Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1044: Ground floor

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Xue Ling stood quietly on the grassland full of elixir and looked at all of it calmly. There was no trace of fluctuation in her state of mind because of the elixir.

In Tiandi Mountain, Xue Lingxu, under the leadership of the Qixuan Taoists, once went to a fantasy world, and the situation there is similar to where Xue Lingxu is now.

But the pattern in the illusion is much smaller than here, and the scope of each elixir planting is only one tenth of that here.

It is said that the emperor once came to this secret place, and then used the supreme divine power to arrange the same illusion in the emperor mountain. Unfortunately, the emperor had just become a **** at that time, and the divine power was not very powerful. Times the illusion.

Xue Lingxu once entered the fantasy, naturally he also picked elixir, and also knew the consequences after he picked it.

Although, picking elixir will exhaust people's life quickly, but all these are illusions. In fact, your body is still the same as before, but your mind is in a state of death. Feedback to the brain.

Xue Lingxu has experienced a fantasy and a "death". The person who picks the elixir will temporarily escape from the flesh and enter another place for training.

The warriors who did not pick the elixir will also undergo the training, but the difficulty is different.


Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness fell into darkness.

Although Ning Xiaochuan couldn't feel anything, Ning Xiaochuan knew that he was alive and did not die!

Ning Xiaochuan used all his strength to move his body, but he couldn't do it anyway.

Even if the mind is released from the body and the mysterious beasts, white bone beads, and magic sword in the body are urged, there is no way. The only thing Ning Xiaochuan can do now is to think.

The situation of Zi Hanyan, Xiao Hong and Xiao Linger is exactly the same as that of Ning Xiaochuan.

Zi Hanyan lay down on the ground, all the body's feelings disappeared, and the brain was dark. She didn't even know where she was now?

Above Xiao Linger's body, a strange purple light radiated. Xiao Linger, who had become aging like a twilight old man, immediately restored her previous appearance, but Xiao Linger did not wake up, in her mind , The same darkness.

All of Xiao Hong's breath of life disappeared without a trace. In Xiao Hong's mind, there was nothing else except a huge egg.

"That egg ... not my egg, why do I feel so familiar?" Xiao Hong said.

Unfortunately, Xiao Hong's voice could not be transmitted at all, only echoing in Xiao Hong's head.

I don't know how long the time has passed, and Ning Xiaochuan and others who are conscious in the dark, feel their bodies and start to move.

Ning Xiaochuan and others immediately became vigilant, because what happened when picking elixir led Ning Xiaochuan and others to be deeply alert to this palace.

This time, I don't know what will happen again.

Xue Lingxu is still standing on the grassland where the elixir is planted, his eyes are closed slightly, and all the feelings on the outside of the body are closed. He has entered a very wonderful state, and his breath is growing rapidly.

At this moment, Xue Lingxu's feet suddenly appeared a matrix method, the matrix method emitted a white light, shrouded in Xue Lingxu body, the next moment, Xue Lingxu disappeared.

After a long period of darkness, Ning Xiaochuan and others suddenly felt that they could see a trace of light. Everyone opened their eyes so hard that their eyes finally recovered!

However, mutations are happening. I saw that the surrounding scenery had changed. It was no longer the grassland full of elixir, but came to a huge room.

The bodies of Ning Xiaochuan and others have become somewhat transparent, and everyone reacts instantly. Now they are the soul, not the body!

Ning Xiaochuan looked around. This room is very large, even if it can accommodate tens of thousands of people, it is not a problem, and the room is surrounded by a complete hexagon shape, which surrounds Ning Xiaochuan.

On the back of Ning Xiaochuan, a pair of illusive dragon wings grew, flying straight to one of the walls, and it was found that it was engraved with ancient text.

Every word seems to be carved from a very distant era. Until now, many handwritings have been blurred, and even the shape cannot be identified.

Ning Xiaochuan had no way to understand these words. On the other wall, he saw a picture, and Ning Xiaochuan understood this time.

On the picture, there are six symbols, respectively, people who work in arable land, weird looking demons, sturdy statures, imaginary ghosts, gods standing on the sky, and golden Buddhas.

These six patterns are arranged from bottom to top and are divided into six layers. Each pattern represents a different meaning and represents the form of all living things between heaven and earth. No matter how the creatures cultivate, they can never go beyond these six things.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head. Although these patterns can be understood, they have no effect on Ning Xiaochuan. Just as Ning Xiaochuan was going to look at other walls, would there be something helpful to himself? A sound suddenly sounded.

