Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1069: Lost Demon King

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The sword of annihilation, cut out with one sword, and instantly defeated six killing magic.


The Heavenly Demon Emperor was wounded by Jian Qi and spilled the blood of God.

Her face changed, she hurried back, and retreated far away, staring in shock at the World Extermination Sword. She found that she still underestimated the power of the World Extermination Sword.

In front of the World Extermination Sword, any divine magic, any magic weapon can not be completely blocked, and it will be broken instantly.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor felt the divine power in his body and was losing rapidly. If the sword just cut deeper, she might fall here.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I didn't expect you to have grown so strong, the emperor looked down on you. The emperor returned to the second state, and will definitely come back to you."

The Heavenly Demon Emperor broke through the void and disappeared into the sky.

Ning Xiaochuan did not control the undead sub-god to catch up. If the Heavenly Demon Emperor was to flee, he could not keep her anyway.

"With the strength of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, it will soon be restored to the second god. At that time, it will not be easy to want to fight her back."

There is a strong sense of urgency in Ning Xiaochuan's heart, and he must promote his cultivation as soon as possible. Only by being truly strong can we cope with the next danger.

Ning Xiaochuan withdrew the extinct sword in the hands of the undead sub-god, and banned it into the mysterious book.

Then he took the undead sub-god and flew towards the sky.

It didn't take long for Ning Xiaochuan to find the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn.

"Brother Ning, are you still alive?" The Silver Horned Emperor looked inconceivable and said: "We heard the whistling sound of the sub-god before, and we thought you had ..."

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "Do you think I died in the hands of the second god?"

The Golden Horn Demon asked curiously, "How did you escape?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Why should I escape? Couldn't the second **** escape?"

The Silver Horn Demon Emperor and the Golden Horn Demon Emperor both laughed and felt that Ning Xiaochuan was joking. The sub-god is a god-level existence, surpassing all beings, even if a monk who creates a realm is no matter how strong, it is impossible to defeat the sub-god.

The Silver Horned Demon King saw the undead sub-god behind Ning Xiaochuan, so he immediately walked over and looked closely at the undead sub-god, and found that the undead sub-god was stiff and motionless.

So he squeezed his hand on the undead sub-god, and asked, "Ning Xiaochuan, where did you collect the followers? I feel the breath on him seems very fierce, making people feel an inexplicable fear."

The body of the undead is wearing a shroud, and the breath of the gods is completely suppressed in the shroud, looking like an ordinary person.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor naturally did not feel the spirit of the undead sub-god, but only felt the unavoidable pressure from his body, which made the two demon emperors a little scared.

The golden horned demon emperor's eyes narrowed and said, "That should not be a living person!"

"What? Not a living person?" The Silver Horn Demon Emperor was slightly surprised.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and said, "It's really not a living person, but a corpse."

"God ... the corpse?"

The Silver Horn Demon Emperor then stepped back and said, "Brother Ning, don't scare me. Whoever dares to move the bones of the gods will be punished by God."

Ning Xiaochuan has a World Extermination Sword, and he is not afraid of divine punishment at all. He laughs: "It is really a corpse. The **** whistling you heard before is the whistling of it."

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor saw that Ning Xiaochuan really did not seem to be joking, and finally believed.

The golden horned demon emperor's heart moved, and said, "The former master of the vicissitudes of the sea is the family of ghosts. The ancestor of the family of ghosts is a sub-god. Is this **** corpse the legendary sub-god?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

The Silver Horn Demon Emperor was excited, and said, "Brother Ning, you have made the undead sub-god to make a body of war god?"

"Yes! However, to be precise, the undead sub-god was made into a **** war corpse by the Tianshu evil monarch. After I killed the Tianshu evil monarch, it naturally became the master of the **** war dead." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor are envious, controlling a **** war corpse, it is too much wind, the world is so big, where can't we go?

Of course, they also know that their cultivation is too weak, even if they get a **** war corpse, they can't control it. Hard work is the key.

"I remember that there are several places in the North / Jiangsu where God's bones are buried. Why don't we dig a few more corpses and make them into war corpses?" Silver Horn Demon King Road.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart also moved slightly, but she immediately shook her head and said, "I have a very powerful old enemy chasing and killing me. Just now I used the sword of extinction, she must have felt my breath and said no It will surely follow soon. We must now go back to the market. As long as we enter the market, the power of the market will naturally cover our breath. "

The Golden Horned Demon nodded his head and said: "Now we have a **** war corpse. Even if they enter the Guixu, they have at least the power to protect themselves. Besides, there are many ancient sub-gods buried in the Guixu, maybe they can be dug out. Several corpses. "

Ning Xiaochuan took out eight forged blood dandelions and gave them to the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor respectively, saying: "This is the forged Blood Dan made from the blood of eight evil spirits. All of them contain huge powers. Your body has undergone an evil transformation and you can just take them to improve your cultivation. "

"The blood of the creatures, the blood pill of refining." Both the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor were inexplicably excited and ecstatic.

Even if it is only a forged blood dan, it is also a priceless treasure.

Ning Xiaochuan reminded: "You are now the fifth most important person in Wangujing. When you are refining the first forged blood dandelion, you cannot swallow it directly. If you swallow it directly, even if it is the first to use forged land The blood scent created by the evil spirit's blood will also burst their bodies. "

The Silver Horned Demon Emperor was already preparing to take four of the Fortune Blood Dans at the same time. When he heard Ning Xiaochuan's words, his face changed. He immediately put the four Fortune Blood Dans back into his hands and asked, "How do we refine Good blood Dan? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Take out the weakest one of the forged Blood Dan, put it in your mouth, don't swallow it, so as to absorb the power of Blood Dan. Wait until your cultivation reaches the ninth weight of Wangu Realm, You can almost take the power of the blood scent, and you can take it directly. "

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor followed Ning Xiaochuan's instructions and selected one of the weakest fortune blood lilacs to hold in their mouths and begin to absorb and refine.

Finally, Ning Xiaochuan took out two more blood beads and handed them one to the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn, saying: "The blood beads record the first three layers of the" Donghuang Jing "practice method. You can Try to cultivate. "

Half a day later, Ning Xiaochuan, the Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor came outside the Guixu and once again entered this extremely dangerous and ancient forbidden area.

Compared to the last time, this time when I came to Guixu, the evil spirit in Guixu became stronger, giving people an uneasiness from the unknown.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the boundless land and the depths of Guihui, and planned to see Sui Hanyu first. With his current practice, he may be able to help Sui Hanyu break the seal.

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