Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1027: My holy relic

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Huantai Xueshen stood up and stared quietly at Shi Ji's demon. Those eyes, which were as deep as black holes, made Shi Ji's demon's consciousness start to blur.

"You are the spirit of the earth, and the sacred things that gave birth to me are natural and righteous. Please be kind. If any sacred things are damaged, I will kill the world." When it comes to slaughtering the world, there is no deep look change.

It's as if slaughtering the world is nothing but a trivial matter for Yantai Xueshen.

"You teach the sacred thing ..." Shi Ji Yao looked closely at the woman in front of her, but her heart was full of mixed feelings, and she naturally knew what the relic said in the blood sanitation of Taitai was her belly. A monument inside.

And that **** monument was born by the queen Shi Ji and Ning Xiaochuan, that is to say, this powerful woman who went out with Ning Xiaochuan was a sister and brother!

Yantai Xueshen did not explain anything to Shi Ji Yao, and after leaving that sentence, it disappeared. Together with the crystal red ghost ship, it seemed as if he had never come to the Wanzhou Continent.

Even if Shi Ji Yao is now practicing to reach the fifth level of the realm of creation, it is not clear how the blood stasis of Yantai left, even the slightest afterimage cannot be seen. Yantai Shen, she has more important things to do.

Shi Ji Yao looked at Huantai Shen, who disappeared instantly without a trace. She turned silently, and the words of Yantai Shen were deeply imprinted in Shi Ji's heart, like a magic sound. Has been echoing in the mind of Shi Ji Yao.

Some sacraments of the Tao have been damaged.

Huantai Blood Sink left from the 10,000 Mine continent, and drove the crystal red ghost ship, and began to rush to the Tianxu continent.

The blood sinker of Yantai stood on the crystal red ghost ship, took out something similar to the compass, and the pointer on the compass pointed far away at the direction of the heavenly continent, and kept swinging.

"Timeless Sword, Master, it's time to return ..." Xutai Xue Shen murmured.

Having said that, the speed of the crystal red ghost ship increased by a few points, and soon came to the Tianxu continent. Without any stop, he hurried directly to the place where Guihui was.

Huantai was sinking in blood. As a descendant of the World Extinction, her uncle was naturally old and cold!

The master of Sui Yuhan and Yantai Xueshen are actually twins. Sui Yuhan is a sister and the master of Yantai Xueshen is a younger sister.

At that time, the second-generation predecessor and a Supreme Master found Sui Yuhan and Sui Yumo, and taught them both, but in order to become true preachers of the world, they must defeat each other. In the end, the age Yu Han was unfortunately defeated, and it was sealed by the old rain in the depths of the returning to the ruins of Dayan World.

The three sacred things passed down by the ancestral master of annihilation are the annihilation sword, the annihilation monument, and the crystal red ghost ship.

Among them, the World Extermination Sword was taken away by Sui Yuhan, and was sealed in the back of the market together with Sui Yuhan. The crystal red ghost ship was taken by Sui Yumo to the Kingdom of Truth, and the monument to World Extinction disappeared In.

This time, Sui Yuhan felt the breath of the monument to extinction, so she let the blood of Shentai come to Dayan World to look for it, and competed with the disciples of Suihan for the fourth generation of extinction.

After entering the Tianxu continent, Huantai Xueshen went straight to the depths of the Great Wilderness. Within half an hour, Huantai Shenshen arrived at the Forbidden City.

Returning to the market, as the northernmost part of the Tianxu continent, the weather is very cold, and the sky is covered by a wide range of snow. The weather is very cold, even if it is a strong person, if you do not use mystery to protect yourself, It will soon be frozen into a popsicle.

However, all this changed because of the arrival of a woman.

Huantai Xueshen came to the gate of the Forbidden City and looked at the four big characters that had become rotten. Without stopping, he entered the door directly.

The sudden hurricane whistled in the blood sinking ears of Yantai, rolling up the thick snow on the ground layer after layer, and even the ground was frozen and cracked.

However, this did not have any effect on Yantai Xueshen. I saw that every time she stepped on one of them, a large amount of snow melted instantly. After nine steps of Yantai Shen sank, the snow in the entire barren disappeared!

Huantai blood sank into the Forbidden City, because of the invasion of the Shenhe civilization, the management personnel originally in the Forbidden City and the explorers who often come here, now there is no one.

Yantai Shen Shen took out the compass and began to move towards the ninth district.

In a quarter of an hour, Xuantai Shen reached an ancient road full of footprints, which seemed very flustered, as if someone had stepped on it when being chased.

In addition, there are many bones on the ancient road, covering the entire ancient road, one leading to the distance.

Yantai blood sank in, and she knew the direction through the compass. As long as she walked along this ancient road, she would enter Guixu, and then you could see the cold rain ...

At this time, a wasteland in Tianting, Ning Xiaochuan and others came here after leaving the Xuanming continent, and did not go to Tianting Academy to exchange for training support. Ning Xiaochuan decided to refine all the remaining divine thoughts first .

