Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1059: Hijack evil spirits

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A pair of flame dragon wings grew on Ning Xiaochuan's back, soared, and stood opposite the ghost of the evil god, saying, "Evil god, who are you?"


The evil ghost Xingying laughed loudly, ignored Ning Xiaochuan's problem at all, and attacked the past directly.

A black evil sword was cut off from the sky, with a divine power, and seemed to kill Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan exhibited the speed of the dragon, turned it into a ghost image of the dragon, escaped the black evil knife, flew over the head of the ghost image, and shouted, "Take God!"

Ning Xiaochuan decided to hijack this spirit of the evil god, and use his spirit to help him cultivate the Shinto.

You know, Ning Xiaochuan is now practicing Shinto, and has only cultivated to Xiaocheng. He can only borrow the magical powers of Tianmeng Yaohuang and Sui Hanyu.


Ning Xiaochuan made two handprints at the same time, from the left and right directions, to imprison the ghost of the evil god.

"Human boy, do you want to imprison the spirit of this seat? You also underestimate the power of gods!"

The evil ghost uttered a cold hum, and his hands kept moving. A huge vortex appeared in front of him, and Ning Xiaochuan was drawn into the vortex. He would devour Ning Xiaochuan completely.

"The monument to extinction, the soul!"

Ning Xiaochuan held up her hands, summoned the monument to the extinct world, and suppressed the ghost image of the evil **** below the monument.

After seeing the monument to extinction, the virtual image of the evil **** finally remembered something and exclaimed: "The extinction of the world, you are the extinction of the world ..."


Ning Xiaochuan pressed a finger on the eyebrow of the evil god, exerted the power of receiving the Shinto, and soon absorbed the spirit contained in that evil god's shadow.

When the evil ghost's ghost image was absorbed by Ning Xiaochuan, the vast evil spirit that enveloped the heavens and the earth gradually dissipated.

Ning Xiaochuan fell to the ground again, and gently blasted the robe of the bullet, saying: "The ghost image of the evil **** is almost equivalent to the eighth most important monarch in the realm of creation. Now, I have absorbed his spirit, if it is borrowed at the same time The magical power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Evil God, even if I don't use a secondary artifact-level hole card, I can compete with the ninth most powerful emperor in the realm of creation. "

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor got up from the ground and glanced at Ning Xiaochuan.

The Silver Horn Demon Emperor was a little worried: "That evil **** is a bit horrible, just a thought is so terrible, if the deity shot. I am afraid that just blowing a breath can make us fly."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "If I guessed right, that evil **** is still trapped in the back of the market and cannot escape for the time being. So, we don't have to worry at all."

The Golden Horned Demon nodded and then said, "What about the evil spirit in our body? Looking at this body now, I feel uncomfortable all over."

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "If you want to purify evil spirits, you have to go to the place where the evil spirits are most abundant, in order to find an antidote."

"Go back to the market?" The voices of the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor were trembling.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "When the **** messenger is resolved, we will go back to the market. The statue of the evil **** is destroyed, the **** messenger must have some sense, and he will definitely come to see the emperor himself. We are here The emperor will wait for her! "

"Yes! When she comes, you must help us recapture the Zijin Red Gourd." The Silver Horned Demon Emperor squeezed his fist tightly.

Ning Xiaochuan asked the silver horned demon and the golden horned demon, "Do you guys know the whereabouts of the green prince and the predecessor?"

Both the Silver Horn Demon King and the Golden Horn Demon King shook their heads and said, "We haven't seen them since they left Fengshen."

Ning Xiaochuan also just asked casually, since they don't know, then forget it.

Next, Ning Xiaochuan continued to cultivate, preparing to practice another way of extinction, the extinct way of bones.

If you want to cultivate into a way of extinction, it won't happen in a short while.

Ning Xiaochuan had just practiced for half an hour, and felt a strong breath, and was quickly approaching the emperor of the Yulan Empire.

"Come!" Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes and looked out of the hall.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor also awakened from the practice, and immediately stood up, full of warfare. Obviously, they hate that **** messenger.


A beautiful blood-red figure emerged from a void crack and landed on top of a broken vermilion hall.

Her head had long blood-red hair, her skin was white, and a pair of pupils exuded blood-red brilliance.

She looked at the broken image of the evil god, and snorted coldly, "Well! Who is it? How dare to blaspheme the great evil god."

"The evil **** of shit!"

The Silver Horned Demon Emperor cursed, and came out of the hall, carrying a tomahawk, and shouted, "Immediately hand over my emperor's purple, gold and red gourd, my emperor can spare you."

The blood-haired woman stared at the Silver Horn Demon fiercely and said, "You are not already a believer in the evil god, how could you wake up?"

"Did you return the purple-gold-red gourd?" The Golden Horned Demon Emperor also exasperated.

The blood-haired woman sneered: "Even if you have recovered your mind? With your cultivation, this messenger can kill you with just a few fingers."

The words fell, and the woman with **** hair pulled a long hair from her head and cut it towards the void.


Space is torn instantly.

A blood-red sharp air wave emanated from the hair.

The faces of the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor changed, and at this moment, they discovered that the blood-haired woman was so powerful that they could not handle it at all.

Just when that long hair was cut in front of the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn.


Ning Xiaochuan uttered a word in his mouth, sent out a sound wave, and sent that blood color to Zhenchuan.

Hearing that word, the body of the blood-haired woman shuddered and almost fell from above the hall.

There was a hint of shock on her face, and she said, "Who?"

Ning Xiaochuan stepped out of the gate, glanced at the blood-haired woman, and said, "You are the messenger of hell?"

Bloody woman said: "Yes."

Ning Xiaochuan felt the evil power from Guixu in the blood-haired woman. Is there some kind of soul living in Guixu?

In order to understand the doubts in happiness, Ning Xiaochuan asked again: "Are you from Guihui?"

This time, the blood-haired woman did not answer Ning Xiaochuan, and said coldly, "Why should I tell you?"

"Okay! In this case, I can only suppress you first, and then slowly ask you." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The cultivation of the blood-haired woman is comparable to the most important master of the realm of creation. In the world of Dayan, she is already a top power.

Of course, in front of Ning Xiaochuan, her point of revision is far from enough.

The blood-haired woman also knew that she was not Ning Xiaochuan's opponent, so she immediately opened the void door and wanted to escape.

In the middle of the air, there was a crack in the space more than ten meters long. Seeing the blood-haired woman was about to escape into the crack in the space.

Ning Xiaochuan stretched out an arm, and the vast force of creation immediately condensed a large hand that was several kilometers long, five huge white light fingers, and captured the body of the woman with blood in her hair.


Ning Xiaochuan retracted his palm.

The woman with **** hair appeared in the palm of his hand.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor widened their eyes, and saw that the body of the blood-haired woman had become the size of a rice grain, and she could not escape the palm of Ning Xiaochuan at all.

"This is the power to create the realm of existence? It's incredible, if only I could have such power!" The Silver Horn Demon Emperor was very envious.

Naturally, they did not know that Ning Xiaochuan used the power of space, and his palms could hold the heaven and earth, even if it was a big mountain, it would become as big as a grain of dust in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan.

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