Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1014: Obliterate

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Kang Feng looked at Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong in front of him, and his heart was already tense, and he doubted the identities of Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong.

"Who the **** are you?" Kang Feng asked

Although Kang Feng has begun to doubt Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong, he didn't start to do it in advance because he thought it might be suspicious of him. No matter what happened, calm down and talk about it.

"Give up the heart of the mainland!"

Ning Xiaochuan said without opening a corner.

He and Xiaohong both reached the ninth level of Wangu Realm, and they were not afraid of Kang Feng's resistance. The mainland's heart must be recaptured!

"Heart of the mainland!" Kang Feng was shocked when he heard what Ning Xiaochuan said.

Unexpectedly, the man in front of him actually detected the continent's heart on him. It seems that he cannot hide it.

"Even if you know the continent's heart is on me, what about you? It's impossible for you to fight against the souls of our Shenhe civilization. You are weak compared to us!"

Kang Feng's expression became very embarrassing, and he became a one-horned golden dragon with a length of 1,000 kilometers, and rushed to Ning Xiaochuan.


"Hualong? I will too!" Xiaohong has long changed from the appearance of old lad to a beautiful girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, seeing the one-cornered golden dragon, a smile on her pretty face.

She shook her body, and red scales grew on her white skin, turning into a red dragon with burning flames all over her body.

At this moment, Xiao Hong is exactly like the legendary dragon, with horns like deer, head like lion, body like snake, belly like cricket, scales like fish, and claws like eagle.

"You're a dragon cub!"

Kang Feng was even more shocked. I didn't expect that the old lad was a Shenlong cub!

Although the blood of Kang Feng is also high among the dragons, he cannot reach the strength of the Shenlong cub.

You should know that every Shenlong cub is transformed into Taishen Dragon King by its own power. It can be said that each Shenlong cub is a part of Taishen Dragon King, and the blood is naturally the same as Taishang Shenlong King.

The Supreme Dragon King, as the dragon king of the heavens and universe, commands the entire dragon clan. Is his bloodline capable of competing against the dragon clan like Kangfeng?

I saw the red divine dragon formed by Xiaohong and the unicorn golden dragon transformed by Kang Feng fighting together and making a thunderous dragon howling. There was a flash of lightning and thunder in the entire space of the bead, but fortunately, the bead after all Jiezhu is a warrior with the highest level of imperial weaponry. This is not damaged by the energy of Xiao Hong and Kang Feng.

"Destroy the stars!"

Ning Xiaochuan sacrifice a giant spirit warhammer, flew up high, and instantly fell on Kang Feng's huge body, hitting the back of Kang Feng's unicorn Jinlong fiercely!

The dragon's unicorn Jin Long suddenly turned into a rage, and a strong pain spread throughout his body.

His body was broken by this blow from Ning Xiaochuan, and a large amount of dragon blood flowed from the back of Kang Feng. Dragon blood dripped on the ground, lighting the entire grassland.

Xiaohong roared, and on the gray grassland, three huge god-extinguishing dragon fires and a black thundercloud full of the power of thunder suddenly appeared.


Kang Feng shouted unwillingly, and behind him a ghostly ghost shadow appeared.

That ghost is also a unicorn-type dragon, but it is a hundred times longer than Kang Feng. Almost half of the space in the bead is entangled by the ghost's body.

That is the ancestor of Kang Feng, Kang Jinlong, one of the twenty-eight astral gods of Shenhe civilization.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the ghost shadow behind Kang Feng, sacrificed the Heavenly Emperor Blade and the magic sword together, and exhibited two types of divine magic.

"Hunyuan Yiqi Sword!"

"Breaking the knife!"

Ning Xiaochuan said the names of two kinds of divine magic. Two ghosts of ghosts appeared suddenly behind his back. It was more domineering than Kangfeng summoned the fifth ghost of ghosts, like two gods of war, each holding a long sword and The blade, suddenly attacked the dragon!

In the eyes of Kang Feng, there was a horror of fear, and Li Shi displayed his strongest supernatural power—Kang Long had regrets!

The entire body of the unicorn Jinlong transformed by Kang Feng exudes a golden light. Numerous runes appear from the space in front of Kang Feng and are printed on Kang Feng. Suddenly, the momentum of Kang Feng rises to the extreme.

Jie Zhu's space trembled violently, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong's eyes froze slightly. I did not expect that Kang Feng had such a hole card.

Ning Xiaochuan exhibited two kinds of divine magic to attack Xiang Kangfeng fiercely. The unicorn dragon virtual shadow behind him even made a substantive roar, which made Dening Xiaochuan and Xiaohong's eardrums slightly painful.

Then, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong saw that when the magic performed by Ning Xiaochuan attacked Kang Feng's body, it broke instantly, as if it had no effect at all!

"You can't help me at all!" Kang Feng said grimly.

"is it?"

