Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1043: Deadly

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Between the heavens and the earth, the breeze wafts, as if fused into the most beautiful picture in the world, the wide sky, and the endless grassland, everything is so beautiful.

However, Ning Xiaochuan is not in the mood to enjoy these beautiful scenery now, because after entering the gate and coming here, Ning Xiaochuan has lost the breath of Xueling Xu and others. Even if it is a town tower, there is no way to feel Xueling. Virtual existence.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly. If the four were separated, it would be difficult to cope if they were in danger.

For Ning Xiaochuan, Xue Lingxu, Xiao Linger, and Xiao Hong, there may be nothing, but Zi Hanyan is the most dangerous.

When entering the closet before, Ning Xiaochuan had detected the cultivation of Zi Hanyan, but he had just entered the realm of creation, and he was weaker than the three of Ning Xiaochuan. If he encountered danger, he would probably get hurt first.

After continuing to detect for half an hour, Ning Xiaochuan stopped detecting.

Purple Han Yan, Xue Ling Xu, Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger should be the same, all separated by a mysterious force.

Since their whereabouts could not be detected, Ning Xiaochuan stopped detecting and noticed the grassland in front of them for the first time.

Ning Xiaochuan's line of sight directly crossed thousands of miles away, and he looked at thousands of miles of things.

However, after Ning Xiaochuan's exploration, it was found that there was a large area of ​​elixir planted here, and each small grass was at least a potion of mystery. Without any plant, it is an ordinary plant!

Ning Xiaochuan's face showed an incredible look, this place is really amazing!

Here, it can be said that it is simply a sanctuary for the spiritual master! Any psychologist who comes here will have a golden eye, because the elixir here is almost endless.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately flew up to the sky, with a pair of illusive red dragon wings growing behind him, exerting the speed of the dragon, flying towards the front at a very fast speed.

Ning Xiaochuan's speed reached the extreme. In the blink of an eye, it was a distance of more than a thousand miles. At this time, Ning Xiaochuan was also surprised to discover that as the distance increased, the grade of mysterious medicine continued to increase.

From the first product of Xuan Yao to the current Jiu Pin Xuan Yao, Ning Xiaochuan's sight has begun to appear psychic medicine, Ning Xiaochuan's mood can be described as extremely excited.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't stop picking because Ning Xiaochuan wanted to see if there would be a million-year holy medicine in this grassland? If so, it can be said that Ning Xiaochuan's future cultivation resources need not worry.

However, after moving a certain distance, Ning Xiaochuan also found out that the original excitement gradually calmed down.

There are so many elixir here, it is impossible not to be picked, but from Ning Xiaochuan to the present, every elixir seen is very complete without any trace of being picked.

Ning Xiaochuan looked closely at the ground and found no abnormalities.

No exception is the biggest exception.

With his hand as a knife, Ning Xiaochuan split a powerful knife wave into the ground, and a large piece of psychic medicine was instantly destroyed by Ning Xiaochuan, leaving no residue.

"It's not a problem. Is it because I worry about it?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

After speaking, Ning Xiaochuan's figure was leaving the area where the psychic medicine was located and flying forward. I do not know how far the flight has been, Ning Xiaochuan has been able to smell the faint breath of Wannian Holy Medicine.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't even take a look at the area of ​​the thousand-year-old medicine that passed on the way. For the thousand-year-old medicine, Ning Xiaochuan was not very useful.

After half an hour, Ning Xiaochuan finally came to the area where Wannian Holy Medicine is located. Here, within a thousand miles, all the wonder drugs planted belong to the ranks of Wannian Holy Medicine.

The body of each sacred medicine for a thousand years is exuded with a strong aroma and extremely pure energy, which illuminates the sky over tens of thousands of miles.

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath, stopped flying, and descended to the ground.

All the potions here are all in different forms. Some are like the dragons flexing and circling, some are like whale sharks that hunt in the water, and some are a huge flower. Each potion is Ning Xiaochuan has never seen or even heard of it before.

Looking at this large sacred medicine, Ning Xiaochuan stopped and did not pick it immediately. There was always a feeling of uneasiness in his heart, but Ning Xiaochuan couldn't tell why.

Each sacred medicine is equivalent to a powerful creature. Within a thousand miles, all sacred medicine is a sacred medicine. Even if it is Ning Xiaochuan, it cannot be defeated. It is difficult to say whether it can escape.

However, it is strange that Ning Xiaochuan came to the planting area of ​​Wannian Holy Medicine. None of the Wannian Holy Medicine launched an attack on Ning Xiaochuan. The entire planting area was very quiet, only the sound of a light wind blowing over the leaves.

Ning Xiaochuan temporarily relieved the anxiety in her heart, and came to a millennium holy medicine, ready to pick.

This sacred medicine for ten thousand years is a bamboo, which is over seven feet high, and the whole body is purple. The surface of the bamboo is also exuding a faint thunderbolt.

