Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1062: Things are wrong

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The Canghai Lake is not really a sea, but a huge inland lake located in the hinterland of North / Xinjiang. The area of ​​the lake area is quite wide, which is dozens of times larger than the territory of the Yulan Empire.

It is no exaggeration to call it the sea.

The Cangdang waters are well-known among the peoples of the North / Xinjiang, because the dominator of the Cangdang waters is one of the holy soil of the North / Xinjiang peoples, a family of ghosts.

Of course, after the awakening of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, the human civilization on the territories of the ghost-raising family was almost completely killed, and the descendants of the ghost-raising family could only escape to Middle-earth.

Later, the Middle-earth world was again captured by the demon world. The remaining forces of the ghost-raising world could only escape to heaven. Now how many people are still alive?

A sacred earth is considered to be completely lost.

When Ning Xiaochuan came to the Cangdang waters and looked at the relics of the former human civilization, he could only sigh in his heart, "things are different from people, and the sea is vicissitudes."

How strong the former sacred soils of northern / Xinjiang, Tiandi Mountain, the bright sacred soil, the family of raising ghosts, Jiutian Pavilion ..., geniuses have emerged, and people have gone everywhere.

How many people are alive now?

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help thinking of Tang Shuyao, Baozhu Jizo, Saint of Light, God of Light, and Nie Lanxin and Nie Lanzhi. Are they still alive?

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were frozen and he looked towards the sea, only to see a huge statue in the middle of the vast sea.

That idol has a human body, with electric lines engraved on his brows, and twelve evil wings on his back.

Idol of the Twelve Wing Donghuang Evil God!

This statue is even taller than that of the Yulan Empire. It stands like a stone mountain standing in the sea, giving the world a proud look.

A faint divine power emanates from the idol, affecting the surrounding space.

Above the idol, the clouds converge to form a dark sky, with no stars or moons visible at all.

"This idol is so horrible. I feel that the power emanating from the idol is suppressing my power invisibly. Brother Ning, otherwise we should not go to see that Tianshu evil lord!" The Silver Horned Demon stared at the one Idol, the heart is shaking.

Ning Xiaochuan thought for a while and said, "Your brothers Xiu Wei is really too weak compared to those **** messengers. In that case, you stay here, I will be alone to chop them."

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor were also very knowledgeable, knowing that their cultivation was too weak, so they did not go together.

When he came to the Cangyu waters, Ning Xiaochuan sensed a few tyrannical breaths, which must be the Tianshu evil monarch and the **** messengers.

"There are ten Hell Messengers under the seat of the Celestial Evil Monarch, Rossis was killed by the **** punishment, and there are still nine. I wonder if the nine Hell Messengers are here?"

When Ning Xiaochuan's heart was thinking, suddenly, a huge breath flew towards him.

The moment before, thousands of miles away, the next moment, Ning Xiaochuan saw a dark cloud coming from all directions. In the clouds, there were harsh bird calls.

Ning Xiaochuan looked intently, and saw thousands of bone birds flying out of the dark cloud. Some bone birds are only the size of a palm, and some bone birds are hundreds of meters long.

The eyes of each bone bird are blood red, with sharp claws and sharp mouths. Tens of thousands of bone birds surrounded Ning Xiaochuan and instantly drowned Ning Xiaochuan's body.


Among the black-bone birds, a crimson fire was emitted, shattering all tens of thousands of bone birds into powder, and under the burning of flames, they turned into a plume of green smoke.

Ning Xiaochuan flew from the bone birds, propped up a spherical body cover, hanged in the void, and pointed a finger in a certain direction in the void.


A sword qi flew from the fingertips of Ning Xiaochuan, shaking in emptiness, forcing an old man in black robes out of the clouds.

The old man was covered under the black robe, his body was stupid, standing on the back of a bone bird, and holding a dead wood crutch in his hand.

On his back, there are a pair of black evil wings!

"Ahem! Human kid, did not expect your cultivation to be so powerful that you have reached the level of creation?" The voice of the old man in the black robe was very hoarse, with a gloomy atmosphere.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the sea of ​​bone birds and seemed very calm, and said, "Are you the **** messenger under the Celestial Sinister seat?"

"I'm the third **** messenger under the throne of the Celestial Emperor, A poor Wulie."

The old man in the black robe raised his head slightly, his eyes narrowed, and he stared deeply at Ning Xiaochuan, and said hoarsely: "I smelled Rossie's breath on your body, has she been killed by you?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "She was killed by the punishment sent by the twelve-wing Donghuang evil god."

"Huh! It's even more dead than even revealing the name of the Lord Evil God," said the poor man in a black robe coldly.

A strong cold emanated from his body.

Ning Xiaochuan can clearly feel that the cultivation of this **** ambassador named A poor Wulie is significantly higher than Rossis, and he should have reached the third level of the realm.

"You have to die too!"

A Qiong Wulie's breath became more intense, and a thick black mist burst out of his body, rushing towards Ning Xiaochuan.

In the dark mist, a huge cyan skull was wrapped in a sculpted form with a wicked spirit.

The cyan skull is more than one hundred meters high, and each tooth is much larger than Ning Xiaochuan's body. It opened a big mouth and swallowed Ning Xiaochuan and the body shield into his belly.

There was a smile on the old man's face, and he was about to recall the blue skull.


The cyan skull shattered from the inside out, and a demon sword spirit was chopped out of the skull and hacked at the old man in the black robe.

The old man in the black robe changed his face, and immediately held up the dead wood cane in his hand, turning it into a dead tree, growing thousands of hard iron-like branches, and protecting him behind.

How sharp Ning Xiaochuan's sword was. With the momentum of destroying the rottenness, it was easy to smash the heavenly dead wood supported by the old man in black robes and turn it into pieces of wood chips.


The old man in the black robe burst his hands and turned into two mists of blood. Even his body was almost torn apart. Fortunately, there seemed to be some secret treasure on his body, and he was forced to re-integrate the body that was about to fragment.


The old man in black robe stared at Ning Xiaochuan with a horrified look, and yelled, "The cultivation of this son is at least the level of the monarch. You don't show up immediately and join me to pull him down."

The voice of the old man in the black robe fell, and after a moment, four other figures flew from the depths of the sea, surrounding Ning Xiaochuan.

The four figures all had blood-red long hair and a pair of black wings on their backs.

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