Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1017: Make great progress

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At the place where Ning Xiaochuan fought with the five good fortune realms, a 100-meter deep pit appeared out of thin air, enclosing Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong and the five good fortune goodies.

There was smoke and dust everywhere.

The ground was actually such a large pit hit by Ning Xiaochuan with a hammer. The area within a distance of tens of thousands of miles was felt, as if the ground had just shaken.

All five powerful creatures were seriously injured at the moment, but the gryphon stood up, because only he had achieved the second highest level of good fortune, and he was a hybrid of the demon and the human race. The monster's physique is naturally stronger than the human race. Unless the other four powerful creatures are all higher human races, they can be compared with him in the flesh.

"How can you, a ninth-ranked warrior in Wangu Realm, have such powerful power ?!"

The griffin was very frightened. He didn't expect Ning Xiaochuan's physical strength to be so powerful. He just felt that Ning Xiaochuan gave him a feeling of suffocation when the power broke out.

It's as if Ning Xiaochuan's hammer was hit and the entire planet will be destroyed. It can't resist it!

Ning Xiaochuan did not answer the question from the griffin, but walked step by step towards the four formidable powerhouses already lying on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan's right hand held the Giant Warhammer silently.

Dragons have inverse scales, and those who touch them are angry.

Griffins and others should never mention Ning Xiaochuan's family, which makes Dening Xiaochuan extremely angry, and must not let go of Griffin and others.

"You ... what are you doing? I tell you, but I am the resource elder of the Lingxiao Temple!" The griffin saw Ning Xiaochuan holding the giant spirit warhammer step by step, and began to become scared, even They all trembled.

"What about the Lingxiao Temple? This can be the reason why you can threaten me with my family ?!" Ning Xiaochuan walked slowly to the faces of the griffins and others without hesitation, and flew to the sky again with the giant warhammer, Before the griffin was too late to react, he was smashed into a meat sauce by Ning Xiaochuan.

Even the souls in the gryphon's body are transformed into light spots, and the soul is completely scattered.

At the moment, the other four creatures are no longer able to speak, but they are breathing heavily, their breath is gradually weakening, and the power of life is slowly losing, and finally they die completely.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the five corpses in front of him and shook his head silently. The heart of the mainland is so seductive to the world. Even the powerful creatures lost their lives for it, not to mention the cultivation of those creatures. Those people?

The treasure is moving, and the scene at this moment fully explains the meaning of this sentence.

Ning Xiaochuan's fingertips flew out a fire of extinction, burning the bodies of the five formidable powerhouses cleanly without leaving any traces. Even if the news of their death was returned to the Lingxiao Temple, there was no It is known that Ning Xiaochuan did it, unless the Lord of the heavens deliberately probed it.

Ning Xiaochuan took the town's tower out, and his mind entered the town's tower, intending to continue to help Ning Tianmeng refining some secondary gods.

Ning Xiaochuan came to the place where he held the thoughts of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and released ten thoughts, then immediately absorbed the spirits from the thoughts and began to refine.

"Follow Shinto!"

Ning Xiaochuan showed up to receive Shinto, Ning Tianmeng immediately appeared behind him, without any words, for fear of disturbing Ning Xiaochuan, he waited silently.

About three days later, Ning Xiaochuan absorbed all the spirit power of the five thoughts, and then helped Ning Tianmeng suppress the power of the thoughts into her body.

Ning Tianmeng's power has been increased again, and with the first sub-god, her combat power is comparable to the third-level dominating creature in the realm.

"Thank you, master!" Ning Tianmeng worshiped Ning Xiaochuan, and at the suggestion of Ning Xiaochuan, immediately flew back to the town tower.

Ning Xiaochuan's mental power returned to his body, and then Ning Xiaochuan sat down on the ground and took a handful of Zengshendan. He was going to restore the consumed mental power first, and then began to refine his use of the demon family. Six sacred medicines exchanged by the dead body.

Ning Xiaochuan's entire brain was in a relaxed state, and began to quickly recover her mental strength.

About two hours later, Ning Xiaochuan's mental strength had become quite full, and he was about to start to make elixir by hand.

Ning Xiaochuan sacrifice the heart, and at the same time transferred the fifty handles of the figurative magical sword in the body out of the body, and arranged a matrix to prevent the escape of the shaped elixir, and let Xiao Hong guard it. Began reassuring refining.

Ning Xiaochuan first put the first 10,000-year holy medicine into the Xinding Ding, and immediately released the fire of extinction and the fire of God to extinguish the dragon.

The name of this million-year holy medicine is **** cold fire lotus. It is a lotus-shaped holy medicine. The lotus flower stem spreads a burning flame throughout the body, the temperature is extremely high, and it has a high temperature of tens of degrees, even in space. Distorted by its burning.

