Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1013: escape

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Ning Xiaochuan had to summon Ning Tianmeng. Ning Tianmeng had the second-best cultivation of good fortune. Although he could not defeat Long Yan, he could at least entangle it.

"Follow Shinto!"

Ning Xiaochuan said quietly, Ning Tianmeng flew out of the town tower, kneeling on one knee at Ning Xiaochuan, "Ning Tianmeng see the master!"

"Come up!" Ning Xiaochuan said.


Ning Tianmeng immediately got up and looked at Long Yan.

Tens of thousands of seven-color begonia petals suddenly appeared from Ning Tianmeng's hands, and in a flash they came to Long Yan's face and launched a fierce attack on it.

Each begonia petal is extremely sharp, as if tens of thousands of top-quality supreme devices were attacking the dragonfly constantly, so that the dragonfly had to stop to resist Ning Tianmeng's attack on him.

"Abominable, there is a helper!"

Long Yan snorted coldly, but his appearance did not change much, and he took out a long wooden board-like supreme imperial treasure directly from the Qiankun bag, and inserted it fiercely on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the wooden board on the ground. He didn't know what the wooden board was used for, but since it is a supreme royal treasure, it must not be too weak, and it must have amazing destructive power.

Ning Tianmeng's jade fingers kept changing in the air. Behind her appeared a towering seven-color begonia tree. The entire tree's body was as thick as a mountain peak. It was hundreds of thousands of meters high from the root to the crown of the tree. , Straight into the sky!

When Ning Xiaochuan saw this scene, he knew that Ning Tianmeng was about to exhibit her most powerful magical power!

"Begonia flowers bloom, the Three Realms are dead!" Ning Tianmeng whispered his fingers and murmured.

In an instant, the entire sky became extremely dim. Only the huge seven-color begonia tree exudes seven-color light, shining in this world, everything else was overshadowed at this moment.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the entire begonia tree behind Ning Tianmeng turned into a huge seven-color begonia flower, which wrapped the entire body of the dragonfly in it, and a fierce roar occurred. At almost the same time, Ning Tianmeng turned Ning Xiaochuan directly into countless petals.

When Ning Tianmeng ’s magical power attack was about to attack Long Ling, a huge energy shield suddenly appeared around Long Ling, blocking all the attacking forces of Ning Tianmeng without any damage. This is the Supreme Emperor The role of level wooden boards.

At present, Ning Tianmeng's strength is not enough to deal with Long Ling, so only the strongest supernatural power can be used as a cover to help Ning Xiaochuan escape. Only in this way can he not be tracked by Long Ling.

After escaping from Long Ling's tracking, Ning Tianmeng performed magical powers, and turned Ning Xiaochuan into countless petals and sent it to the other side of the Shenyan continent. It was almost half a continent away from where Long Ling was. I can't find it here.

Ning Tianmeng has the power to create a strong realm, and was once a sub-god. Naturally, he has also learned the mysteries of heaven and earth. Of course, he can also make a leap in space and take Ning Xiaochuan to escape.

This time Ning Tianmeng exerted her strongest magic power, which caused her to consume too much, so Ning Tianmeng had to return to the town's tower and slowly recover her strength.

Everything next depends on Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong.

Ning Xiaochuan came to the easternmost part of the Shenyan continent and belongs to the ancient Yunfeng country, one of the four ancient countries.

There are 3,500 real-world warriors and seven strong ancient warriors in the ancient country of Yunfeng. It ranks third among the four ancient countries, and is also a junior six-class civilization empire.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong were flying non-stop along the way, day and night, and they had to rush back to the heart of the continent before Kang Feng returned to the gathering place of the soul and civilization of Shenhe.

Otherwise, Kang Feng will give the heart of the continent to the strong creatures of the Dragon race, such as the dragon-type sub-god dragon to release the magic, and then it is impossible to take back the heart of the mainland again.

In order to avoid the danger from appearing again, Ning Xiaochuan changed his appearance with Xiao Hong slightly. Ning Xiaochuan became a white-eyed elder man, so that at a glance, he would know that he was an old man with a wind candle and a weather-beaten age.

And Xiao Hong became a wrinkled old lady, wearing a brown-black clothes, holding a crutch with a dragon body as a handle in her hand.

After all, the talents of Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong are too high, far beyond the so-called geniuses of other Dayan worlds, so it is easy to find the souls of the Shenhe civilization, and Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong have to change their appearances. Make it look like an old man.

Along the way, because of this appearance, Xiaohong didn't know how many times he cursed Long Yan, and he kept cursing at him. If he didn't send a signal to the dragons before he died, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong wouldn't Being hunted down will not be what it looks like now.

