Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1012: The third level of good fortune

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Ning Xiaochuan took a look at the dead dragon cricket, detected it with his heart and mind, and did not feel the powerful energy fluctuations, so Ning Xiaochuan determined that the heart of the mainland was not on him.

"The kangfeng of the kanglong tribe has taken the heart of the mainland away!" Gu Tao on the side saw Ning Xiaochuan using the power of the mind to detect and knew that Ning Xiaochuan was looking for the heart of the mainland, and said immediately.

"Kang Feng? Where did he go?"

After listening to Gu Tao's words, Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly and felt something was wrong.

Gu Tao actually told him the news, why didn't Gu Tao go and stop Kang Feng by himself?

After all, that kung feng is just the younger generation and has not yet reached the point of creation.

Although Gu Tao couldn't resist Long Ling, it should be easy to deal with a ninth-level creature in Wangu Realm. Unless Kang Feng is like him, his strength is far beyond the realm.

"As soon as we arrived, Kang Feng had left. I wanted to go after him, but I have been blocked by other Shenhe civilizations. Until now, I don't know where Kang Feng went." Gu Tao said helplessly. .

He didn't lie, Gu Tao really didn't know where Kang Feng went. If he knew, he would definitely tell Ning Xiaochuan without hesitation.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Gu Tao, frowned slightly, and at the same time he was a bit vigilant about Gu Tao.

"That being the case, I'll look for Kangfeng first. You should leave soon! Dragon creatures will come here soon, definitely more powerful than Dragonfly." Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong immediately left the place after speaking. .

Gu Tao looked at the flying Ning Xiaochuan, a sneer flashed around his mouth, and then left with all the warriors in the world who were present.

Three hours after the crowd left the place, a strong man who had achieved the third-best level of creation stepped out of the void and appeared at the place where Ning Xiaochuan and others just stood.

His name is Long Yan, but he is the three major warlords of the dragon sub-god Longshi demons. He has cultivated for 10,000 years, and his combat power is enough to match the fourth strongest man in the world of Da Yan. He is an absolute cruel man. Tens of thousands of eternal powers have been slaughtered, but not in the world of Dayan, but in the other planes of the continent.

"It's a quick escape."

Long Yue said coldly, and stretched out his arm in front of the void in front of him, and a space crack appeared in front of Long Yue. One step into the crack in the space, the dragonfly disappeared.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong kept flying along the way, converging their breath to the extreme, constantly changing their direction.

Long Ling emerged from the crack in space, and suddenly went straight over a distance of two million kilometers to another area.

He and Ning Xiaochuan Xiaohong are getting closer.

"Someone caught up!"

There was a wave of fluctuations in Ning Xiaochuan's heart. He detected the dragon owl that was catching up and felt a dangerous breath.

"We have to be faster. The other side's repairs are quite scary."

A pair of crimson unreal dragon wings grew on Ning Xiaochuan's back, and the speed doubled immediately.

Xiao Hong observed everything in Ning Xiaochuan's eyes, and knew that those who chased them were about to catch up, so she also increased her speed to the limit. With one breath, she could span tens of thousands of miles.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind has been observing Long Ling, and found that the other party actually used space span to track them, and it was a very long distance leap. At this speed, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong would soon be caught up, and the other party ’s repair In order to reach the third level of the good fortune, even Ning Tianmeng is not his opponent.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan can also break the space, open the door of the space, and directly cross the space.

However, with his current practice, he cannot fully resist the power of the space storm. Only the creatures of the created world can control the heavens and the earth, and can be calmly transmitted in the space storm.

After a little consideration, Ning Xiaochuan decided to abandon the use of the giant spirit warhammer to break the space to cross, because the possibility of danger is very large, and the transmission location cannot be controlled. In case of directly crossing to the spiritual and spiritual gathering place of the Shenhe civilization, the trouble will be big. Already.

If you reach the realm of creation, it will not be so troublesome. For the powerful of the realm of creation, the most important thing is to understand the secrets of heaven and earth, such as space and earth.

An ancient deity once said, "Look at the mystery of heaven and earth, and reach the limit of creation!"

This sentence fully describes the power of the powerful creatures. To become a powerful creature, you must first understand the world.

Therefore, crossing the space is very difficult for the elders of the ancient world, even if the elders of the elders of the world are ninth, but it is very simple for the elders of the good fortune.

"Has been!"

About an hour later, Ning Xiaochuan's mind discovered that Long Yan had already caught up, just less than three thousand miles behind him and Xiaohong, and getting closer.

