Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1038: Eliminate Dragon

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Long Ling and Long Ling felt a strong pressure and rushed to their faces as if they were going to burst their bodies.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly, and it seemed that he had not mastered the Nebulae of the World Extinction sufficiently enough to cause substantial damage to Dragonfly and Dragonfly.

"Missing Heaven!"

Ning Xiaochuan exhibited again, a newly practiced method of annihilation of the world, unfolded towards Long Yan and Long Yan Shi.

The annihilation of the annihilation of the world, among the 3,000 extinctions, ranks 2851. It can be said that it is the very end of the 3,000 extinctions. Magical power.

The annihilation of heaven and earth is mainly to absorb the energy between heaven and earth to carry out attacks.

Absorbing the energy of heaven and earth can be done by any warrior, but the annihilation of the world can transform the absorbed energy into a substantial attack!

The energy between heaven and earth was continually converging towards Ning Xiaochuan's palm. Within a short time, Ning Xiaochuan had a red sword with a very powerful power.

The sword radiates red light throughout the body, and the energy contained in it seems to be enough to cut the sky in half.

The range of energies mobilized by the World Extermination Heaven Martyr is much wider than the range that can be mobilized by a normal warrior, covering almost one ten thousandth of the continent of hatred.

A continent is extremely large, and even if it is one ten thousandth of its energy, it is not an ordinary warrior can imagine.

These energies add up enough to allow a warrior who has just begun cultivation to cultivate all the way to the land of creation.

Looking at the big knife in Ning Xiaochuan's hands, Long Ling and Long Ling felt the power of destroying the earth and were shocked!

"Open the knife!" Ning Xiaochuan shouted in his mouth, holding a hundred meters to fight the knife, and stopped his waist to choke off Longyu and Longyu.

Behind Ning Xiaochuan, there was a ghostly shadow of a very tall god, with a dazzling light all over his body, letting one look at it, he could not help but bow down.

The ghost of the god, following Ning Xiaochuan's actions, cut off to Long Ling and Long Ling simultaneously. Wherever he went, the space collapsed as if a **** of war had the power to cut the world!

When the big sword in Ning Xiaochuan's hand was about to be cut to Long Ling and Long Ling, the Long Ling and Long Ling were immediately turned into the body, and the colors of the Long Ling and Long Ling were very strong black.

The dragons changed by the dragons are not as long as other dragons, but they are somewhat short, but they are very strong and powerful, ten meters thick.

The dragon changed by the dragon cricket has a particularly long body. The entire body is hovering in the sky, and the length of the tail alone exceeds tens of meters. The whole body of Long Yan, if standing up, is hundreds of meters high.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were slightly fixed as he watched the dragons and dragons turning into the body. Although the cost will increase in all aspects of the dragon owl and dragon owl, the speed of evading attacks will be much slower. Next, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't escape each attack.


The dragonfly turning into a giant dragon roared and flew towards Ning Xiaochuan quickly. A huge dragon mouth opened wide enough to swallow Ning Xiaochuan's entire body. Long Yan wanted to swallow Ning Xiaochuan in one bite.

Ning Xiaochuan held his hands high, and through the display of the annihilation of the world, the condensed 100-meter sword slashed across the open mouth of Long Chan, and Long Chan's body immediately flew out following his head.

Ning Xiaochuan flew to the sky and turned down, like a star emitting red light, and in a blink of an eye he reached the body of Long Ling and stabbed his head.

Long Ye was hit hard, and his entire body was struggling. Ning Xiaochuan was almost thrown out by Long Ye's powerful power. Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan's power was strong enough, which did not make Long Ye successful.

Ning Xiaochuan once again intensified his efforts to pierce the tip of the knife into Long's head. Long's life began to gradually weaken, and soon he died.

In the distance, Long Yuan took all the previous situations in his eyes, turned around, and began to run away. Ning Xiaochuan was too strong. He even killed Long Yuan by a few tricks.

You must know that Dragon Ball is ranked fourth among the Seven Dragon Generals, and it has become the sixth most important creature in the world.

And Long Ling was ranked fifth among the Seven Dragons, and was repaired in order to reach the fifth place in the realm of creation. His strength was not as good as Long Ling. Now Long Ling has been beheaded by Ning Xiaochuan. Natural Long became very scared. Turn around and start to escape.

Ning Xiaochuan collected the dragon's corpse, which belongs to the dragon race and is stronger than many monsters.

In addition, Long Yan's cultivation has reached the sixth level of fortune. For Ning Xiaochuan, he is almost full of treasure. Natural Long Long is the same, so Ning Xiaochuan will not waste the opportunity to improve his cultivation.

Ning Xiaochuan also owns three emperor spirit pills, which were made by Ning Xiaochuan when he was enshrined in the world. At that time, Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation was not enough. He could not take emperor spirit pills to practice. Until now.

In less than half an hour, Ning Xiaochuan was beheaded to kill Long Yan.

Ning Xiaochuan dug out the dragon's body and the dragon's body in the body of the dragon's body to prevent it from being refined together when refining the elixir.

