Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1058: Evil God's Shadow

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Entering the imperial capital, Zhang Ruochen felt both familiar and unfamiliar.

Familiar streets, familiar Jiangehoufu, and familiar Guanyu Tower, but they are already different.

It is not humans walking on the street, but evil creatures with fangs and blood pupils.

A strange bird eroded by evil spirits, with a body more than ten meters long, discovered the human breath of Ning Xiaochuan, dived down from the sky, and grabbed a claw towards Ning Xiaochuan's back.


The Golden Horned Demon Emperor slaps it out and turns it into a big fingerprint, turning that strange bird into a cloud of blood.

"Fuck, something that doesn't open your eyes." The Golden Horn demon yelled.

Two demon one, continue to move forward.

The evil temple, built in the former imperial palace, is located on top of a stone platform that is 100 feet high.

On top of the stone platform, a huge statue stands.

That statue, with a human body, had twelve black wings on its back, and had a lightning-like mark on its brows.

Even if it was just a statue, it still contained a powerful power. Ning Xiaochuan walked under the statue and felt a strong oppression.

Standing in front of him like a god.

"This is the statue of the evil **** of hell?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor said: "This statue is carved by the **** emissary, and it should be the body of the evil **** of hell."

At this moment, under the statue, countless evil things are kneeling down to worship and burn incense.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "If you want to bring that **** messenger to the emperor's capital, you must first destroy the statue of the evil god."

"I come!"

The Silver Horn Demon Emperor volunteered bravely, soared, and made a mark with both hands, hit a magical power, and bombarded the statue of the evil god.

With the power of the Silver Horn Demon Emperor, the magical powers played, let alone the destruction of a statue of an evil god, even the destruction of an imperial capital, are easy.

However, when the Silver Horn Demon Emperor knocked out the supernatural power, the mutation suddenly occurred.


A blast of evil spirits emerged from the statue of the evil god, hit the silver horned demon emperor's chest, hit the silver horned demon emperor to the ground, and smashed a large pit with a diameter of dozens of meters on the ground.

"A statue is so powerful?" The Silver Horn Demon Emperor crawled out of the pit, staring at the statue of the evil **** with a shock, feeling quite incredible.

"I'll try it."

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor was about to shoot, but was stopped by Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The statue of the evil **** contains the power of God, you can't destroy it. I'll come!"

Ning Xiaochuan will take out the Warhammer of the Giant Spirit, and continuously inject the power of creation into the Warhammer.

Giant Spirit Warhammer is the supreme emperor's weapon. Under the urging of the force of creation, a mighty imperial power erupted, and an incredible force emanated from the Giant Spirit Warhammer.

That terrifying breath spread throughout the Yulan Empire.

All the evil things in the Yulan Empire were trembling with the power of that mighty emperor, and their hearts were disturbed.


Ning Xiaochuan waved down with a hammer, broke the power of the evil **** statue, and hit the head of the evil **** statue.

With a bang, the statue of the evil **** was torn apart, turned into a huge stone, and fell towards the ground.

The statue of the evil **** has just been crushed, a more terrifying atmosphere appeared above the capital of the emperor, condensing into a ghost image of an evil god.

The human body has six pairs of black wings on its back.

Although it is just a ghost image, it is more deterrent than the statue of the evil **** just now.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Even the powerful Golden Horned Demon Emperor and Silver Horned Demon Emperor were crushed by that pressure to lie on the ground, as if carrying a five-finger **** on their backs, they could not stand up at all.

Only Ning Xiaochuan was able to stand and stare straight at the ghost image of that evil god.

That phantom made a loud scream in the mouth, "Bold man, how dare you break the idol of this seat. If you blaspheme the gods so much, wouldn't you be afraid of being killed by the might of God?"

Ning Xiaochuan didn't expect to evoke the slightest thought of the evil god, but he was not panic and seemed calm and calm, saying, "If I didn't guess wrong, you are still trapped in the market now, right? Kill me, with your current strength, you can't do it! "

"Huh! A small human child, a thought of power, enough to chop you!"

The hands of the evil **** ghost raised his hands to the sky, and in the blink of an eye, the whole sky was full of wind and clouds, and a blood-red demon moon appeared from the clouds.


A blood-red beam of light flew down from the clouds and bombarded Ning Xiaochuan's head.

"Apocalypse prints!"

Ning Xiaochuan folded his hands together, condensed the power of the whole body, communicated the world's fortune, and punched out a huge palm print.


The World Extinction Palm Imprint Road and the blood pillar of light in the sky annihilate at the same time.

The powerful impact almost razed the entire emperor.

"Great! The Heavenly Demon Emperor is a sub-god. The power of her sub-god thoughts is equivalent to the power of the warrior at the ninth peak of Wangu Realm. But this evil **** is also a thought, but the power that burst Stronger than a sage. "

"Does this evil **** have condensed the godhead, but is it the true god?"

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's mind emerged, he immediately shook his head.

The world of Da Yan is very special. It can only accommodate the next god. If the true God comes to the Da Yan world, it will be killed by the power of the world immediately.

The world power of Da Yan World will automatically exclude the existence of true **** level.

For example, after emperor God condensed and practiced as a god, he immediately left Dayan World and went to Shenhe civilization.

Of course, if the power of that evil **** is stronger than the world power of Da Yan World, maybe he can stay in Da Yan World. Of course, this possibility is minimal. ,

Besides, if it really is a true god-level evil god, escape from the market. Who can stop him in the entire Da Yan world?

"It seems that there must be an unbelievably big secret hidden in the return."

While Ning Xiaochuan was thinking about the origin of the evil god, the ghost of that evil **** flew directly to the sky of Zhang Ruochen, pointed out his finger, and fired a thick lightning.

"Mark of Heaven."

Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow flickered, and a mark of command emerged, emitting a bright white light.

A white beam of light shot from Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow and shattered the lightning from the evil god's shadow.

"It's you? No, it's not you. Human kid, why can you cultivate the Mark of the Celestial Master?" The evil god's shadow snarled, seeming to hate the person who has the Celestial Seal.

It should have known someone who had the Mark of Heaven.

Ning Xiaochuan saw some clues. The ghost of the evil **** seemed to be a little afraid of the mark of Tianzun.

That's it!

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