And its lotus flower is extremely cold, the temperature is just the opposite of the dried flower, and even the air is frozen into ice cubes. It is very difficult to refining it. It must let its flower and dried flower melt at the same time, otherwise A million-year holy medicine is equivalent to obsolete.

Ning Xiaochuan bet all his mind on the refining **** Hanhuolian, and he must not let go of any details, otherwise Ning Xiaochuan will be very depressed when the refining fails.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan's alchemy level has reached the level of a king-level mind trainer, and he is very familiar with the process of alchemy. He has controlled every detail very well. Finally, after a long time, he successfully turned the **** of cold Lian Lian made two kingpin pills.

The moment Ning Xiaochuan opened Yang Xinding, he saw two naked women flying out of it.

That was a woman transformed by two kingpin pills.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't bother them, and there was Xiaohong guarding it outside, and Wang Pindan could not run away.

Ning Xiaochuan is about to start refining the second strain of holy medicine.

Ning Xiaochuan once again served a zengshendan, and his mental strength was quickly restored.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't take a break, and once again refined the holy medicine.

Almost half a month later, Ning Xiaochuan finally refined all the 10,000-year-old holy medicine into elixir, and the fragrant incense was scattered for thousands of miles, and the whole land was attached with a vitality.

Many elixir grew from the place where Ning Xiaochuan refined it, as if entering a kingdom of elixir.

It won't be long before those elixir will devour all the energy of the ten thousand years of holy medicine in the air, and it will soon become a thousand-year magic drug.

Thousands of wonder drugs do not necessarily have to grow for thousands of years.

Xiaohong gave Ning Xiaochuan Wang Pingdan's medicine made from six thousand-year-old holy medicine, and then sat alone on the ground and practiced.

Each meridian in Ning Xiaochuan's body expanded and began to greedily absorb the medicine brought by Wang Pindan Medicine.

The two Tao elements in Ning Xiaochuan's body also began to rotate, transferring all the energy in his body into the Tao element.

Ning Xiaochuan fully absorbed the power of Wang Pindan Medicine without wasting a trace of it. Every cell in his whole body is improving, physical strength, mental strength, and cultivation are increasing.

If it was said that Ning Xiaochuan had to use the power of the Supreme Emperor to fight against the strongest in the realm before, now Ning Xiaochuan can rely on his physical strength to kill a strongest in the realm with one punch. .

If he meets the strong man who is a dual player, Ning Xiaochuan can fight with him without falling into the wind.

If you meet the third-ranked warrior in the realm of fortune, even if Ning Xiaochuan can't defeat, he can entangle with the opponent for a period of time.

And it's just using physical power.

Seven days later, when the cultivation was over, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong both quit the cultivation together.

Ning Xiaochuan still hasn't reached the realm of good fortune, but Xiaohong has a faint tendency to step into the realm of good fortune. Now there is only one opportunity. When the opportunity comes, Xiaohong will soon become a good fortune of realm.

Ning Xiaochuan put away the fifty-figured figurative magic sword and was ready to leave, and went with Xiaohong to look for Xueling Xu and others.

Xue Lingxu has the second half of the "Tiandijing"-Tianjing, if Ning Xiaochuan can get the Tianjing to practice, I believe he will soon be able to reach the creation.

Ning Xiaochuan took out the town's tower, while looking for the location of the other half of the town's tower, while looking for Xueling Xu and others.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong came to Xuanming Continent according to the instructions of the town people's tower, and found that the situation here is very similar to that of Shenyan Continent. The war continued, thousands of miles of corpses and human warriors gathered. The corpses piled up, exuding a pungent **** smell.

A group of fierce birds with no feathers on their heads flew out of the sky, making rattling noises, pecking at the bodies of the dead warriors of the Great Yanyan World, each time they would make a dead body directly into the sky, He fell heavily again. Many corpses were thrown apart in this way, leaving no corpses left.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly when he saw it. The repairs of these birds have all reached the real world. And it still eats the body of a warrior from Dayan?

"So it is!"

Ning Xiaochuan snorted coldly, his body sending out a hot flame, rushing to the sky, burning all the birds to death, leaving no one.

These birds are all puppets made by the gods of the Shenhe civilization using the demon clan of Dayan World. Specially control them to eat the corpses of the warriors of the Great Yan World and promote the cultivation of the uncle.

Even the whole body was not let go, and the war was too cruel.

As long as the beasts of the Shenhe civilization are beheaded, naturally there will be no birds to eat the flesh of the warrior corpse of Dayan World. Otherwise, even if Ning Xiaochuan had killed all the birds in Dayan World, what use would it be?

Ning Xiaochuan seemed very calm and continued to follow the instructions of the town's tower to find Xueling Xu and others.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong flew through the sky quickly, and no one saw them, as if they were two passing winds, leaving no trace.

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