Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1018: Soul Double Cultivation

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Xuanming continent, the demon heavens, and a huge valley, countless ugly monsters gathered together, surrounded three women, and kept attacking them.

The three women were naturally Xue Ling Xu, Xiao Linger, and Zi Hanyan who were separated from Ning Xiaochuan at that time.

Since Xue Lingxu and other people entered the Xuanming continent, they have killed many Shenhe civilizations, dragons, demons, and demons, all of whom died under Xuelingxu and others.

Originally, the three Xueling Xu all came here to slay the enemy with an experienced mentality, but did not expect that a conspiracy of the Shenhe civilization was discovered.

The Shenhe civilization creatures intend to control all the monsters in the world of Da Yan to help them occupy the world of Da Yan, so now all three of Xueling Xu are under siege by the monsters and it is difficult to go out.


Xueling Xuyu held a long sword tightly, her entire body emitted a soft white light, and then the sword in Xueling Xu's hand disappeared at this instant, and no one could see the sword Where did you go?

"Hum, it wouldn't be this little girl who knew we couldn't beat us, so gave up resistance," said a giant wolf with red hair all over her body.

The giant wolf, named Chiyan Sirius, was a demon-level existence, repaired to reach the ninth weight of Wangu Realm, but the most powerful of all the monsters present, but now willing to turn into the body To deal with Xueling Xu and others.

The whole body of Chiyan Sirius was covered with fiery red hair, and a pair of big green eyes were staring at the three Xueling Xu tightly, with saliva kept in their mouth, the long wolf face, There is a look of obscenity / obscenity.

The wolf is sexually immoral. At this moment, when I saw Xueling Xu's three people, I actually moved into sensuality. I wish I would immediately throw Xueling Xu to the ground and enjoy it.

Each of the three Xuelingxu members has the appearance of being an all over the country, even if some of the warriors of the human race cannot resist their doubts, let alone a wolf!

"Huh!" Xue Ling snorted coldly, and she gently raised her hand, pointing her finger slightly towards the ground where she stood.

The next moment, as if the entire space was shaking, a long sword holding exactly the same as Xue Ling's hands did not know how, and suddenly flew out of the void above Xue Ling's virtual head to cross the space. , Each sword is precisely inserted in the body of a monster tribe.

The monster creatures wanted to run away the moment they saw the sword appear, but they suddenly discovered that the surrounding space seemed to be imprisoned. They could n’t move at all, and it seemed as if the speed of thinking was slowing down. After a few minutes, when they figured out how to break the imprisonment in space, the long sword had been inserted into all the monsters' creatures, and it was too late.




All this happened between the electric light and the flint, not that the monster's creatures really slowed down, but at that moment, Xue Lingxu used the power of the Chaos Heart Palace to use the power of space to first round the square miles. The space is confined, and then, with the power of time, all the behaviors of the monsters are slowed down.

In this way, all the monsters were killed before they understood what was going on!

"Sister Xue is amazing." Xiao Linger said aside.

In fact, if it is about combat effectiveness, I am afraid that Xiao Linger is the strongest. Now her cultivation has reached the second level of creation. Even if Ning Xiaochuan is not her opponent, she cannot bear to kill all the monsters. Fell, so no shot was taken.

"Let's leave soon!" Xue Ling said faintly, then Xiao Linger and Zi Hanyan left here with Xue Lingxu.

After about half an hour, Ning Xiaochuan followed the instructions of the town's tower and went all the way to the place where the three Xuelingxu were just now.

A large number of monster corpses were fixed in this way, and each one maintained the action immediately before the death. Even if it died, it still did not lie on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong looked at this scene with some surprise, apparently a large-scale battle had just begun here.

Ning Xiaochuan observed carefully and found that each monster's head had an extremely small wound, as if stabbed by a sharp blade, and then pulled out at a very fast speed. Careless observation really No way to see.

And the blood flow speed of each corpse is very slow, only one drop can flow out in ten breaths!

Until now, the valleys that should have been **** have been scattered with some blood, which makes people feel very strange.

"It seems that Xue Lingxu was just fighting here. Xue Lingxu used the power of Chaos Heart's space to confine the space here to prevent monsters from escaping. He also used the power of time to slow the flow of time around him. This caused the blood to flow slowly after the monster's death. "

Ning Xiaochuan thought for a moment and explained the situation just now.

Xue Lingxu's mastery of Chaos Heart Palace's power is of course more and more proficient, and it is likely that Xue Lingxu's cultivation has reached the good fortune. Even if it is not reached, it is not far from the good fortune.

"Then we are going to find them! The sign of the battle here is obviously just over." After Xiaohong said, she went on with Ning Xiaochuan to find the Xueling Xu three. As soon as they found it, maybe Ning Xiaochuan could break through Created a realm.

