Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1026: History of Shenhe Civilization

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The blood sinker of Huantai drove the crystal red ghost ship and moved forward in the direction of Dayan World. The entire ship turned into a ghost image and entered the void directly. Way to keep up with the speed of the crystal red ghost ship.

It's almost like a **** walking through the universe!

Outside the Da Yan world, there is a very thick barrier. Even the real gods cannot plan. The defense force is very huge, covering the entire Da Yan world.

The blood sinker of Yantai stood on the crystal red ghost ship, and looked at the whole picture of Dayan World.

The Da Yan world is a formation, not a planet, so the entire Da Yan world is a plane, that is, if a warrior is really capable of walking the entire Da Yan world.

Then, when he set off from one direction and one went forward, in the end the warrior would only walk to the end of the world of Da Yan, instead of returning to a far point.

This is the so-called celestial circle like a cover, a place like a chess game, but a celestial place!

There are fifty continents above the Dayan World, of which forty-nine continents are located on the sea in all directions and form a circle.

In the middle, there is a continent that is larger than any of the other 49 continents. Surrounded by 49 continents, it is heaven!

Li Meng's fingers twitched slightly, and her gaze turned to one of the continents, all gray.

The continent can be said to be the core of the minerals in the entire Dayan world. It is called Wanwan Continent. There are all kinds of minerals on it. There are more than 50% of the minerals in Dayan World. Collected.

Over the years, there have been some strong people trying to occupy the 10,000 mines continent, but every time they were discovered by the court of heaven, they were beheaded in a very spicy way, and they were shown to the world, deterring warriors who want to fight the 10,000 mines continent .

Yantai Xueshen's gaze was gazing gently at the Mine Continent. From above, she felt a familiar atmosphere, which is the same as the path of destruction. Therefore, Yantai Essence was ready to go to the 10,000-mine continent.

Huantai Blood Sink drove the crystal red ghost ship, sailing fast in the cosmic void, and when it reached the barrier outside the Dayan world, the crystal red ghost ship entered directly and disappeared.

And that ’s the barrier that the gods ca n’t forcefully go through, just a wave of fluctuations, and then it calms down, as if nothing happened.

The whole body of the crystal red ghost ship burned with a burst of flame, like a long Mars, and quickly crashed down from the sky.

At this moment, all the warriors in the Da Yan world, including the souls of the Shenhe civilization, felt a daunting power. Even the sage monk above the nineth level of the realm of transformation, became cold and sweaty.

The entire Dayan world is the only one who has not been affected!

The starry continent, the place where the dragons gathered, the dragon released the magic standing on a high mountain, watching the crystal red ghost ship burning all over his body, murmured

"She is finally here."

On the Hongtian continent, where the demons gather, a billion giant is sitting on the ground, practicing quietly. He is naturally the sub-god of the demons, who once appeared in the Temple of Heaven in the sky. .

The magic casting quickly absorbed the energy of the world of Dayan. The entire continent was blowing a strong storm, and the plates of the continent were fragmented, as if the end of the world was coming.

Suddenly, the magic statue felt something, and the closed eyes opened quickly, looking at a place hundreds of millions of kilometers away from him. There was a ship burning with a strong flame, and it was constantly facing the world of Da Yan. The ground is close.

The amazing power carried by the ship, even the second god, dare not contaminate it, because this ship is not just an ordinary ship, and there are still unclear stories behind it.

"She's already here. Then, should her master be born again? Hope, Shenhe civilization can survive." Mozhu said.

Maybe other Shenhe civilizations do n’t know who the people who almost destroyed the Shenhe civilization at first, just know that they are the heirs of the legendary world destruction!

However, the demon cast is a sub-level powerhouse with a long life span. He knows who was the last person who almost destroyed the Shenhe civilization, and he knows that at this time, he is coming to the **** sinking of the Daiyan world. That disciple who passed down the world!

In fact, this time the Shenhe civilization is aggressively attacking the world and robbing it of God, not only to become a god, to gain powerful power, but also to find a hint of vitality in the future.

Last time, the annihilator of the world did not destroy the Shenhe civilization, but was finally stopped by a legendary **** king level, so that the Shenhe civilization was preserved. Who knows that the first time did not succeed Will the demise of the world destroy the Shenhe civilization again?

Therefore, this time, the soul of the Shenhe civilization enters the Dayan world to become a **** and increase the overall strength of the Shenhe civilization. After all, the King of God cannot always protect the Shenhe civilization!