Ning Xiaochuan inspired the Heaven and Earth Sutra to crack the ground where the thunderbolt Zizhu was located. Ning Xiaochuan was very easy to take out the thunderbolt.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the purple bamboo in his hand and did not know the name of this million-year holy medicine-grade bamboo, but since it is a million-year holy medicine, it will definitely have a role in Ning Xiaochuan.

Just in case, after taking out the first 10,000-year holy medicine, Ning Xiaochuan probed this area again, but still found no problems, and Ning Xiaochuan gradually relaxed his vigilance.

This time, Ning Xiaochuan came to a tall tree. I saw this tree, very thick, ten meters thick, almost 100 meters high. Above the big tree, Ning Xiaochuan found two huge trees. fruit.

These two fruits belong to the elixir of the level of holy medicine. I did not expect that they would grow on a tree at the same time.

Above the fruit, there are colorful lights, and the emitted energy has condensed into a drop of liquid with very pure energy, which drops to the ground and is instantly absorbed by the earth.

Ning Xiaochuan's body flew up and came to the fruit. Both fruits were about the same size as Ning Xiaochuan's head, and they contained much more energy than some other ten thousand years of holy medicine.

Without any hesitation, Ning Xiaochuan immediately picked the two fruits and prepared to store them in the flame box.

Just then, the situation suddenly changed!

After Ning Xiaochuan picked the two fruits, the blood in his body began to decrease, his hair began to turn pale, and the original tender and smooth skin began to age. It seemed like I was thousands of years old!

"What's going on!" Ning Xiaochuan felt the changes in his body. He really aged a lot in a split second. To be exact, he was thirty years old!

how is this possible!

Ning Xiaochuan was astonished! Originally everything was normal, how could this happen suddenly, so that Ning Xiaochuan suddenly aged for thirty thousand years?

"Is it because of the three thousand-year holy medicine that I picked!" Ning Xiaochuan said word by word.

If this is the case, it can only show that it is really terrifying here. Picking a 10,000 year holy medicine will damage the lifespan of 10,000 years. For the powerful creatures, each additional weight will increase the life to 3,000 years.

Taking Ning Xiaochuan's repairs as an example, he now has a lifetime of 60,000 years, which means that now, Ning Xiaochuan has half his life. It's too pit!

If you change to a lower-level monk, picking a potion of holy medicine, wouldn't you just finish playing it.

Moreover, Ning Xiaochuan also found that even if he breathed the air here, his life would be reduced. At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan is like a twilight old man, and his breath has become extremely weak.

This is because he lost too much Shou Yuan at one time, resulting in great vitality injuries and even physical damage.

If it is not possible to find a way to restore Shouyuan as soon as possible, or to break through the realm and increase the life span, it will not take long for Ning Xiaochuan to die here.

However, Ning Xiaochuan has only recently broken through, and even if he now has three million-year holy medicines, he cannot break through again, unless a miracle can occur!

"Oh!" Just as Ning Xiaochuan was thinking of a way, a whole body of transparent ghosts suddenly appeared, and a high-pitched howling shouted, breaking the original silence in this area and rushing towards Ning Xiaochuan.


At this time, the space where Zi Hanyan was located was also a place where numerous elixir was planted. The body of Zi Hanyan was lying in front of a 10,000-year holy medicine, and he had completely lost his breath of life, so he died.

Zi Hanyan's hand is still firmly holding a sacred medicine, the name of this sacred medicine, called concentric grass, must be taken by two people at the same time to work, so although it is only a strain Holy medicine for ten thousand years, but Zihan Yan has consumed 20,000 years of life.

Purple cold smoke, dead!

However, no one knew.

Ning Xiaochuan and others have been spread to different spaces, seemingly in one place, and have grown a lot of elixir, but the space is not together. No matter what happened to Ning Xiaochuan and others, no one else could know.

Xiaohong also died in the Wannian Sacred Medicine. When she first entered this area, Xiao Hong picked it immediately until she died, and her mouth still contained several strains of Wannian Medicine.

At this moment, Xiao Linger is like an old lady with a wind candle. She is sitting on the ground with wrinkles all over her body. Xiao Linger's life force at this time has become very small, and she will soon die.

"Godfather, Xiaohong, Han Yan, Xue Lingxu sister, they will not encounter the same encounter, right?" Xiao Linger said slowly.

Faced with the sudden change, everyone was completely unprepared, Xiao Linger also picked the holy medicine of ten years, and his life was about to run out.

Xue Lingxu stood up and looked at the surrounding space. The first thing that felt wrong was Xue Lingxu.

From the beginning of entering this space, Xue Ling Xu did not act rashly, so the only person who did not consume life was her.

Above the gate of this space, a complex array of formations is appearing, spinning constantly, as if it was because of this formation, Ning Xiaochuan and others suffered this calamity.

Half an hour later, Ning Xiaochuan also exhausted his life and fell next to a million-year holy medicine.

All of Ning Xiaochuan's thoughts stopped, and in his mind, it became dark, and the breath of life on his body disappeared without a trace!

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