Long Yuan, only to let Xiao Hong devour it can play its biggest role. If Ning Xiaochuan puts Long Yuan into the Xinding Ding for refining and refining, there will not be much improvement on the elixir.

Looking at the two huge corpses on the ground, Ning Xiaochuan did not hesitate to sacrifice Yang Xin Ding directly, and used his natural fortune to condense a small knife to separate the dragon corpse from the dragon corpse.

Both the dragon owl and the dragon owl are dragon creatures and are powerful creatures. They are higher than the dragon creatures that Ning Xiaochuan encountered before. Of course, with the exception of the Dragon Goddess and the one-armed poison dragon.

Therefore, the physiques of the dragons and dragons are not comparable to those of the Dragon races. Ning Xiaochuan naturally uses everything to his advantage, so the bones of the dragons and dragons are all dug out, and only the blood essence is refined. .

Yang Xin Zhen Ding was placed in front of Ning Xiaochuan. Ning Xiao Chuan placed the dragon corpse and the dragon corpse's blood corpses separately, and under the Yang Xin Zhen Ding, burned the fire of extinction and the **** to extinguish the dragon.

The dragons and dragons are very strong, even after death. Every inch of the body of Long Ling and Long Ling is like black iron, and the general high temperature makes it impossible for them to successfully make elixir.

Fortunately, the power of the extinct fire and the **** to extinguish the dragon fire are very powerful, and they can make the dragon's body and the dragon's body into elixir. Now the only thing that is needed is that Ning Xiaochuan must adjust the flame temperature by himself, and there must be no mistakes, otherwise the refining of elixir will fail.

There is a burst of strange medicinal scent in the heart of raising the heart. This means that the dragon corpses and the corpses of the dragon corpses inside Yang Xin Zhen Ding have begun to be gradually transformed into medicinal solution.

As long as the corpses of Long Ling and Long Ling are completely liquid, they can begin to condense into a Dan type. At that time, almost the refining is successful.

Ning Xiaochuan ran the Heaven and Earth Script to absorb the power between the heavens and the earth from the hatred continent, and raised the temperature of the extinct magic fire and the god-extinguished dragon fire to the highest, but the process of refining the elixir was still very slow.

Dragon scales and dragon scales on the surface of the dragon's body fall off first, dissolve, then flesh, and then blood.

After seven days, the bodies of Long Ling and Long Ling have completely dissolved into a medicinal solution condensed into an elixir. The next thing to do is to condense these liquids together.

In the process of condensing, we must also ensure that there is no loss of strength. Only in this way can we ensure that the potency of the elixir is not destroyed.


Ning Xiaochuan uttered a word, his finger lightly touched Yang Xin Zhen Ding, and a finger light beam of energy suddenly entered Yang Xin Zhen Ding.

The liquid in Yangxin Zhending began to condense toward the center and began to slowly form. Ning Xiaochuan controlled it very finely, and didn't let go of every detail. Carefully observe the process of the medicine.

Ning Xiaochuan has now reached the level of a king-level mind trainer. It is very difficult to go further. It is much more difficult than breaking through several small realms.

Because there is no special cultivation method for alchemy, if you want to improve your alchemy ability, you can only improve your alchemy ability by continuously refining your alchemy and summing up your experience.

It has been a while since Ning Xiaochuan was promoted to be a king-level mind trainer. During this period, Ning Xiaochuan also often practiced alchemy. Until now, Ning Xiaochuan has also made some progress and started to approach the holy level minder continuously.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind went through Yang Xin Zhen Ding and entered the interior. He observed the situation in Yang Xin Zhen Ding. It was observed that half of the elixir had been formed. Above the elixir, a powerful force erupted. Nine days.

After all, this is an elixir made from the dragon spirit of the fifth most powerful creature and the blood power of a sixth creature of the best temper.

Although Long Yuan and Long Yuan's Long Yuan have been excavated by Ning Xiaochuan, the cultivation and energy of the Dragon race's creatures are stored in Long Yuan, but Long Yuan and Long Yuan still have very powerful energy on their bodies.

These energies have deeply penetrated into the blood of Longyu and Longyu.

Even if Long Ling and Long Ling died 10,000 years ago, those energy will still exist in their blood.

At present, Ning Xiaochuan refining Longchao and Longchao into elixir, it can be said that the power of Longchao and Longchao are combined. If Ning Xiaochuan is served, it will be enough to support Ning Xiaochuan to break through to the level of nature. quadruple.

Ning Xiaochuan transferred the fifty handles of the figurative magical swords in his body out of the body to form a sword array, enclosing the rest within a hundred miles of Yangxin Zhending to prevent the elixir from escaping.

Ning Xiaochuan had a hunch that the quality of the elixir refined this time is definitely higher than that of the previous refining. The strength of the elixir after molding must also be much greater than before. Ning Xiaochuan must ensure foolproof.

Otherwise, the painstakingly refined elixir flew away, and Ning Xiaochuan would definitely die.

But now, the grade of the fifty-figured figurative magic sword has been upgraded to the level of supreme kingship by thunder, and it is believed that the power of the fifty-figured figurative magic sword is enough to stop the formed elixir.

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