she was easily broken by the monster.

Jiang Li Bai and Xu Shu look very ugly at this time.

"Young lady, you take young lady to leave quickly, I will try to stop this monster for a while with the second master."

At the critical moment, Uncle Xu pulled down his sleeve and showed his two strong arms. He was staring at lidak, who was stopping at the door of his study. He said to Junyi without looking back.

"Hey, hey, do you think there's still a chance to escape?"

Lidak turned his head and looked at the people in the spacious corridor on the third floor. He suddenly raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

All of a sudden, the whole villa suddenly heard countless screams!

Chen Haoli's frown as like as two peas and a quick breath of air, he found that the smell of blood in the villa was just the same as that of Li Dake. It was only a more subtle and hidden phenomenon.

After the appearance of these breath, the breath of many bodyguards and domestic helpers in the villa is rapidly dissipating, and at the same time, it is rolling up a more intense bloody breath.

"This monster is killing people!"

Chen Hao's eyes immediately turned to lidak. This seemingly reckless and brainless guy was just procrastinating. Secretly, he split up more bat like insects to sneak into the villa, killing all the bodyguards and domestic servants except a few of them.


After Chen Hao's reaction, Wan Ben's face suddenly changed.

He originally just wanted to come for a show, but he didn't expect that the monster he was facing had such a plot, and he secretly hid such a vicious means to kill people.

This situation immediately changed his attitude towards the vampire.

Because every scream in his ear was constantly stimulating his inner will of inheritance called "protection"!

"Jiang Qian, help me to help Li Hong."

Chen Hao silently transfers Li Hong to Jiang Qian.

Jiang Qian a Leng, subconsciously took over Li Hong in Chen Hao's indisputable tone.


Without waiting for Jiang Qian and Li Hong to react, Chen Hao took the initiative for the first time when he came to Jiang Qian's home tonight, aiming at lidak full of devil temperament.

"Little landlord!"

Li Hong reacts after Chen Hao starts, and immediately looks at Chen Hao who rushes to the vampire monster and exclaims.

She saw a lot of incredible things from Chen Hao tonight, but she also saw the power of the vampire who became a monster. You know, the strength of the vampire can be seen from the situation that the monster just broke through the cage in the study. Even the round warrior at the top of the mountain can only be equal to him.

Not to mention the monster's powerful recovery ability just revealed, as well as the threat of his undeveloped magic.

Anyway, even if she is in a state of intact body, she will never fight against such a monster.

So in Li Hong's opinion, even master Huajin is not easy to deal with such a difficult monster. Now the best choice is to leave directly, because master Huajin may not be able to defeat this vampire, but why would a vampire want to provoke a master Huajin for no reason.

But what Li Hong doesn't know is that Chen Hao has been enraged by lidak, who ordered the insects to kill indiscriminately!

"Hey, hey... Huh?"

Lidak got a lot of blood feedback immediately after he ordered the bat blood bug who sneaked into the villa to fight. He didn't ask the bug to kill the bodyguards and servants directly. What he wanted more was the strong resentment that he could get after torturing everyone to death.

Because the basis of his blood bug spirit's successful fusion of bug and vampire genes is these resentments. As long as he has more resentments, he can become more powerful!

So after he ordered the insects to fight, he looked at all the people in the corridor in fear and discoloration, and his heart was inexplicably distorted and satisfied.

Just then.

Lidak's intuition suddenly found a sudden danger.

He immediately concentrated on the alert, only to find that he was blocking the corridor in the side of the crowd in a person's appearance.



Chen Hao's body is like a ghost. He decides to come to lidak's body in a flash after he starts. He presses the one handed Xuanqing Taiji palm on lidak's head and face, and slams the monster, which is now more than two meters high, to the ground.

There was a dull sound.

The back of lidak's head and body fell heavily on the ground, and the huge sound spread all over the villa in an instant. The scream that was already ringing everywhere suddenly dropped, and it was much less.

"Hey, you've gone too far. Don't blame me for that."

Chen Hao squatted down, holding lidak's head across a powerful power in his palm. There was a creaking crack in his hands.

Attack its leader!

Chen Hao's straightforward and fierce attack, in addition to his anger, is trying to cut off lidak's remote control of all the poisonous insects in the villa, because only in this way can he save people on a larger scale.

"Who are you?"

Lidak was shocked when he was pressed down. However, when he heard Chen Hao's words, he immediately became angry. His arms and wings were all aimed at the young man in front of him in an instant. At this moment, every prominent bone appeared a sharp spur.

"Chen Hao!"

Jiang Qian pushes Li Hong beside her and rushes over worried.

As a result, he was immediately stopped by Uncle Xu.

Because at this time, Chen Hao had already launched his defense, and the spirit power of Xuanshui star trace suddenly exploded, and his left hand immediately drew a dark blue palm shadow in the front half of his body.


Lidak's attack is like a multi clawed monster with hands, feet and wings, which makes people feel numb.

However, in Chen Hao's left hand one palm defense, he accurately shot every attack on him, just like a tsunami surging out of the storm, devouring all the rain fiercely, leaving no ripple.

Everyone around us who saw this took a big subconscious breath.

A person's one palm attack is as comprehensive as the octopus's, and he even easily stops it with one palm. Moreover, it doesn't take into account the large number of bone spines that are harder and sharper than ordinary metal, which are also completely unbreakable.

It's amazing!

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