"Well, the martial arts warrior still wants to compare speed with the formidable realm? It's just delusional!" Long Yan snorted coldly, gathered a powerful energy ball in his hand, and violently hit Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong!

The energy ball seems to have locked Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong, and has been following behind Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong. No matter how the Ning Xiaochuan changed their direction, they couldn't throw off the energy ball from Long Yong until they were hit.


Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong snorted at the same time, the blood in their bodies twitched fortunately, fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong were both strong enough. The blow from Long Ling only caused them some problems, but did not cause any harm. If they were to be replaced by other ninth heavy martial arts soldiers in Wangu Realm, this attack from Long Ling would be enough to hurt them.

"It is worthy of the Dragon God of Fighting God. The three dragons are stronger than the Dragon God of Dragon Slayer. If he is taken back and then made into a puppet by Lord Dragon Slayer, I am afraid that his fighting power will soon surpass me. At that time, the warriors of Da Yan World will let him be slaughtered! "Long Yan smiled coldly, speeding up a little bit, and soon catching up with Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong.

"Little Red, fit!"

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan was about to be caught up, he immediately shouted that instead of being caught like this, he might as well fight!

Xiaohong immediately turned into a dragon-shaped flame and entered Ning Xiaochuan's body, from the inside out, into a set of fiery red dragon battle armor.

Ning Xiaochuan, wearing a dragon battle armor, holding the Heavenly Emperor's Blade, chopped up directly towards the dragon.

Giant Spirit Warhammer is temporarily unavailable. Ning Xiaochuan is not sure to defeat the opponent, let alone kill. If the news of Giant Spirit Warhammer is leaked out, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong will be faced by two groups of men and women. This is not good news for Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong.

"Crazy!" Long Yan saw that Ning Xiaochuan not only did not run away, but also joined his divine dragon cub to fight with him, and said scornfully.

Long Yan looked at Ning Xiaochuan lightly, with a calm look, until Ning Xiaochuan was about to be chopped on his head. Long Yan slowly raised his right hand, exuding a powerful force, and even stopped Ning Xiaochuan's attack directly!

The formidable powerhouses under the sub-gods are indeed different from those of the former goodwill beheaded by Ning Xiaochuan. The underpowered underworlds are more powerful because they can get the essence of the sub-gods!

Although the sub-gods say that their power is not as good as the real gods, they have already entered the category of gods. Their blood is naturally regarded as **** blood. After devouring the **** blood, it must be very powerful. This is another creation. Not available.

"Hunyuan Yiqi Sword!"

"Breaking the knife!"

Ning Xiaochuan also took out the magic sword together, and simultaneously exhibited two powerful divine magic.

Two ghosts of ghosts appeared behind Ning Xiaochuan at the same time, slashing severely at Long Yu.

"You can count on the power of two gods at once, and you're quite amazing!" Long Yan said.

In order to use the divine power scattered in the heavens and the earth, having a strong physique and the relationship between the gods is the first condition. There is also a condition that the mental strength must be strong enough.

Because if you want to accept the divine power, your mind must reach a certain level. If the power of the mind is not enough, you will be shocked to death by the power of the god!

Ordinary geniuses have the limit to be able to borrow the power of a deity. Like the young generation of warriors on the continent, only a few people can borrow the power of the deities. Both hands can be counted.

Among the souls of the Shenhe civilization, there are many gains of a **** power, but very few creatures can borrow two **** powers at the same time.

It is enough to prove how powerful Ning Xiaochuan's mental strength is compared with the younger generation.


Ning Xiaochuan held the magic sword and the Heavenly Emperor Blade to slash the dragon savagely, and the huge energy was emitted, breaking the ground into pieces.

Pieces of megaliths splattered and were shattered into flying ash by knife and sword gas, and even two nearby peaks collapsed, making a deafening crackling sound.

Ning Xiaochuan's attack was chopped on the dragon's body, with the dragon's body as the center, and the ground with a radius of several kilometers was sunken into a small basin-like landform.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the dust in the sky, his eyes were slightly frozen, and he detected with his heart that Long Yan was not injured at all.

Such a powerful attack did not leave any trace on him. The third strongest person in the fortune is really too strong!

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan has more powerful magical powers, such as: World Extinction, White Bone Beads, Giant Spirit Hammer.

These are Ning Xiaochuan's secret hole cards. If there is no absolute certainty to kill Long Yan, Ning Xiaochuan will not reveal these cards. Once he can kill his opponent, he will not hesitate to shoot.

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