Ning Xiaochuan sacrifice the town's tower, the mind enters it, releases the remaining 28 thoughts of the gods, and then immediately absorbs the spirits in the thoughts of the gods and suppresses them.

"Receive Shinto." Within a long time, Ning Xiaochuan absorbed all the spirits, summoned Ning Tianmeng, and suppressed all the sub-god thoughts into Ning Tianmeng's body.

The strength of Ning Tianmeng has been greatly increased, and the combat power is enough to match the seven warriors who created the realm! Even Ning Xiaochuan may not be able to defeat the seven warriors who created the realm.

After this breakthrough, Ning Xiaochuan ’s strength increased greatly, Xiu Wei directly reached the third level of the physical and chemical environment, and his physique has also been greatly improved. Even if it is the top five powerful natural creatures, Ning Xiaochuan can also fight!

Ning Xiaochuan took out the Giant Spirit Warhammer, poured in the natural gas and began to prepare to continue learning the Giant Spirit Warhammer.

The real-world martial arts soldier has real qi, the eternal realm warrior has supreme qi, and the creation of nature naturally also has the creation of qi, which is a higher energy than the supreme qi. If it is the same magical power, it is absolutely better to display it with qi It comes out a hundred times more powerful.

There is an insurmountable gap between the two!

Xueling Xu and others also sat down and began to cultivate.

Xue Lingxu also just broke through to the realm of cultivation. His cultivation is not enough to consolidate, and there is still the power of thunder and calamity in his body. If it is thoroughly refined and absorbed, it will also be very helpful to cultivation.

Ning Xiaochuan activated the text on the giant warhammer, and a villain appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan again, and Ning Xiaochuan followed his studies.

There are a total of seven characters above the Giant Warhammer. Each character represents a kind of hammer. If all of them are learned, they will be combined into a powerful magical power. The power is comparable to the magic, even if it is higher than the person holding the hammer. The warriors in two small realms may not be able to stop them.

Of course, these two small realms must be in the same big realm. The ninth strongest in the realm of creation cannot use this magical power to deal with the strong one in the second realm.

It took Ning Xiaochuan three days to learn all the remaining three hammer methods, and successfully integrated the strongest hammer method-thousands of hammers!

Hitting the Wandao hammer method in an instant, even if the earth can't bear it, it can break all the space within a few hundred miles, and it cannot be recovered in a short time.

After the space is shattered, countless space debris will wander in the area of ​​hundreds of miles. Even the powerful ones who create the realm do not want to face the space debris easily. The power of space debris is enough to hang a fifth strong person in a good environment.

Because if the space is broken, you will not be able to cross the space. Unless you are self-cultivated to far exceed the enemy, you will not have the opportunity to escape.

Ning Xiaochuan sat silently on the ground, feeling a bit strange. Now that he has broken through the realm of creation, why has Su Yuhan not asked him to teach him the 3,000 extinctions?

Did something happen to Yu Han? However, the idea was quickly rejected by Ning Xiaochuan. Although Ning Xiaochuan didn't know the actual state of Sui Yuhan, he knew that Sui Yuhan's cultivation will never be lower than the second god.

Because the sub-god, in the entire world of Da Yan, is the invincible existence, no one can defeat the sub-God, although there is also a sub-God of the God River civilization came to the Da Yan world.

However, as a descendant of the World Extinction, Sui Yuhan is not comparable to other sub-gods. However, Sui Yuhan must have been delayed, so this did not teach Ning Xiaochuan's Three Thousand Years of Extinction.

Yantai Xueshen entered the depths of Guixu all the way. A matrix method appeared in front of her, blocking the path of Yantai Xueshen. Yantai Xueshen walked to the front of the matrix method, stretched out his fingers and gently touched the matrix method. The formation was broken directly, and a powerful energy burst out from it instantly.

It's like a lake mouth for flood discharge. The powerful airflow rushes out of it, and the hair of Shentai's blood sinks slightly, so it doesn't affect it any more.

Yantai Xueshen slowly walked into it, and many horrible monsters were discovered along the way.

The appearance of all these monsters is very stingy, like a lot of monsters are put together, and they are very powerful, and at least they have the practice of eternal life.

One of the monsters had a snake-like body, and the cheetah's head was eating up the blood of Yantai. Shen flew here and wanted to eat the blood of Shentai.

At this time, the blood of Shentai's body suddenly exuded a powerful breath, and the monster flying out of the formation was turned into ashes at this instant, without leaving a trace of soul, so it disappeared without a shadow. trace.

Finally, the blood of Shentai came to the end of the Guixu market, and there was nothing else here.

There was only one long iron sword, with hundreds of chains on it, firmly locking a woman.

The woman's breath was weak, as if she had suffered some pain.

"Uncle." At this time, Yantai Xue Shen screamed softly, breaking the original silence here.

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