"Okay, what's the use of scolding a dead person, let's keep looking for kangfeng!" Ning Xiaochuan said to Xiaohong that he couldn't listen.

"Huh! If it wasn't for the dragon's good fortune, would we be chased from the north of Shenyan continent to the east?" Xiao Hong said unhappyly.

"Even if there isn't that good fortune, the dragon creatures will come to us sooner or later, after all, we killed their three fighting **** dragon envoys." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head helplessly and said to Xiaohong.

"If I find that kind of kangfeng, I must spit out the dragon fire and burn him!" Xiaohong made a fierce expression, pretending to catch kangfeng, and was constantly choking him.

If he had changed in the past, Ning Xiaochuan would still think that Xiao Hong is very cute, but now she has changed her appearance. When Xiao Hong does this again, Ning Xiaochuan immediately feels a bitter cold ...

In this way, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong started looking for kung feng from the easternmost part of the Shenyan continent as the elderly and the oldest.

Along the way, Ning Xiaochuan released his mental strength, and every one million miles, Ning Xiaochuan would carefully detect it and not let it go.

Since the heart of the continent is said to be the core of the entire continent, it must belong to the category of "earth". Since it is the earth, can it be searched through the Earth Scriptures?

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan moved the earth and started to feel all the energy fluctuations of the earth in the whole ancient Yunfeng country.

On this day, Kang Feng was driving on the road. He changed his appearance to the appearance of a warrior in the Da Yan World. Even the dragon horns that the dragons had on his head were received, and the spirit of God was completely suppressed. Into the body, even the formidable realm can't find that he is the creature of the Dragon Race of Shenhe Civilization.

When Ning Xiaochuan found him, Kang Feng was rushing to the gathering place of Shenhe civilization, and was planning to give the heart of the continent to the Dragon God.

He has used the heart of the continent to collect many million-year-old earth veins, and if brought back to the Shenhe civilization, it will surely help the Dragons.

At that time, the Dragon will definitely give him a good reward. Anyway, he can't stay in the world of Da Yan anyway, so the heart of the mainland has little effect on him.

However, if it is delivered to the sub-god, Kang Feng will not only get a lot of rewards, but also make the world of Da Yan be captured more quickly. Therefore, Kang Feng will be happy to surrender the mainland.

"Stop!" Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong fell from the sky, came to the front of Kang Feng, and intercepted him directly.

"Who are you? Why stop me?" Kang Feng asked coldly.

He knows that now he has the continent's heart. Many warriors in the Great Yan World are looking for him and want to have the continent's heart on him. However, he has changed his appearance and breath now. Unless the other person's mind is very strong, it is impossible Find him.

Kang Feng saw Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong change the old man and old woman, and a slight glance revealed that Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong's cultivation is the ninth place in Wangujing. Of course, this is where Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong deliberately put their strength In the case of manifestation, Kang Feng did not regard them as powerful minds and thought that he had not been found.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong both stared at Kang Feng quietly. They were both physically aware of their constitutions, and the other side was also the ninth most important practice in Wangujing. They were weaker than Ning Xiaochuan.

"The two of us are the two elders of the God's Palace, and come to issue a new order from the court to the students of the God's Palace!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Order?" After hearing the words, Kang Feng was surprised. He did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan was the elder of the Divine Reserve Palace, but he did not say anything.

It would be very helpful for Shenhe civilization to get the intelligence of the heavenly courts in advance.

"Well, but this is confidential and cannot be known to others, so we have to talk in the hidden formation method." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"The formation method? Okay, no problem." Kang Feng agreed without hesitation. In his opinion, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong were just like him, the ninth heavy martial artist in Wangu Realm, even if Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong wanted to To deal with him in the formation, he can quickly break through the formation and escape, there is no need to escape.

Ning Xiaochuan saw Dao Kangfeng seem to expect that he and Xiaohong could not deal with him. He immediately took out the bead behind him and activated it, and sucked Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong and Kang Feng into the space inside the bead at the same time. .

Kang Feng entered the space of Jiezhu and looked at the gray grassland around him. He felt a bit wrong. After a little detection, he shouted: "It is Jiezhu! How is it possible? How can Dayan world warriors have Jiezhu? ! "

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong looked at Kang Feng with a smile, it seemed that Jie Zhu's deterrent was still very strong.

Jiezhu is the treasure of the highest emperor level. It is not easy to open. If you want to open it, you can only kill the owner of Jiezhu. With Kang Feng's strength, it is clear that Liaoning and Ning Xiaochuan cannot be killed!

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