Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1039: Boom

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Ning Xiaochuan stood next to Yang Xin Zhen Ding, silently waiting for the moment when the medicine was formed.

Now the refining of the elixir has come to an end, and the elixir will soon take shape. At that time, the elixir will burst out quickly.

When the elixir was about to take shape, there was a pure aroma in Yangxin Zhending. When Ning Xiaochuan smelled it, he felt extremely comfortable. It seems that the energy of the elixir will exceed Ning Xiaochuan's imagination.

However, after Danxiang drifted out, it also brought some trouble to Ning Xiaochuan. Some souls living in the Shenhe civilization who hated the mainland also smelled the fragrance of Danxiang. Many souls living in the Shenhe civilization began to refine towards Ning Xiaochuan Rush to the place of the elixir.

Therefore, the Shenhe civilization living in the direction of Ning Xiaochuan is mostly monsters, a few are dragons, and no demons.

When Shenhe Civilization began to approach Ning Xiaochuan's place, it was already detected by Ning Xiaochuan's mind. Ning Xiaochuan did not panic, but just waited silently for the arrival of Shenhe Civilization.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind is extraordinarily strong. Any wind and grass moving within hundreds of thousands of miles cannot escape the detection of Ning Xiaochuan's mind.

Through exploration, Ning Xiaochuan discovered that the cultivation of these spiritual civilizations of Shenhe is nothing more than an ancient realm, and there is no creature of realm. Even if all came, Ning Xiaochuan could easily solve it.

In addition, Ning Xiaochuan also had a bold idea to slay all the souls of the upcoming Shenhe civilization, and also refine their blood power.

In addition, the blood essence power of those Shenhe civilizations is incorporated into this elixir that will be successfully refined, so that the elixir that is already strong in energy is more abundant!

Although this may exceed the limit of energy that Ning Xiaochuan's body can bear, Ning Xiaochuan feels that he can take a risk, but it can't. He can let the Emperor Blade come out and absorb the excess energy.

After Ning Xiaochuan thought about it, he sat silently beside Yang Xin Zhen Ding, waiting for the arrival of Shenhe civilization.

About half an hour later, the first batch of Shenhe civilization creatures arrived. This is a monster race creature, led by a golden-winged Dapeng.

The golden-winged Dapeng is covered with golden feathers throughout the body, exuding a high temperature, and the space around the Golden-winged Dapeng has become distorted.

The Golden-winged Dapeng was repaired in the end, reaching the eighth weight of Wangu Realm, and was the captain of one of the many demon squads.

The monster creatures that have arrived have not made any sound. All the monster creatures know that the elixir has not been successfully refined. Until the medicine has not been successfully refined, the monster creatures will not disturb Ning Xiaochuan.

However, as long as Ning Xiaochuan successfully refined the elixir, all the monster race creatures will immediately rob.

After another quarter of an hour, the second batch of Shenhe civilization creatures also arrived. This time, some dragon race creatures were added, but most of them were demons.

When the dragon creatures arrived, each dragon creature was in the heart of the true heart, and felt the unique breath of power belonging to them.

"I did not expect that the indigenous people of this Dayan World were actually using our dragon creatures to make elixir. We must kill him to make a difference!" Said a leading dragon creature.

Although the dragon creature said something very fierce, but none of the dragon creatures shot. Ning Xiaochuan was beheaded while Ning Xiaochuan was still refining the elixir.

Because all Dragon creatures also want to get the elixir refined by Ning Xiaochuan. If they can increase their cultivation, even if they are the same kind of devouring their race?

Three hours later, the Shenhe civilization living within a 10,000-mile radius was almost attracted by the elixir refined by Ning Xiaochuan.

Among them, almost all the Shenhe civilization souls are cultivated only for the eternal realm, of course, there are also three Shenhe civilization souls cultivated to achieve the realm of creation, but the repairs are lower than Ning Xiaochuan, all can be solved in Ning Xiaochuan In the range.

Ning Xiaochuan felt that the souls of the Shenhe civilization were almost coming, so he opened his eyes, stood up silently, and looked coldly, all the souls of the Shenhe civilization.

In this situation, the Shenhe civilization souls who were present were all stunned. No one of the Shenhe civilization souls would think that this alchemist would suddenly stand up, wouldn't he still refining the elixir?

"Did it have been successfully refined?" Some Shenhe civilization thought so.

Before, none of the Shenhe civilization was concerned about Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation. Now Ning Xiaochuan suddenly stood up, and some Shenhe civilization began to detect Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation. Can't detect the road.

This scene shocked the souls of those Shenhe civilizations, because they could not detect the practice of the other party. Generally speaking, there are only two possibilities.

First, the opponent's repair is too low, so it cannot be detected. Second, the opponent ’s cultivation is much higher than himself, so it is not detected.