Ning Xiaochuan did not believe that Kang Feng's defense was so strong. Immediately after exposing Shenlong's speed, he came to Kang Feng's head, held the Emperor's Blade, and slashed sharply at its dragon horn!

A burst of sparks emerged from the kangfeng dragon horn, and the whole dragon horn was split into two sections by Ning Xiaochuan and fell to the ground!

"Roar!" Kang Feng yelled, just about to attack Ning Xiaochuan on his head, but Xiao Hong quickly flew up at this time, biting Kang Feng's neck, and staring at Kang Feng's eyes, he felt Until his power and blood are being sucked away by Xiao Hong!

"Heart of the continent!"

Kang Feng yelled, his body flashed a white light again, and then the ground inside the whole bead began to collapse.

The loud rumblings spread throughout the space of Jiezhu.

The surface of the bead in Ning Xiaochuan's hand cracked open cracks!

"The heart of the mainland is on him, I did not detect it wrong!" Ning Xiaochuan said in his heart.

The heart of the mainland must be seized before Kang Feng destroys the space of the boundary beads.

Otherwise, when Kang Feng escapes outside, he can use the power of the mainland heart.

At that time, it will be quite unfavorable to Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong.

The heart of the continent is the core of a continent. By manipulating the heart of the continent, the kangfeng can mobilize the earth power of the entire Shenyan continent to deal with Ning Xiaochuan. Even if Ning Xiaochuan has practiced the "Dijing", it cannot be resisted!

"Death of the World!"

Ning Xiaochuan held the Heavenly Emperor Blade and slashed fiercely at Kang Feng.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan has been desperate, and even if he is trying to reveal his identity as a preacher of the world, he must **** the heart of the mainland.

A powerful sword wave cut off a dragon claw of Kang Feng and dropped it to the ground.

"The method of extinction! You are the heir to the extinction!"

Kang Feng was very frightened at this moment. He did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan was a descendant of the world, which reminded him of the horrifying legend of Shenhe civilization.

For a moment, he lost his fighting spirit, and even the breath on his body weakened a lot.

At this moment, Kang Feng's mind emerged the picture he had seen on ancient books before. Countless deities were beheaded and killed, sub-gods' bodies were piled up into mountains, and the entire Shenhe civilization was almost destroyed. Stars were broken and the sky was burning. Like hell.

All the gods of the Shenhe civilization were beheaded and killed that night!

Kang Feng's eyes lost his spirit, full of fear. He never thought that getting the heart of the mainland would attract him such an enemy. Turned out to be the heir to the world!

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the frightened Kang Feng. Without any hesitation, he directly chopped off the dragon head of Kang Feng and destroyed his soul together. He must not let Kang Feng tell his identity.

After the death of Kang Feng, a mysterious white light mass flew out of the body.


As soon as it appeared, the white light group wanted to escape, and immediately broke through the space of the bead and escaped.

"That's the heart of the continent, catch up with it!"

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong had no time to think about, and put away Feng Feng's corpse, and then immediately displayed the Shenlong to chase the heart of the mainland.

Fortunately, the area where Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong are located is not the main battlefield, and there are no souls of Shenhe civilization within a million miles.

Otherwise, if the soul of the Shenhe civilization finds that Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong are following the heart of the mainland, it will definitely cause great trouble.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the heart of the mainland that flew away quickly, immediately summoned Ning Tianmeng, cut through the cracks in space, and made a space leap to hunt down the heart of the mainland.

With the help of Ning Tianmeng, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong made a total of thirteen space crossings, and finally rushed to the front of the mainland heart. However, they did not expect the mainland heart to go underground in a turn.

Suddenly, the heart of the continent entered a depth of about eight thousand miles underground.

"The heart of the mainland is a peerless treasure related to the earth. It can control the land of the entire continent and let it enter the earth. It is undoubtedly a fish entering the sea. It is difficult to find it again!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"So how did those dragon creatures get the heart of the mainland? How to suppress the heart of the mainland?" Xiaohong said doubtfully.

"They must have special means." As Xiao Hong said, Ning Xiaochuan immediately took out Kang Feng's body and searched carefully.

Finally, a mysterious iron box was found inside Kang Feng's body, and a powerful seal was arranged on it. Even if Ning Xiaochuan tried his best, the seal could not be broken.

There was a line of text on the lid of the iron box. Ning Xiaochuan didn't know it, but he concluded that the box was used to suppress the heart of the mainland.

There is the breath left by the heart of the continent.

"These words ... I seem to know them!" Xiaohong said after seeing the words on the iron box in Ning Xiaochuan's hands.

"Do you know? Also, Kang Feng is originally a Dragon race, and naturally uses the characters of the Dragon race. You are a pup of the dragon, you must know it!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Xiaohong took the iron box in Ning Xiaochuan's hand and studied it carefully. Above the box, it's not just as simple as Long Wen, it's still divine, containing the divine power.

The text on the box is the spell that activates the iron box.

As long as you read the mantra, you can suppress the heart of the mainland.

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