Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1042: Mysterious palace

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When Ning Xiaochuan discovered Xue Lingxue, a group of rotten dead bodies followed in the distance, and the evil spirit of Senhan was emitted from their bodies.


Xue Ling's hands were imprinted, and in the void in front of him, characters like the size of a puppet appeared slowly on the skulls of all corpses.

The moment the characters met the corpses, all the corpses actually stopped chasing, and soon they disappeared.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Xue Ling Xu next to him, with a slight surprise in his eyes. Through detection, Ning Xiao Chuan found that Xue Ling Xu's cultivation had reached the fourth stage of the creation, and he was as good as Ning Xiao Chuan.

Xueling Xu must have any adventure, otherwise it would be impossible to increase so quickly.

"follow me!"

The void in front of Xueling Xu opened a crack, without any words, just walked into it, and Ning Xiaochuan followed in. Soon, the two disappeared into this world.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Ling appeared from the void and came to a secret room. Once here, Ning Xiaochuan saw Xiao Linger, Zi Hanyan, and Xiao Hong.

This secret room, I do n’t know how far away from the gate of the palace, Xue Lingxu and others can come here because Xue Lingxu has been carrying Xiao Linger, purple cold smoke, and Xiao Hong constantly striding across the space. It took a whole month to find this secret room.

Ning Xiaochuan carefully looked around, and saw that the secret room was dark, except for the few torches on the wall, emitting a faint light.

The area of ​​the entire secret room is only 20 square meters. Ning Xiaochuan and others here are a little crowded. At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan also wonders, what can there be in such a small secret room?

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes turned to the front, and he found a picture hanging on the wall.

Ning Xiaochuan stepped forward, and a flame gathered in his hands, which illuminated the whole secret room, and the light filled every place. The original dark room instantly became brilliant.

Ning Xiaochuan stared closely at the scroll in front of him, and found that on the scroll, fifty continents were drawn, of which 49 continents were located in 49 different regions, only one of the largest continents was Nineteen continents, surrounded by groups!

Dayan World?

Elsewhere on the continent is a vast ocean that is connected together. The area of ​​the sea is more than ten times wider than all continents combined. Even the largest heavenly court is less than one tenth the size of the sea!

In addition, there are countless islands, and the area of ​​each island is larger than the Yulan Empire, because this picture is exactly a reduced map of the Da Yan world, even if it is a point above, Much bigger than the Yulan Empire!

Ning Xiaochuan looked at this picture, and felt very incredible. Who, who has the ability, can draw the outline and area of ​​the entire Dayan world so clearly. This is something that no **** can do. !!

Is it the **** who created the Da Yan world?

Ning Xiaochuan didn't have much time to think about it, the picture in front of him even started to change.

On the scroll, the outline of the entire Dayan world was originally depicted, but now suddenly it has become eight pillars that are extremely large. Each pillar has a ghost standing on it. There is no way to tell the difference. What exactly is a ghost.

Under the shadow, there are countless different sizes of Shenhe civilizations and warriors from the world!

Among them, Ning Xiaochuan knew the demons, the dragons, the demons, and the new God River civilization creatures that have just appeared in the world of Da Yan, as well as the Buddhist practice, and other human warriors who don't seem to belong to the Da Yan world.

The continent of the Dayan World has become fragmented, and half of the area of ​​the Tianxu Continent has been broken and floated to the distant waters to the other side of the Dayan World.

On each continent, corpses piled up into mountains everywhere, and returned to the sea, which had been stained with blood red by the blood of the world warriors of the Dayan and other beings.

Countless stumps and broken arms fell from the sky, and half of the rain fell. A very powerful warrior of the Dayan World was being divided by the Shenhe civilization, the blood was infecting the white armor, and the heart was severely pulled out.

The entire Da Yan World is almost like a hell. Every place is full of killings. The warriors of the Da Yan World are massacred without any resistance.

Ning Xiaochuan, standing in front of the scroll, was filled with deep shock. Above this scroll, it must be everything that happened in the last God War, and the eight ghost images must be the gods from the eight star domains!

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath and was very curious. Why did this picture appear here?

Why did the owner of this picture draw it? It's all a mystery.

When Ning Xiaochuan was about to take his eyes back, he suddenly found an extremely huge turtle in the corner of the scroll.

The turtle is hidden in the dense clouds, much higher than the place where the eight deities are located. It should be in the universe, but the sight of the turtle is watching the world below closely. .