"Welcome to the first floor of the Tower of Gods. You were the only group of people who entered here before the Battle of God." That voice, not knowing where it came from, hit Ning Xiaochuan's mind, and kept in Ning Xiaochuan. Echoes in his ears.

"Who are you?" Ning Xiaochuan asked puzzled.

"Next, you will face the test here, pass and get rewards. If you don't pass, die!" That voice didn't bother Ning Xiaochuan's question, just disappeared after just two words.


Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly. He had never heard of this so-called receiving tower, let alone what the test was. Ning Xiaochuan was full of vigilance about what was going to happen.

Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, and Zi Hanyan in the other three places also heard this voice, and everyone looked around in anticipation, waiting for the test of that voice to come.

In the huge room, there was Ning Xiaochuan alone. There were no other things besides the walls carved with weird motifs or characters. There was no other thing. I don't know where the so-called test is.

While Ning Xiaochuan was thinking, a slightly transparent figure suddenly drawn from the void in front of Ning Xiaochuan and appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Obviously, this slightly transparent figure, like Ning Xiaochuan, is a soul body.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the virtual shadow in front of him, and was about to speak. Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations in his mind. Ning Xiaochuan immediately realized the danger, and immediately cast the dragon's speed, avoiding the past.

Looking closely at the phantom in front of him, Ning Xiaochuan felt it, which turned out to be a condensate of a sub-god!

It is exactly the same as the breath of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, but this cohesive body is much more powerful than Tianmeng Demon's second thought.

If Ning Xiaochuan fought against him, it would be possible to defeat him unless he performed Shinto and borrowed the power of Sui Hanyu.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were slightly frozen. I did not expect that this was the so-called test. It was much more difficult than Ning Xiaochuan imagined. Unless Ning Xiaochuan and others worked together, there would be no way to defeat it.

That sub-god condensate is a co-god of a demon sub-god, a sub-god trained by a wolf.

With long fangs, if attacked by him, even if Ning Xiaochuan's heart is strong, his heart will be broken immediately!

Among the crowd, Ning Xiaochuan, who is the most powerful in mind, is still like this, so what about Zi Hanyan and others?

The test facing Zi Hanyan and others is not to challenge the sub-god's cohesion, but to fight against the soul of a human warrior who has cultivated himself. Only Ning Xiaochuan faces the co-god of the sub-god!

The condensate of the wolf sub-gods came to Ning Xiaochuan's soul and smashed Ning Xiaochuan's mind with a punch, and Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness was again in darkness.

But soon, Ning Xiaochuan's mind was once again condensed into the entity, but different from before, Ning Xiaochuan's mind was reduced by one point. If the secondary shot condensate would break Ning Xiaochuan's mind, then the mind It will decrease again.

At that time, when Ning Xiaochuan's mind is reduced to the extreme, I am afraid that Ning Xiaochuan will really die, but Ning Xiaochuan has nothing to do with this sub-god condensate.


Once again shattered, Ning Xiaochuan's mind has been reduced by half compared to before. Even in the same realm, Ning Xiaochuan's mind cannot exceed too much, and as Ning Xiaochuan's mind power decreases, the sub-god's cohesion Get stronger in a little bit.

It is as if Ning Xiaochuan's mind power has been absorbed by this sub-god condensate.

Here, there is no way to mobilize the energy between heaven and earth. The "Tiandijing" has lost its effect, and the power of mind cannot be compared with the power of the body. For Ning Xiaochuan, this may be the worst thing that has been encountered since cultivation. Despair.

Fighting with the second god, Ning Xiaochuan is far inferior to the second god.

When Ning Xiaochuan and others were trapped on the first floor of the receiving pagoda, the Shenhe civilization had already begun to attack the heavenly courts.

The four sub-gods of the Ashura realm approach the heaven.

All the hidden old monsters in the world of Da Yan are all present. There are a total of seven sub-gods, each of which is the entire world of Da Yan. The top powerhouse, even the Lord of Heaven, must pay respect to them by three points.

The Emperor Zijin also appeared, holding a supreme imperial sword, and appeared in the sky above, facing the sword pointing at the Asura sub-god!

At the same time, the demon sub-god, demon sub-god, and dragon sub-god also reappeared, leading the races in the three major star domains to launch a crazy attack on the world of Dayan.

Several continents were completely destroyed at this point. The warriors on the continent were all captured by the Shenhe civilization and served as slaves.

Wherever the Asura tribe went, they were full of corpses, blood and sea. Even if they encountered other souls and civilizations, they would still kill them!

All the martial arts fighters gathered towards the heaven, and the era of melee is coming!

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