Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1040: The fourth level of good fortune

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Over time, alchemy is coming to an end. In the heart of raising the heart, there was a thick danxiang, Ning Xiaochuan was overjoyed, and he was ready for the elixir.

Three hours later, Yang Xin Zhen Ding started to shake. Ning Xiaochuan felt the powerful energy emanating from Yang Xin Zhen Ding. The elixir has been successfully refined and turned into a black triangle dragon. Zhending struck inside.

Ning Xiaochuan opened Yang Xin Zhen Ding, and the black triangle dragon immediately flew out of Yang Xin Zhen Ding, trying to escape.

However, Ning Xiaochuan had long been prepared. The fifty-handed king-level figurative magic swords formed a matrix, and the black triangle dragon that transformed the elixir firmly was trapped in the matrix.

No matter whether the black triangle dragon is flying or flying to the ground, there is no way to escape, and it has to constantly attack the figurative magical sword inserted in the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan flew in and sacrificed the town demon tower, the tall tower, accompanied by thunder and lightning, straight down from a height of 10,000 meters.

The black triangle dragon was too late to dodge, but was collected by the town demon tower? Go in, the whole town demon tower body, are constantly shaking, the black triangle dragon in the town demon tower, struggling violently.

"Huh!" Ning Xiaochuan snorted, put the town demon tower in his hand, infused a large amount of good fortune into the town demon tower, and a soft white light was emitted from the town demon tower almost instantaneously The black triangle dragon in the town demon tower stopped struggling and turned into a panacea.

Ning Xiaochuan took out the elixir and saw that there were two divine dragons circling on the elixir. The heads of the two divine dragons converged together, covering every place of the elixir.

Ning Xiaochuan took the elixir in his hands and carefully felt the power of the elixir. It was found that the energy in the elixir was indeed very strong. With his third cultivation in the realm of transformation, it was impossible to take The medicine is fully absorbed.

However, if Ning Xiaochuan breaks through to the fourth level of creation in the process of absorption. It should be possible to fully absorb the potency of the elixir.

Ning Xiaochuan cut a crack in the void in front of him, entered it, and quickly disappeared.

In order to avoid being disturbed by the incoming Shenhe civilization or the warriors of the world in the process of cultivation, Ning Xiaochuan must change to another place to cultivate.

Ning Xiaochuan came to a place a million miles away from where the elixir was previously made.

It's desolate here. No warrior or Shenhe civilization lives here. The energy between heaven and earth is also extremely thin. It is simply not suitable for cultivation.

Ning Xiaochuan felt that this desolation was suitable for himself, so Ning Xiaochuan immediately released his mind and looked for a place where he could practice with peace of mind.

Ning Xiaochuan was released. Within ten minutes of his death, he found an underground cave entrance, about five meters wide, and Ning Xiaochuan was able to enter it.

Ning Xiaochuan came to the entrance of the cave and jumped into the cave.

After entering the cave, even Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help but admire the magic of nature. There are caves of different sizes everywhere

Each cave is connected to hundreds of other caves. Each cave is a few meters wide, and even if a strong person comes in, they will easily lose their sense of direction.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind was able to detect everything in the cave. In his mind, a rough map was formed, and every road was firmly remembered.

Ning Xiaochuan entered it, and from the entrance of the cave, went all the way deeper into it. After about half an hour, Ning Xiaochuan came to the deepest part of the cave, about a thousand miles away.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the cave and found that there were no other objects except the bare earth and stones.

"I'm agreeing with me." Ning Xiaochuan finished speaking, and immediately sat down and took out the refined elixir.

Without any hesitation, Ning Xiaochuan immediately took the elixir, and a powerful energy immediately spread into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Ning Xiaochuan's body began to turn red after taking the elixir. A large amount of heat was emitted through Ning Xiaochuan's body. The cave where Ning Xiaochuan was located began to turn red.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind also detected the situation outside, so when taking the elixir, Ning Xiaochuan began to quickly absorb the energy released by the elixir.

The two Daoyuan started to operate at the same time, continuously absorbing the energy released by the elixir into the energy of Ning Xiaochuan, and Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation began to increase rapidly.

But this time, it ’s not just the two Taoists that are absorbing energy. The beast veins have also begun to absorb energy and transport it to all parts of Ning Xiaochuan's body, including the brain.

Gradually, Ning Xiaochuan's body also began to change. From the original animal veins, some other small animal veins gradually began to grow, and they were slowly spreading.

Regarding these subtle changes, Ning Xiaochuan didn't pay attention to it. If he wants to practice the beast emperor's path to success, it won't be a day or two.

Even if the Emperor Beast Emperor Road is the most capable of cultivating people, one more Daoyuan will increase the combat effectiveness many times, but the process of cultivation is definitely extremely difficult.

According to records, in the middle of the practice of the beast emperor's Taoism, it is necessary for the practitioner to devour the flesh and blood of the monster to continue the cultivation.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't manage the practice of beast emperor road for the time being, concentrated on controlling the two Taoyuan elements, madly absorbing the energy released by the elixir.

