Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1061: Donghuang Jing

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The Golden Horned Demon nodded his head and said, "Even the gods have fallen to Guihui, and there is a lot of evil in it."

Silver Horn Demon King said, "What shall we do now? Would you like to pass the news to heaven?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head gently and said, "It is not necessary for us to spread the news. The gods in the heavenly court must know more about Gui Hui than we do. Moreover, we guarantee that they must already know the North / Xinjiang thing! "

"If I guessed correctly, the reason why Bei / Jinjiang will become evil soil is definitely because the people in the Donghuang Department opened a gap in the ancient seal and leaked the evil spirit in Guihui."

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor widened his eyes and said, "Just a small amount of evil gas escapes, and the entire North / Xinjiang will be turned into evil soil. If the ancient seal was completely broken, would n’t it be necessary for the entire Dayan world? Become evil? "

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes sank. If the entire world of Da Yan became evil, wouldn't all the creatures of Da Yan also become evil?

Xiner, grandpa, Yuqian ... How many of them can resist evil?

"We have to go back to the market." Ning Xiaochuan's eyes became firmer and stronger.

In any case, he will never allow his relatives and friends to turn into evils and monsters.

"You are crazy! The return to the ruins is so dangerous that even the next **** may go down, just rely on us to stop those evil people from escaping from the return?" The Silver Horn Demon Emperor shook his head vigorously.

The Golden Horned Demon stared at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Brother Ning, in front of the situation, it is helpless to be a sub-god. The things in Guihui are not something we can control, even those sub-gods in the heavenly courts. No. Why do we need to die? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Of course I know that I have a few pounds or two, and I don't want to stop them from breaking the seal of returning to the market. I just want to enter the market and find medicine to restrain evil spirits. It is not just to heal you. If I am in the future, Relatives and friends around me have also been eroded by evil spirits and turned into evil spirits. By that time, I can also heal them. "

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor looked at their looks, and they were also very worried, because Ning Xiaochuan only temporarily protected their minds and did not clear the evil spirits from their bodies.

If the evil spirit counterattacks, they will become a horrible evil again.

"Okay! Let's go to the market together, we must find a medicine to relieve the evil spirit." Said the Golden Horned Demon Emperor.

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "To return to the market, we must catch another **** ambassador. It would be best if we could catch an evil lord."

The Silver Horn Demon Emperor was puzzled and said, "What's the use of catching it?"

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes narrowed and he said, "We just know some places around the Guixu market, and we can say nothing about the depths of the Guixu market. If we can learn more about the Gui from the mouths of the **** messengers The matter of the market is naturally more helpful to us. If you can get a map of the depths of the market, it would be best. "

Ning Xiaochuan thought about it, still felt that he should capture an evil lord.

An evil lord knows more than a **** messenger.

Ning Xiaochuan, the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor returned to their former places of punishment.

The divine punishment just left a huge pit on the ground.

That **** ambassador was naturally wiped out by God's punishment.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor found the purple and red gourd at the bottom of the big pit, and immediately wept with joy and laughed.

The Silver Horn Demon Emperor found a bone whip under a boulder. The femoral whip had strong divine power on it, and it was as heavy as a mountain. Each section of bone was like a jade, crystal clear, and the light was burning.

Obviously, this bone whip is the war soldier of the **** messenger.

Although the **** messenger was sent to death by the gods, the soldiers kept it.

"This is ... This is a whip made from a whole god's spine bone, God! This is going to be sent! The whip is in hand, who can not fight the emperor?" Silver Horned Demon The Emperor's self-confidence burst into bursts of laughter.

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the edge of the big pit, watching the golden horned demon emperor and silver horned demon emperor laughing at the bottom of the big pit, hands on hips, sighed, "It is indeed a brother, even the gesture of laughter is exactly the same . "


Ning Xiaochuan cast aside a layer of dirt and picked up a blood-red bead.

This bead, which looks the size of a fist, weighs a thousand pounds.

Ning Xiaochuan injected the power of nature into blood beads, and the surface of the blood beads immediately appeared dense text, which turned out to be a practice method.

"Donghuang Jing"!

The "Donghuang Scripture" is the nerve cultivated by the twelve wings of the Donghuang evil god, and it is also the most powerful scripture of the Donghuang Ministry.

According to the introduction above, as long as the first layer of the "Donghuang Scriptures" is successfully cultivated, a pair of evil wings will grow on the back, and the cultivation will directly reach the first place of creation.

The second layer of the "Donghuang Scripture" has been successfully cultivated, and a second pair of evil wings can be grown.

If the "Donghuang Scripture" is cultivated to the third level, a third pair of evil wings can be grown and cultivated to directly reach the second divine realm.

It is said that the Twelve Wings of the Donghuang Evil God has practiced the "Donghuang Scripture" to the sixth floor, and has grown six pairs of wings, for a total of twelve wings.

On the blood beads, only the first three layers of practice in the "Donghuang Scripture" are recorded.

Ning Xiaochuan can feel the profoundness and profoundness of the "Donghuang Scripture", which is even more powerful than the "Zixia Scripture" created by Zijin Emperor.

Although Ning Xiaochuan is practicing the Book of Destruction and the Book of Heaven and Earth, this does not prevent him from comprehending the Donghuang Jing.

Which of the old guys who have become sub-gods is not an expansive group of books. They have learned about each martial arts classics, captured the essence of the martial arts, and finally cultivated into sub-gods.

Relatively speaking, Ning Xiaochuan is reading too little Wujing, and his understanding of martial arts is far less than those who have lived for thousands of years.

When Ning Xiaochuan was enlightened in the "Donghuang Scripture", suddenly, that blood trembled.

The ghost of a man with blood on his face emerged from the blood beads, suspended in the void, and said, "Ten hellbringers listen to the orders, and before dark, they rushed to the sea to see Benjun."

After saying this, the ghost of the blood-haired man disappeared.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the blooddrop with a smile on his face. "It turns out that the blooddrop is not only a record of the" Donghuang Scriptures ", but also a link between the Tianshu evil monarch and the ten **** messengers. This is very good, just right Go for a while and see how high his ability is? "

Ning Xiaochuan gathered up the blood beads, and then called the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn, saying: "Go! Follow me to the Cang Erhai!"

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