Ning Xiaochuan was shocked when he saw it! This turtle is not the one Ning Xiaochuan met in Tiandi Mountain? Or is it Grandpa's grandpa? !!

"Did it live from the last battle of the gods to the present!" Ning Xiaochuan thought in his heart.

Now, Ning Xiaochuan is really shocked. I do n’t know how many millions of years have passed since the last battle of the gods. Even a true **** ca n’t withstand such a long baptism. Even bones will In the long river of years, it turned to ashes.

A turtle, no matter how high it is, cannot live for tens of billions of years!

However, Ning Xiaochuan looked carefully, but the more he looked, the more he felt that the one he saw on Tiandi Mountain was exactly the same. He had a long neck and the same eyes. He couldn't think of it.

"If this turtle really lives from that distant era to the present, then its cultivation must be terrible, maybe it has reached the peak of the universe!" Ning Xiaochuan guessed in his heart.

Xiao Linger, Zi Hanyan, Xiao Hong, and Xue Lingxu all watched this quietly.

When Xue Lingxu and others just arrived here, they saw the picture on the wall as Ning Xiaochuan, and they felt very shocked, but after repeated inspection, there was nothing other than shock.

Just when Xue Lingxu and others were looking in the back room to see if there was any chance, Xue Lingxu suddenly sensed the arrival of Ning Xiaochuan, and left, bringing Ning Xiaochuan here.

After a long time, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes only left from the picture scroll, slowly relieved, calmed his mood.

"There is nothing else except this painting?" Ning Xiaochuan said doubtfully.

From entering the palace to the present, there are weirdness everywhere, first the shrinking space secrets, and then the rotten dead body that is resurrected. Now this is a map that depicts the world of Da Yan at the same time, and the last battle of God. The scroll, Ning Xiaochuan felt, there must be other things!

"Godfather, your mind is stronger than us. Why don't you detect it?" Xiao Linger said.

"Huh!" Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and his mind was released instantly, but when he detected the Wanli area, he could no longer continue to detect, this place can greatly prevent the detection of his mind.

Helplessly, Ning Xiaochuan had to explore all the places in the area. After a quarter of an hour, Ning Xiaochuan found a place. It was a closed door. The door was covered with dust. Ning Ogawa's mind couldn't get in, but Ning Xiaochuan thought he could go in and see.

"follow me."

After Ning Xiaochuan finished speaking, he was casting his dragon at a rapid speed, quickly left the chamber, and deliberately slowed down a bit so that the purple cold smoke could catch up.

After entering this closet, the effect of the previous closeness of the horizon is disappearing, and even if you stop, you will not return to the original point.

Led by Ning Xiaochuan, Xue Lingxu and others soon arrived at the closed gate.

After Ning Xiaochuan came here, he frowned slightly, because Ning Xiaochuan felt the gloomy atmosphere in the air, which made people shudder.

This place is likely to be a dead place, and no one knows what is on the other side of the gate.

Xue Lingxu and others followed closely behind Ning Xiaochuan and looked at the door in front of them. No one made a sound.

This gate was covered with dust everywhere, but the height of the gate was much higher than the gate of the Lingxiao Temple, and Ning Xiaochuan and others looked very small in front of it.

Ning Xiaochuan walked to the front facade, put his hands lightly, and pushed the door inward, but the door remained motionless.

You must know that Ning Xiaochuan's strength is extremely huge. Even a giant spirit warhammer with a mass of more than one billion kilograms can be easily moved by Ning Xiaochuan. However, with the strength of Ning Xiaochuan, the door cannot be opened and the door is not known. Does the quality exceed 10 billion kilograms?

Xueling Xu, Zi Hanyan, Xiao Linger, and Xiao Hong also came up to help, and the five of them pushed all their own strength towards the door. At this moment, the door finally moved and began to open inside.

"Ka-K-K-K!" There was a harsh frictional sound at the door's axis.

It seems that this door has not been opened for a long time.

At the moment the door opened, a gleam of light emerged from the crack of the door, illuminating the dark place.

Ning Xiaochuan and others immediately entered it.

Ning Xiaochuan had just entered the gate, but seemed to be in another world.

The scene outside the gate is completely different from the outside, because here is a vast grassland and the sky is extremely blue. Ning Xiaochuan was instantly attracted by the magnificent scene here.

When Ning Xiaochuan returned to God, he found that Xue Lingxu and others disappeared.

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