But how can a warrior who can make such a powerful elixir be too low? Many savvy Shenhe civilizations were surprised to see Duan Yan and began to leave.

"Hmm! You want to leave when you come here?" Ning Xiaochuan looked at all the movements of the Shenhe civilization, and said immediately Lengheng.

Other Shenhe civilized creatures who did not detect Ning Xiaochuan's repair thought that Ning Xiaochuan was very strange. Who would think about leaving? The elixir made by this warrior from the Great Yan World has very powerful energy, and it has attracted all the souls and civilizations of Shenhe within a mile.

Any Shenhe civilization soul wants to get the elixir refined by Ning Xiaochuan, who would want to leave?

"Hey! The alchemy native of the Da Yan world, I urge you to surrender the elixir obediently, and return to the gathering place of the demon tribe with us. We guarantee that you will have a lot of resources to refining the medicine. "Said a demon creature.

The idea of ​​this demon creature is actually the idea of ​​a lot of Shenhe civilization beings present.

Let Ning Xiaochuan first hand over the elixir, and then bring it back to his own gathering place. With the ability of Ning Xiaochuan's alchemy, the soul and soul of Shenhe who brought him back will definitely get the reward of his race.

If this man can refining the elixir for the Shenhe civilization side, the strength of the Shenhe civilization side will definitely increase a lot, which is very beneficial for the Shenhe civilization to conquer the world of Yanyan.

In fact, the Shenhe civilization captured the Dayan world just to master the opportunity of becoming a god, to the Shenhe civilization. If it competes with the warriors of Dayan World, it will lose a lot of opportunities to become a god. Therefore, it is a very good way to capture Dayan World.

"I also advise you, give up resistance, I can give you a happy." Ning Xiaochuan said.

This sentence of Ning Xiaochuan just said, immediately attracted the wrath of the Shenhe civilization and the living side. All the Shenhe civilization and the living side looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a strong complexion.

Even those souls of the Shenhe civilization who wanted to leave before, looked at Ning Xiaochuan indignantly at this moment.

Even if the cultivation is high, so many souls and civilizations swarm up, even the warriors above the dual nature of the realm can't stop it.

"Well! What kind of thing are you native? Obediently hand over the elixir, or we will kill you now!" Said a monster creature with black feathers all over his body.

It felt that Ning Xiaochuan was too arrogant. He even said that to kill all the Shenhe civilization and beings present, even the third-level Shenhe civilization and creatures in the realm of creation, could not do it.

Is it possible to rely on a cowardly native of the Dayan World and a mind trainer?

Ning Xiaochuan looked coldly at all the Shenhe civilization creatures in front of him, without any words, the giant warhammer appeared in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan in an instant.

The momentum of Ning Xiaochuan's body began to grow wildly, just like the level of a lake from a mirror, instantly turned into a turbulent and swell wave, so that every soul and soul of Shenhe civilization felt very depressed.

"How is that possible!" Exclaimed a dragon creature.

How could a mind-raiser's momentum be so powerful that he deterred all the Shenhe civilization creatures present, and each Shenhe civilization creature looked at Ning Xiaochuan's eyes into fear.

From the perspective of breath, Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation is much stronger than all the Shenhe civilizations and creatures present, which is not a level battle at all!

Ning Xiaochuan's figure disappeared on the ground, and it appeared in the sky at an instant. All the Shenhe civilization and creatures had no time to react. Ning Xiaochuan already held the giant warhammer and was carrying the potential of destroying the world. In a blink of an eye, he It was dropped.

"Boom!" With the sound of a huge explosion, every Shenhe civilization creature present was blasted out by Zhen.

Some of them were weaker, but the soul of the ancient civilization of Shenhe, the second most important thing in Wangu Realm, suddenly burst into a mist of blood.

Under Ning Xiaochuan's first attack, nearly half of the Shenhe Civilizations died, and the rest of the Shenhe Civilizations began to panic and prepare to start fleeing.

However, Ning Xiaochuan was well prepared. I saw Ning Xiaochuan exhibiting the World Extinction Nebula Road, a cloud layer with a flash of light appeared on the sky, and strong pressure came instantly, squeezing the space within a hundred miles firmly, all the souls of the Shenhe civilization All become immobile.

Ning Xiaochuan, holding a giant spirit warhammer, quickly killed all remaining Shenhe civilization creatures, and none of them escaped successfully.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately dug out the demon elements of the beheaded Shenhe civilization and Dragon Yuan, and put the bodies of all the souls of Shenhe civilization into the heart of the true heart, and the blood essence of these gods The power is integrated into the immortal medicine to be formed.

The elixir emits powerful energy, which has doubled compared to the previous one. Ning Xiaochuan was overjoyed to adjust the temperature of the extinction magic fire and the **** extinction fire to the limit. At most half an hour, the elixir can be refined System successfully.

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