"The world is about to be chaotic. Perhaps only the Da Yan World can give a glimmer of life to the Shenhe civilization, so all the indigenous people in the Da Yan World must die!" Is to return to peace.

Continent of ten thousand mines, Lingji stone plain, at this moment, all the Lingji stone layers have been destroyed by the stark sage monarch, there is no place to evade after Shi Ji demons, you must face the former creature Jiuzhong Shengjun level strong.

"It's a pity these Lingji Stones, but as long as they catch you, everything is enough." The Xingkang Shengjun put away the exorcist stick and tore two hairs from the top of his head, facing the direction behind the Stone Ji Demon. Send it gently.

The two hairs of Xingkang Shengjun suddenly turned into two slender ropes, which bound the hands and feet of Shi Jiyin respectively.

Originally, the Queen of Ji Ji wanted to resist the spirit of the stone in her body to resist, but found that at the moment when the two hairs of Xing Kuang Sheng Jun touched her body, all the meridians after the Queen of Ji Ji were blocked instantly, unable to make Out of any energy.

"Hmm! I will let the sub-gods of the Demon Clan make you into a sub-artifact!" Star Kuang Shengjun said coldly.

Just as the star mad saint is about to take away the stone monster behind, the mutation suddenly emerges!

The entire 10,000 mines continent was illuminated by a strong light, and the temperature reached hundreds of thousands of degrees in an instant. Minerals in half of the entire 10,000 mines continent began to melt, turning into a pool of molten iron and stone water.

The mineralized liquid has converged into a river, and there are still big bubbles on it, as if to melt the entire ten thousand ore continent.

A ship with a huge flame all over flew from the sky, like a bright sun, flying towards the ten thousand ore continent.

"What's that!" The star kung sage feels a powerful force and immediately turns around to watch, seeing everything that just happened in the eyes, don't know what happened, but those things just happened Stunning enough Star King

Melting the entire continent cannot be done even by the strongest of the nine fortunes, but because of the arrival of a ship, the 10,000-miner continent began to melt, what kind of treasure this ship is.

"That's ... a man? How is that possible!" Just as the stark sage monk was so speechless as to be shocked by what happened, he suddenly saw the flame ship, and a figure appeared. Looked in the direction of the Star Mad Saint.

The crystal red ghost ship burning with fire finally landed on the ground, forming a pit of tens of thousands of miles in the ground, which was caused by the huge impact of the crystal red ghost ship!

"Is it a secondary **** who wants to rob Lingji Stone?" Star Kuang Shengjun said for a while.

If it is really a sub-god, then even the star mad prince must teach Shi Ji the queen of the monster. The sub-god and Jiujing Jiu seem to be only one step away, but they are extremely far away, not understandable by ordinary warriors .

"No, it seems that she did not enter the world of Da Yan from the gate of man and god. There will not be a starfall fire in the gate of man and god." The star knight paused for a while and then said.

"So who is it then?" Xingkang Shengjun could not determine the identity of the other party, so he took away the stone monster, and was going to leave here to say it again.

"The vast universe, vast expanse, all evil, hypocrisy, and greed, should not exist, if they appear, they will be killed." At this time, a woman appeared in the vision of the star knight.

A tiny black gas appeared on the finger of the mysterious woman. Then, after the stone monster Yao saw the whole body of Xingkang Shengjun burst open in front of her, there was no breath of life.

The existence of a prince's rank is so dead!

Yantai Xueshen glanced at the ground meat without any expression, a black flame suddenly appeared on the ground, and the body of Xingkang Shengjun disappeared without any trace, even if there was no residue left.

If Ning Xiaochuan were here at this moment, then he would surely recognize that the flame that destroyed the mad corpse of Xingkang Shengjun is the fire of extinction!

Yantai Xueshen raised his head and looked at the Shi Ji demon in front of him, and began to walk towards the Shi Ji demon slowly.

The stunned demon Shi Ji was shocked, and a strong man with a ninefold fortune was easily beheaded and killed by the other side. Was that woman also made to make herself into a secondary artifact?

At this moment, Shi Jimon feels that her breathing has begun to become difficult, and her heartbeat has accelerated sharply. Can she not escape the fate of being made into an artifact after all? !!

But then, one thing that happened was to make the Shi Ji demon become a little bit confused.

I saw the blood of Yantai walking slowly to the back of Shi Ji demon, without any words, it was a deep worship to Shi Ji demon!

"What are you doing?" She was shocked after the demon Shi Ji, who was so strong that she would worship herself?

"I'm not worshipping you, but I'm worshipping the holy things!" Said Yantai Xueshen.

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