Xue Lingxue used the power of space to take Xiao Linger and Zi Hanyan all the way across the space. The speed is very fast. In a blink of an eye, he can travel tens of thousands of miles. Even if Ning Xiaochuan exhibited the speed of the dragon, It's hard to catch up.

Performing a space leap, even the ninth-ranked warrior in Wangu Realm ca n’t do it, unless the warrior has treasures that specifically cross the space, otherwise the only good fortune might be to take it with him.

However, it is not difficult for Xue Lingxu, who is growing a chaotic heart. The owners of the Chaos Heart Palace, when they are born, will turn on a bit of time and space. Afterwards, as their practice increases, their ability to understand time and space is definitely far beyond their peers.

The present Xueling Xu doesn't actually break through the realm of creation, and she also needs the first half of the "Tiandi Jing" from Ning Xiaochuan-"Dijing".

Xue Lingxu had originally planned to enter the Xuanming continent and go back to Tianting to look for Ning Xiaochuan, but she accidentally discovered this conspiracy of the Shenhe civilization, so she planned to destroy this conspiracy before going back .

Came to a rain forest, Xue Ling Xu, Xiao Linger and Zi Hanyan stopped.

There are lush and thick trees everywhere, and the diameter of each tree is more than ten meters. Even if dozens of people are brought together, there is no way to completely surround a tree.

There is a long stream in the rain forest, and the clear stream does not know where it flows from and where it flows. The thin sound of flowing water gives people a sense of relaxation and happiness, and from time to time there are fish jumping out of the water.

"Let's practice here!" Xue Ling said faintly.


Both Xiao Linger and Zi Hanyan nodded. Then, the three women took out the elixir Ning Xiaochuan had given them before, quickly took them, and began to cultivate.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong kept chasing Xueling Xu and others in accordance with the instructions from the town's tower, but found that the farther they went, the more they could not catch up.

"It seems Xue Lingxu took Xiao Ling'er and Zi Hanyan to make a leap in space. If he doesn't need the fastest speed, he may not catch up."

Ning Xiaochuan told Xiaohong the situation detected by the town's tower, and then the two of them jointly demonstrated the speed of the dragon and began to follow.

In order not to let Xue Lingxu move again, Ning Xiaochuan simply inspired the atmosphere of the town's tower, and then spread the atmosphere of the town's tower with all his strength, so that the monsters within hundreds of thousands of miles felt a wave. Powerful, the monsters under the fifth weight of Wangu Realm were frightened by this power and were afraid to move, all lying on the ground.

Even the seventh-largest monster in the Eternal Realm shivered and stared nervously at the sky until the power dispersed. Does any monster know what just happened?

Millions of miles away, Xueling Xu, who has entered the cultivation state, suddenly sensed something. He took out half of the town people's tower and found that the town people's tower in his hand was shining for a while, and over time The brightness is still increasing.

This shows that the other half of the town tower is approaching her constantly!

"It seems that he has reached the ninth peak of Wangu Realm, and that's it. The world of Da Yan will increase a powerful combat force again." Xue Lingxu said again, then closed his eyes and continued. Start practicing.

Ning Xiaochuan took the town's tower in his hand and probed while he was on his way.

He found that after he inspired the breath of the town's tower, Xue Lingxu and others really stopped the action, and at this moment are waiting for Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong to arrive.

Xueling Xu and others entered the state of cultivation. The mysterious energy between heaven and earth was absorbed into their bodies and transformed into the power they needed. Within a hundred miles, a huge vortex of energy was formed. Sit firmly inside without being disturbed in the slightest, and quickly recover the energy consumed.

About half an hour later, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong finally came to the place where the three Xuelingxu practiced, but they were still practicing. Ning Xiaochuan did not bother them, and took out a few soul pills to restore their strength.

A quarter of an hour later, Xue Lingxu stopped practicing, opened her pair of captivating beautiful eyes, raised her head gently, and looked at Ning Xiaochuan.

"Are you ready to impact the creation?" Xue Lingxue asked.

"That's right!" Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and didn't say much. He knew Xue Lingxu would teach him Tianjing.

The Scriptures of Heaven and Earth should be unified!

"I just want to make a breakthrough, but if we want to combine heaven and earth, the only way is to communicate the beauty of heaven and earth and understand the soul of the void. In short, it requires our souls to be double-minded!" Xueling said faintly.

Xue Lingxu's words made Ning Xiaochuan slightly surprised.

"Shuang Xiu?" Xiao Hong's beautiful eyes lit up, raised her head, and looked at Xue Ling Xu.

"Soul double cultivation?" Ning Xiaochuan was slightly surprised, and thought that practicing "The Book of Heaven" was a natural thing, but listening to Xue Lingxu's words seemed not so simple.


I recommend Feitianyu's fantasy novel "Eternal God". The book is fat and can be slaughtered.

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