On the surface of Ning Xiaochuan's body, a burst of white light began to appear. In the dark cave, it kept flickering and passed through the distance to the ground.

Fortunately, there are very few creatures passing by this desolate warrior or Shenhe civilization, so no one will notice the sight here.

Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation is constantly growing.

"Fuck!" After five hours, Ning Xiaochuan officially broke through to the fourth level of the good fortune, reaching the level of the monarch.

There are cracks in the stone walls around Ning Xiaochuan within hundreds of meters, but fortunately, it is relatively hard here, so it has not collapsed.

Although Ning Xiaochuan has broken through to the fourth level of the natural environment, the elixir is still suspended in the body, has not been completely refined, and is still releasing a steady stream of elixir.

According to Ning Xiaochuan's estimation, these energies may be enough for Ning Xiaochuan to practice to the middle stage of the fourth heaviest creation.

The beast veins in Ning Xiaochuan's body continued to differentiate, turning into small veins throughout the body.

Gradually, two different veins appeared in Ning Xiaochuan's body.

One is blood red, the most common blood vein that every human being has.

The second type is completely black blood vessels, carrying a breath of energy completely different from that of a human warrior.

Up to now, Ning Xiaochuan can feel that his body has begun to exude a breath of monsters. This kind of breath, Ning Xiaochuan has not felt before any monster.

The feeling for Ning Xiaochuan is like a lot of monsters, mixed together. In one breath, it seems to contain the breath of hundreds of monsters, more like the breath of a king!

Ning Xiaochuan could perceive that some of his body structure began to approach the monster and beast a little bit. I do not know if it is good or bad?

Three days later, the energy of the elixir was almost digested. Ning Xiaochuan did not hesitate to take the three imperial spirit potions directly, and continued to practice.

The energy of the three emperor's soul medicine dandelions exploded in Ning Xiaochuan's body instantly, and Ning Xiaochuan felt as if he had swallowed up three powerful creatures of the level of fortune, and the energy spread to Ning Xiaochuan's body instantly.

Ning Xiaochuan's two Taoyuan elements started to operate quickly, refining all the medicine power of the three imperial spirit potions.

After absorbing three emperor spirit pills, Ning Xiaochuan's realm is already the fourth middle stage of the creation, and has not broken through to the late fourth stage of the creation. However, the realm has become more consolidated.

Until now, Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation has broken through to the middle stage of the fourth heaviest creation. According to his current practice, even if he does not use a secondary artifact, he can contend with the existence of the seventh emperor level of creation.

Every inch of Ning Xiaochuan's body became extremely blood-stained, and he was like a blood man who practiced in a sitting position.

The cave where Ning Xiaochuan was located gradually began to not be able to withstand the power emanating from Ning Xiaochuan's practice. It even began to collapse, and a large number of stones began to fall, and Ning Xiaochuan's body was instantly buried in it.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't know what was going on outside. At this time, he had reached the most critical period.

Ning Xiaochuan used those energies, all of which were introduced into the veins of the beast and stepped up his efforts to cultivate the beast emperor's path.

Now, Ning Xiaochuan ’s doomed beast emperor ’s path has been cultivated to Xiaocheng. In order to cultivate to Dacheng ’s success, the beast emperor ’s path is born, and Ning Xiaochuan must devour at least 10,000 monsters above the realm. .

This task is also very difficult for Ning Xiaochuan.

There are too few monsters at the level of good fortune, and each deity is a master. Even in the Shenhe civilization, the powerful level of the good fortune level is the ruler of a planet.

To cultivate the soul and soul of the Shenhe civilization to achieve the realm of creation, which one is not very powerful? What's more, there are still 10,000 swallowed, and it is only possible to achieve this unless Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation is to reach the ninth level of the good fortune.

Even if Ning Xiaochuan cultivates up to now, the bottom line cannot be more than those of the sons of the gods. After all, the gods casually display a supernatural power, which cannot be resisted by the sub-strong ones.

The son of the deity, even if he carries a divine truth sign, he can easily destroy the existence of the monarch level, and may even hurt some weak sub-gods.

One day later, Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation was finally over. The cultivation was increased to the fourth stage of the creation, and the strength was greatly increased.

After Ning Xiaochuan's practice was over, he woke up, looked at the earth and stones that were pressed on his body, and a powerful force broke out on his body, instantly bursting all the earth and stones!

Ning Xiaochuan walked out of the cave and returned to the ground. However, just when Ning Xiaochuan used his heart to detect the surrounding situation, he found that there were some new creatures in Lili.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly. During this practice, Ning Xiaochuan didn't detect the situation on the ground, so he didn't know what happened to these new creatures.

However, at the time of Ning Xiaochuan's mind detection, there was a newly emerged Shenhe civilization, and found Ning Xiaochuan. The creature attacked Ning Xiaochuan frantically, and the remaining creatures saw it together. Running towards Ning Xiaochuan.

"It seems that the fourth door of the gods has been opened." Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly.

In the face of the newly emerged creatures of the Shenhe civilization, Ning Xiaochuan did not know where they came from, but this did not prevent Ning Xiaochuan from killing them!

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